User:Jorge Stolfi/make-hash-table-figure

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  1. ! /usr/bin/python -t
  2. _*_ coding: iso-8859-1 _*_
  3. Last edited on 2009-04-12 18:29:53 by stolfilocal

PROG_NAME = "make-hash-table-figure" PROG_DESC = "Generates an SVG illustration for the Wikipedia hash table article" PROG_VERS = "1.0"

import sys import re import os sys.path[1:0] = [ sys.path[0] + '/../lib', os.path.expandvars('${STOLFIHOME}/lib'), '.' ] import argparser; from argparser import ArgParser

from decimal import * from datetime import date

PROG_COPYRIGHT = "Copyright © 2009-04-04 by the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP)"


 PROG_NAME+ " \\\n" \
 "    -back {BOOL} \\\n" \
 "    -funcbox {BOOL} \\\n" \
 "    -sparse {BOOL} \\\n" \
 "    -keys {BOOL} \\\n" \
 "    -values {BOOL} \\\n" \
 "    -collisions {BOOL} \\\n" \
 "    -links {BOOL} \\\n" \
 "    -overflow { \"SP\" | \"LL\" } \\\n" \
 +argparser.help_info_HELP+ " \\\n" \
 "    > {FIGURE}.svg"


 "NAME\n" \
 "  " +PROG_NAME+ " - " +PROG_DESC+  ".\n" \
 "\n" \
 "  " +PROG_HELP+ "\n" \
 "\n" \
 "  Writes an SVG illustration for the Wikipedia article on hash tables.\n" \
 "\n" \
 "OPTIONS\n" \
 "  -back {BOOL} \n" \
 "    If {BOOL} is 1, paints the background with a nonwhite color. If {BOOL} is 0," \
 " leaves it transparent. This option is meant to debug the image size.\n" \
 "\n" \
 "  -nkeys {INT} \n" \
 "    Number of keys to show in the key column.  Only some values" \
 " are implemented (currently 3 and 5).\n" \
 "\n" \
 "  -funcbox {BOOL} \n" \
 "    If {BOOL} is 1, there will be a box labeled \"hash function\" behind the hash arrows.\n" \
 "\n" \
 "  -sparse {BOOL} \n" \
 "    If {BOOL} is 1, the table will have a largish range with many vacant" \
 " slots. If {BOOL} is 0, it will be compact, with no vacant slots.\n" \
 "\n" \
 "  -collisions {BOOL} \n" \
 "    If {BOOL} is 0, there will be no collisions.  If {BOOL} is 1, there will" \
 " be at least one collision.\n" \
 "\n" \
 "  -keys {BOOL} \n" \
 "    If {BOOL} is 1, every stored entry record contains a copy of the key.\n" \
 "\n" \
 "  -values {BOOL} \n" \
 "    If {BOOL} is 1, every stored entry record has a non-empty value field.\n" \
 "\n" \
 "  -links {BOOL} \n" \
 "    If {BOOL} is 1, the buckets are only links to separate entry" \
 " records; in that case, if neither keys nor values are stored," \
 " there is no overflow column and the buckets only record" \
 " presence/absence.  If {BOOL} is 0, the buckets themselves" \
 " are entries; in that case, if neither keys nor values are" \
 " stored, there are no bucket boxes, there is no overflow" \
 " area, and collisions are not handled.\n" \
 "\n" \
 "  -overflow { \"SP\" | \"LL\" } \n" \
 "    Specifies how collisions are resolved:\n" \
 "       \"SP\" -- sequential probing.\n" \
 "       \"LL\" -- linear linked lists.  The buckets may or may not be" \
 " If there are collisions, every record contains a link field.\n" \
 "\n" \
 +argparser.help_info_INFO+ "\n" \
 "\n" \
 "SEE ALSO\n" \
 "  cat(1).\n" \
 "\n" \
 "AUTHOR\n" \
 "  Created 2009-04-04 by Jorge Stolfi, IC-UNICAMP.\n" \
 "\n" \
 "  2009-04-04 by J. Stolfi, IC-UNICAMP: created.\n" \
 "\n" \
 "  " +argparser.help_info_NO_WARRANTY+ "\n" \
 "\n" \
 "RIGHTS\n" \
 "  " +PROG_COPYRIGHT+ ".\n" \
 "\n" \
 "  " +argparser.help_info_STANDARD_RIGHTS

pp = ArgParser(sys.argv, sys.stderr, PROG_HELP, PROG_INFO)

class Options :

 back = None;
 nkeys = None;
 funcbox = None;
 sparse = None;
 keys = None;
 values = None;
 collisions = None;
 links = None;
 overflow = None;
 err = None;

def arg_error(msg):

 "Prints the error message {msg} about the command line arguments, and aborts."
 sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % msg);
 sys.stderr.write("usage: %s\n" % PROG_HELP);

def parse_args(pp) :

 "Parses command line arguments.\n" \
 "\n" \
 "  Expects an {ArgParser} instance {pp} containing the arguments," \
 " still unparsed.  Returns an {Options} instance {op}, where" \
 " {op.err} is an error message, if any (a string) or {None}."
 op = Options();

 # Being optimistic:
 op.err = None
 op.back = pp.get_next_int(0, 1)
 op.nkeys = pp.get_next_int(3, 5)
 op.funcbox = pp.get_next_int(0, 1)
 op.sparse = pp.get_next_int(0, 1)
 op.keys = pp.get_next_int(0, 1)
 op.values = pp.get_next_int(0, 1)
 op.collisions = pp.get_next_int(0, 1)
 op.links = pp.get_next_int(0, 1)
 op.overflow = pp.get_next()
 return op

def dts(x) :

 "Converts the decimal number {x} to string."
 return ("%r" % x)

class HashTable :

 "Describes the contents of a hash table.\n" \
 "\n" \
 "  Fields are:\n"
 "    {tb.nkeys} = number of VISIBLE key boxes in \"keys\" column.\n" \
 "    {tb.nbucs} = number of VISIBLE hash/bucket boxes in bucket array, including \":\" entries.\n" \
 "    {tb.novfs} = number of VISIBLE entry boxes in \"overflow\" column.\n" \
 "\n" \
 "    {tb.key_str[0..nkeys-1]} = the strings to show in each visible key box.\n" \
 "    {tb.val_str[0..nkeys-1]} = the corresponding values.\n" \
 "    {tb.key_sty[0..nkeys-1]} = the style of each key box (\'N\', \'C\').\n" \
 "    {tb.key_hsh[0..nkeys-1]} = (int) the hash value of each key.\n" \
 "    {tb.key_bix[0..nkeys-1]} = (int) the index of each key\'s bucket among the VISIBLE bucket entries.\n" \
 "\n" \
 "    {tb.buc_hsh[0..nbucs-1]} = (int) the hash (index) of each VISIBLE bucket, or -1 if none.\n" \
 "    {tb.buc_kix[0..nbucs-1]} = (int) the index of a key associated to the bucket, or -1 if vacant.\n" \
 "    {tb.buc_hsh_sty[0..nbucs-1]} = the style of each hash box (\'N\', \'U\', \'C\') or \':\' for a vdots box.\n" \
 "    {tb.buc_oix[0..nbucs-1]} = (int) the index of the ovflow entry box which the bucket points to, or -1 if none.\n" \
 "\n" \
 "    {tb.buc_has_key} = (bool) 1 iff buckets have keys.\n" \
 "    {tb.buc_has_val} = (bool) 1 iff buckets have values.\n" \
 "    {tb.buc_has_ptr} = (bool) 1 iff buckets have pointers.\n" \
 "    {tb.has_buc_box} = (bool) 1 iff bucket column has bucket boxes, 0 iff has only the hashes.\n" \
 "\n" \
 "    {tb.ovf_kix[0..novfs-1]} = (int) the index of the key which is stored in each overflow entry, or -1 if vacant.\n" \
 "\n" \
 "    {tb.ovf_has_key} = (bool) 1 iff overflow entries have keys.\n" \
 "    {tb.ovf_has_val} = (bool) 1 iff overflow entries have values.\n" \
 "    {tb.ovf_has_ptr} = (bool) 1 iff overflow entries have pointers.\n" \
 "\n" \
 "  For \'SP\' type tables, {tb.buc_kix[j]} is the index of the key which is" \
 " actualy stored in the bucket, which may or may not hash into it.  For" \
 " all other table types, {tb.buc_kix[j]} is one of the entries that hashed into that" \
 " bucket.  The meaning of {tb.buc_kix[j]} is independent of whether the bucket elements" \
 " are actual entries or just links or."
 def __init__(tb, op) :
   assert(op.nkeys >= 3)
   assert(op.nkeys <= 5)
   # Decide what goes into the buckets:
   tb.buc_has_key = op.keys and (not op.links)
   tb.buc_has_val = op.values and (not op.links)
   if op.collisions :
     if op.keys :
       # Figure showing a dynamic set or dynamic table with collisions:
       tb.buc_has_ptr = op.links or (op.overflow == 'LL')
     else :
       # Figure makes no sense as a table or set.
       # It must show a hash function with collisions:
       assert(not op.values)
       assert(not op.links)
       tb.buc_has_ptr = 0
   else :
      if op.keys or op.values or op.links :
        # Figure shows a collision-less table or dynamic set:
        tb.buc_has_ptr = op.links
      else :
        # Figure shows a collision-less hash function:
        tb.buc_has_ptr = 0
   tb.has_buc_box = tb.buc_has_key or tb.buc_has_val or tb.buc_has_ptr
   # Decide what goes into the overflow records:
   if tb.novfs == 0 :
     # There is no overfow block:
     tb.ovf_has_key = 0
     tb.ovf_has_val = 0
     tb.ovf_has_ptr = 0
   else :  
     assert(op.links or (op.collisions and (op.overflow != 'SP')))
     tb.ovf_has_key = op.keys
     tb.ovf_has_val = op.values
     tb.ovf_has_ptr = op.collisions and (op.overflow == 'LL')
 def choose_keys_and_hashes(tb, op) :
   "Chooses the keys and their hashes, as requested in {op}.\n" \
   "\n" \
   "  Sets {tb.nkeys} to {op.nkeys}, and fills the arrays that describe the" \
   " keys column, namely {tb.key_str[i]}, {tb.key_val[i]}, and" \
   " {tb.key_hsh[i]} for {i} in {0..tb.nkeys-1}.\n"
   sys.stderr.write("entering {choose_keys_and_hashes}\n")
   # Fill {tb.key_str,tb.key_val} with 5 keys:
   tb.key_str = [ 'John Smith', 'Lisa Smith', 'Sam Doe',  'Sandra Dee', 'Ted Baker' ]
   tb.val_str = [ '521-1234',   '521-8976',   '521-5030', '521-9655',   '418-4165'  ]
   tb.nkeys = len(tb.key_str)
   # Choose the max hash value {tb.max_hsh}:
   if op.sparse :
     if op.nkeys <= 4 :
       tb.max_hsh = 15
       tb.max_hsh = 255
   else :
     if op.collisions :
       tb.max_hsh = int(tb.nkeys - 2)
     else :
       tb.max_hsh = int(tb.nkeys - 1)
   # Hashes of the keys and their positions:
   if tb.max_hsh <= op.nkeys :
     tb.key_hsh = [ 1, 0, 4, 3, 2 ]
   elif tb.max_hsh == 15 : 
     tb.key_hsh = [ 02, 01, 04, 14, 03 ]
   else :
     tb.key_hsh = [ 152, 001, 254, 154, 153 ]
   if op.collisions :
     # Make "Sandra Dee" collide with "John Smith":
     tb.key_hsh[3] = tb.key_hsh[0]
   # Eliminate excess keys:
   if op.nkeys <= 4 :
     # Delete "Ted Baker":
     tb.exclude_candidate_key(op, 4)
   if op.nkeys <= 3 :
     # Delete "Sam Doe":
     tb.exclude_candidate_key(op, 2)
   sys.stderr.write("tb.key_str = %r\n" % tb.key_str)
   sys.stderr.write("tb.val_str = %r\n" % tb.val_str)
   sys.stderr.write("tb.key_hsh = %r\n" % tb.key_hsh)
   sys.stderr.write("tb.max_hsh = %r\n" % tb.max_hsh)
   assert(tb.nkeys == op.nkeys)
 def exclude_candidate_key(tb, op, k) :
   "Excludes a key from the key tables.\n" \
   "\n" \
   "  Excludes key number {k} from {tb.key_str[],tb.val_str[],tb.key_hsh[]}.  If {op.sparse}" \
   " is false, adjusts {tb.key_hsh[]} so that it remains surjective after the deletion."
   h = tb.key_hsh[k]
   tb.key_str[k:k+1] = []
   tb.val_str[k:k+1] = []
   tb.key_hsh[k:k+1] = []
   tb.nkeys = tb.nkeys - 1
   if op.sparse : return
   for i in range(tb.nkeys) :
     if tb.key_hsh[i] == h :
       # Some other key maps to the hash {h}, so no adjustment is needed.
   # Eliminate {h} from the hash function's range:
   for i in range(tb.nkeys) :
     if tb.key_hsh[i] > h :
       tb.key_hsh[i] = tb.key_hsh[i] - 1
   tb.max_hsh = tb.max_hsh - 1
 def choose_and_assign_buckets(tb, op) :
   "Chooses which hashes and buckets to show, and assigns them to the keys.\n" \
   "\n" \
   "  Defines {tb.nbucs}, the number of slots to show in the hash/bucket" \
   " column (including the \"vdots\" slots).  Sets {tb.buc_hsh[j]} to the" \
   " hash value to be shown for the slot (or -1 for \"vdots\")\n" \
   "\n" \
   "  Simulates the hash table algorithm for the key" \
   " hashes {tb.key_hsh[0..tb.nkeys-1]}.\n" \
   "\n" \
   "  For each key index {i}, sets {tb.key_bix[i]} to the index of the bucket where the" \
   " key hashes to, and {tb.key.sty[i]} to the style to use for the key ('N' or 'C').\n" \
   "\n" \
   "  For each bucket index {j}, sets {tb.buc_kix[j]} to the index of the key" \
   " that is stored in the bucket (if any).  Also sets {tb.buc_hsh_sty[j]} to" \
   " the style to use for the bucket ('U', 'C', 'N', or ':').\n" \
   "\n" \
   "  The indices {j} are indices into the bucket-related arrays, such" \
   " as {tb.buc_hsh[]}, which are a compressed subset of the actual table buckets."
   sys.stderr.write("entering {choose_and_assign_buckets}\n")
   # Initially assume that all buckets are visible:
   tb.buc_hsh = []
   tb.nbucs = tb.max_hsh + 1
   for h in range(tb.nbucs) :
     tb.buc_hsh[h:h] = [ h ]
   # Initialize {tb.key_bix[i],tb.key.sty[i],tb.buc_kix[j],tb.buc_hsh_sty[j]} with all nulls:
   tb.key_sty =     [ 'N' ]*tb.nkeys
   tb.key_bix =     [ -1  ]*tb.nkeys
   tb.buc_kix =     [ -1  ]*tb.nbucs
   tb.buc_hsh_sty = [ 'U' ]*tb.nbucs

   # Assign buckets to keys:
   for i in range(tb.nkeys) :
   # Set {bvs[h]} to 1 iff bucket {h} of the table is to be shown:
   bvs = [ 0 ] * (tb.max_hsh + 1) # Initially all invisible.
   for h in range(tb.nbucs) :
     i = tb.buc_kix[h]
     if i >= 0 :
       # Mark bucket {h} and its two neighbors as visible:
       assert(i < tb.nkeys)
       bvs[h] = 1;
       if h > 0 : bvs[h-1] = 1
       if h < tb.max_hsh : bvs[h+1] = 1
   # The first and last buckets must be shown in any case:
   bvs[0] = 1
   bvs[tb.max_hsh] = 1
   sys.stderr.write("--- before squeezing ---\n")
   sys.stderr.write("tb.key_bix     = %r\n" % tb.key_bix)
   sys.stderr.write("tb.buc_hsh     = %r\n" % tb.buc_hsh)
   sys.stderr.write("tb.buc_hsh_sty = %r\n" % tb.buc_hsh_sty)
   sys.stderr.write("tb.buc_kix     = %r\n" % tb.buc_kix)
   # Now squeeze the bucket column entries, set {tb.buc_hsh_sty}:
   h = 0            # Next hash to consider
   tb.nbucs = 0     # Number of squeezed buckets
   while h <= tb.max_hsh :
     if (h < tb.max_hsh) and bvs[h+1] :
       # No use to omit a single slot:
       bvs[h] = 1
     if bvs[h] :
       # Slot {h} is to be shown:
       sys.stderr.write("relocating slot %d (kix = %d) to slot %d\n" % (h,tb.buc_kix[h],tb.nbucs))
       # Fix all ket-to-buck pointers:
       for i in range(tb.nkeys) :
         if tb.key_bix[i] == h :
           # Relocate the key-to-bucket pointer:
           sys.stderr.write("  key %d was hashed to bucket %d, now %d\n" % (i,tb.key_bix[i],tb.nbucs))
           tb.key_bix[i] = tb.nbucs
       # Relocate bucket {h} to bucket {tb.nbucs}, increment {h}:
       tb.buc_hsh[tb.nbucs] = h
       tb.buc_hsh_sty[tb.nbucs] = tb.buc_hsh_sty[h]
       tb.buc_kix[tb.nbucs] = tb.buc_kix[h]
       h = h + 1
     else :
       # {h} is the start of 2 or more slots that are not relevant:
       # Append -1 to the list, skip all invisible buckets:
       sys.stderr.write("slot %d starts a gap; squeezed to slot %d\n" % (h,tb.nbucs))
       tb.buc_hsh[tb.nbucs] = -1
       tb.buc_hsh_sty[tb.nbucs] = ':'
       tb.buc_kix[tb.nbucs] = -1
       while (h <= tb.max_hsh) and not bvs[h] : h = h + 1
     tb.nbucs = tb.nbucs + 1
   # Truncate the bucket arrays:
   tb.buc_hsh[tb.nbucs:len(tb.buc_hsh)] = []
   tb.buc_kix[tb.nbucs:len(tb.buc_kix)] = []
   tb.buc_hsh_sty[tb.nbucs:len(tb.buc_hsh_sty)] = []
   sys.stderr.write("--- after squeezing ---\n")
   sys.stderr.write("tb.key_bix     = %r\n" % tb.key_bix)
   sys.stderr.write("tb.buc_hsh     = %r\n" % tb.buc_hsh)
   sys.stderr.write("tb.buc_hsh_sty = %r\n" % tb.buc_hsh_sty)
   sys.stderr.write("tb.buc_kix     = %r\n" % tb.buc_kix)
   assert(tb.nbucs == len(tb.buc_hsh))
 def gather_overflow_entries(tb, op) :
   "Gathers the overflow entries of each bucket, and sets bucket-overflow pointers.\n" \
   "\n" \
   "  Sets sets {tb.novfs} to the number of entries to show in the overflow column.\n" \
   "\n" \
   "  For each overflow entry {k}, sets {tb.ovf_kix[k]} to the index of the key" \
   " that is stored in that entry, or -1 if none.  Also sets {tb.ovf.pix[k]} to" \
   " the indes {k'} of the next slot in the bucket's chain, or -1 if none.\n" \
   "\n" \
   "  For each bucket index {j}, sets {tb.buc_oix[j]} to the index of the overflow" \
   " slot where the first entry of that bucket is stored, or -1 if none." \
   " increments"
   tb.buc_oix =     [ -1  ]*tb.nbucs
   tb.novfs = 0
   tb.ovf_kix = [ ]
   tb.ovf_pix = [ ]
   for j in range(tb.nbucs) :
     if tb.buc_hsh[j] == -1 :
       tb.buc_hsh_sty[j] = ':'
 def assign_bucket_to_key(tb,i) :
   "Finds the bucket where key number {i} hashes to and its the hash arrow.\n" \
   "\n" \
   "  Finds the index {bix} of the bucket where key number {i} hashes to.  Sets" \
   " {tb.key_bix[i]} to {bix}.  If no one has hashed or is living there yet, sets" \
   " {tb.buc_kix[bix]} to {i}; otherwise leaves {tb.buc_kix[bix]} unchanged" \
   " and sets the styles of the bucket and of the two keys to 'C'.\n" \
   "\n" \
   "   If the table uses sequential probing and the bucket {bix} is occupied,\n" \
   " finds the next free slot {bsx} and stores the key there, setting {tb.buc_kix[bsx]} to {i}" \
   "\n" \
   " If key {i} has hash -1, returns -1."
   sys.stderr.write("key %d = %s hash = %d\n" % (i, tb.key_str[i], tb.key_hsh[i]))
   if tb.key_hsh[i] == -1 :
     # A hashless key?
     tb.key_sty[i] = 'C';
     tb.key_bix[i] = -1
     sys.stderr.write("  hashless key\n")
   else :
     # Find the index {tb.key_bix[i]} of bucket where this key is hashed into:
     bix = -1
     for j in range(tb.nbucs) :
       if tb.key_hsh[i] == tb.buc_hsh[j] : bix = j
     sys.stderr.write("  hashed to slot %d = %d\n" % (bix, tb.buc_kix[bix]))
     assert (bix != -1) # The hash of every key must be visible.
     assert (tb.buc_hsh[bix] == tb.key_hsh[i]) # Paranoia.
     # Remember the bucket where the key is hashed to:
     tb.key_bix[i] = bix
     # Update the key and bucket styles, then set {bsx} to the
     # index of the bucket where the entry can be stored, or to -1:
     if tb.buc_kix[bix] == -1 :
       # No key has hashed into this bucket yet.
       sys.stderr.write("  first hash to this slot\n")
       tb.buc_kix[bix] = i
       tb.buc_hsh_sty[bix] = 'N'
     else :
       # Some other key was previously hashed to this bucket.
       sys.stderr.write("  hashed slot %d is occupied by key %d = %s\n" % (bix, tb.buc_kix[bix], tb.key_str[tb.buc_kix[bix]]))
       # Flag the collision:
       tb.key_sty[i] = 'C';
       tb.key_sty[tb.buc_kix[bix]] = 'C';
       tb.buc_hsh_sty[bix] = 'C'
       if op.overflow == 'SP' :
         # Must assign the next available bucket to key {i}.
         bsx = (bix + 1) % tb.nbucs
         while (bsx < tb.nbucs) and (bsx != bix) :
           # Try allocating to bucket {bsx}:
           sys.stderr.write("    trying slot %d = %d\n" % (bsx, tb.buc_kix[bsx]))
           assert (tb.buc_hsh[bsx] != -1) # Cannot store into invisible buckets.
           if tb.buc_kix[bsx] == -1 : break
           tb.buc_hsh_sty[bsx] = 'C'
           bsx = (bsx + 1) % tb.nbucs
         assert (bsx != bix)
         tb.buc_kix[bsx] = i
         tb.buc_hsh_sty[bsx] = 'N'
         sys.stderr.write("  finally assigned to slot %d hash = %d\n" % (bsx, tb.buc_hsh[bsx]))
 def gather_bucket_overflow(tb,j) :
   "Allocates the overflow records of bucket {j}.\n" \
   "\n" \
   "  If the table does not store keys nor values, there is no point in" \
   " having a overflow column.\n" \
   "\n" \
   "  For \'LL\' type tables, gathers all keys that hash into bucket {j}" \
   " and allocates records in the overflow column.  If buckets are not" \
   " links, excludes the first of those entries.\n" \
   "\n" \
   "  For \'SP\' type tables, if the buckets are just links, allocates" \
   " the record coresponding to bucket {j} in the overflow" \
   " column.  If buckets are whole entries, does nothing.\n" \
   "\n" \
   "  In any case, sets {tb.buc_oix[j],tb.ovf_kix[k],tb.ovf.pix[k]} and" \
   " increments {tb.novfs} as appropriate."
   # Default case:
   tb.buc_oix[j] = -1
   if tb.buc_kix[j] == -1 : return
   if not (op.keys or op.values) :
     # There is no point in having overflow records:
   if op.overflow == 'SP' :
     if op.links :
       # Make link to single entry:
       tb.buc_oix[j] = tb.alloc_overflow_record(tb.buc_kix[j])
     else :
       # Nothing to gather:
   elif op.overflow == 'LL' :
     # Gather all keys that hash to this bucket:
     for i in range(tb.nkeys) :
       if tb.key_bix[i] == j and (op.links or (tb.buc_kix[j] != i)) :
         # This key should go to overflow:
         eix = tb.alloc_overflow_record(i)
         if (tb.buc_oix[j] == -1) :
           # First overflow of this bucket:
           tb.buc_oix[j] = eix
         else :
           # Append overflow record to previous record:
             tb.ovf_pix[eix-1] = eix
   else :
     assert(0) # Should have caught this when parsing the command args.
 def alloc_overflow_record(tb,i) :
   "Allocates a record for key number {i} in the overflow column.\n" \
   "\n" \
   "  Allocates a record for key number {i} at the next available" \
   " position {k = tb.novfs} in the overflow column.  Sets" \
   " {tb.ovf_kix[k]} to {i}, {tb.ovf_pix[k]} to -1, and" \
   " increments {tb.novfs}.  Returns {k}."
   k = tb.novfs
   tb.novfs = tb.novfs + 1
   tb.ovf_kix[k:k] = [ i ]
   tb.ovf_pix[k:k] = [ -1 ]
   return k

class Dimensions :

 def __init__(dim, op,tb) :
   # All Y positions are relative to the figure minus headers and margins.
   # Number of digits in hash value:
   if tb.max_hsh < 10 :
     dim.hsh_ndg = 1  # Number of digits in hash value.
   elif tb.max_hsh < 100 :
     dim.hsh_ndg = 2  # Number of digits in hash value.
   elif tb.max_hsh < 1000 :
     dim.hsh_ndg = 3  # Number of digits in hash value.
   else :
   # --- Determine widths of main items ---
   # Determine the width of the key, value, and pointer boxes:
   dim.key_box_wx = 90    # X size of key box.
   dim.val_box_wx = 80    # X size of value box.
   dim.ptr_box_wx = 20    # X size of pointer box.
   # Determine the width of the function box:
   if op.funcbox :
     dim.fun_box_wx = 70  # X size of hash function box (if visible).
     dim.fun_box_wx = 30  # X size of hash function box (if invisible).
   # Determine the width of the hashval box:
   dim.hsh_box_wx = 10 + 10*dim.hsh_ndg  # X size of hashval box.
   # Determine the width of the bucket box:
   dim.buc_box_wx = 0
   if tb.buc_has_key :
     dim.buc_box_wx = dim.buc_box_wx + dim.key_box_wx
   if tb.buc_has_val :
     dim.buc_box_wx = dim.buc_box_wx + dim.val_box_wx
   if tb.buc_has_ptr :
     dim.buc_box_wx = dim.buc_box_wx + dim.ptr_box_wx
   assert((tb.has_buc_box == 0) == (dim.buc_box_wx == 0))
   # Determine the width of the overflow entry box:
   dim.ovf_box_wx = 0
   if tb.ovf_has_key :
     dim.ovf_box_wx = dim.ovf_box_wx + dim.key_box_wx
   if tb.ovf_has_val :
     dim.ovf_box_wx = dim.ovf_box_wx + dim.val_box_wx
   if tb.ovf_has_ptr :
     dim.ovf_box_wx = dim.ovf_box_wx + dim.ptr_box_wx
   assert((tb.novfs == 0) == (dim.ovf_box_wx == 0))
   # --- Determine th X spacings between main items ---
   # This should be zero if {dim.buc_box_wx} is zero:
   dim.buc_col_sx = 0   # X spacing between hashes column and buckets column.
   # Padding needed after key box:
   key_pad_x = 10
   # Padding needed around function box:
   if op.funcbox :
     # Need padding for column header:
     fun_pad_x = max(80 - dim.fun_box_wx, 0) / 2
   else :
     # Minimal padding:
     fun_pad_x = 10
   # Padding needed around hash+bucket column (for header):
   hbu_pad_x = max(90 - (dim.hsh_box_wx + dim.buc_col_sx + dim.buc_box_wx), 20)/2
   # Padding needed before overflow column (for header):
   ovf_pad_x = max(90 - (dim.ovf_box_wx), 20)/2
   # X spacing between key boxes and function box:
   dim.fun_col_sx = key_pad_x + fun_pad_x 
   # X spacing between function box and hash box:
   dim.hsh_col_sx = fun_pad_x + hbu_pad_x
   # Choose the X spacing between bucket box and the overflow boxes.
   # This should be zero if {dim.ovf_box_wx} is zero:
   if dim.ovf_box_wx == 0 :
     dim.ovf_col_sx = 0 
   else :
     dim.ovf_col_sx = hbu_pad_x + ovf_pad_x
   # X size of diagram proper (minus margins):
   dim.diag_wx = \
     dim.key_box_wx + \
     dim.fun_col_sx + dim.fun_box_wx + \
     dim.hsh_col_sx + dim.hsh_box_wx + \
     dim.buc_col_sx + dim.buc_box_wx + \
     dim.ovf_col_sx + dim.ovf_box_wx
   # Find padding needed for rightmost column with title:
   if tb.novfs > 0 :
     last_pad_x = ovf_pad_x + 10
   else :
     last_pad_x = hbu_pad_x + 10
   dim.diag_wx = dim.diag_wx + last_pad_x 
   # --- Determine item and column heights and Y spacings ---
   dim.box_wy = 20        # Y size of all text boxes.
   dim.key_col_sy = 20    # Y spacing between boxes in key column.
   # Choose {dim.ovf_col_sy}, the Y spacing between boxes in overflow entry column:
   if tb.novfs < 2 :
     dim.ovf_col_sy = dim.key_col_sy # Not used, but just in case...
   else :
     # Try to use the whole spce available:
     key_tmp_wy =tb.nkeys*(dim.box_wy + dim.key_col_sy)
     buc_tmp_wy =tb.nbucs*dim.box_wy
     tmp_wy =  max(key_tmp_wy, buc_tmp_wy)
     tmp_sy = (tmp_wy - tb.novfs*dim.box_wy)/(tb.novfs + 1)
     if tmp_sy < 10 :
       dim.ovf_col_sy = 10
     else :
       dim.ovf_col_sy = 10*int((tmp_sy + 9)/10)
   # Compute minimum column heights: keys, function, hashes&buckets, overflow:
   key_col_raw_wy = tb.nkeys*dim.box_wy + (tb.nkeys - 1)*dim.key_col_sy
   hsh_col_raw_wy = tb.nbucs*dim.box_wy
   fun_col_raw_wy = max(key_col_raw_wy, hsh_col_raw_wy)
   ovf_col_raw_wy = tb.novfs*dim.box_wy + (tb.novfs - 1)*dim.ovf_col_sy
   dim.fun_box_wy = fun_col_raw_wy  # Y size of function box.
   # Y size of diagram proper (minus margins and column headers):
   dim.diag_wy = max(fun_col_raw_wy, key_col_raw_wy, hsh_col_raw_wy, ovf_col_raw_wy) 
   # Top Y positions (relative to the figure minus headers and margins):
   dim.fun_col_ty = (dim.diag_wy - fun_col_raw_wy)/2  # Y position of function box.
   dim.key_col_ty = (dim.diag_wy - key_col_raw_wy)/2  # Y position of topmost key box.
   dim.hsh_col_ty = (dim.diag_wy - hsh_col_raw_wy)/2  # Y position of first hash value box.
   dim.buc_col_ty = dim.hsh_col_ty     # Y position of first bucket box.
   dim.ovf_col_ty = (dim.diag_wy - ovf_col_raw_wy)/2  # Y position of first overflow entry box.
   # Column header dimensions:
   dim.tit_wy = 20  # Baseline spacing for column headers.
   dim.tit_sy = 10  # Spacing between bottom of headers and top of diagram proper.
   dim.mrg_wx = 10  # X width of figure margin.
   dim.mrg_wy = 10  # Y width of figure margin.
   # Total X and Y size of figure:
   dim.fig_wx = \
     dim.mrg_wx + \
     dim.diag_wx + \
   dim.fig_wy = \
     dim.mrg_wy + \
     2*dim.tit_wy +  dim.tit_sy + \
     dim.diag_wy + \
   # Overall scale (after all dimensions):
   dim.scale = 1.0

def output_figure(op) :

 "Writes the figure to {stdout}."
 "\n" \
 "  Expects an {Options} instance {op}."
 # Create the table:
 tb = HashTable(op)
 # Computes the sizes of things:
 dim = Dimensions(op,tb)

def output_figure_preamble(op,tb,dim) :

 "Writes the SVG preamble to {stdout}."
 sys.stdout.write( \
   '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>\n' \
   '<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">\n' \
   '\n' \
   '\n' \
   '<svg\n' \
   '  xmlns=""\n' \
   '  xmlns:xlink=""\n' \
   '  width="'+ dts(dim.scale*dim.fig_wx) +'"\n' \
   '  height="'+ dts(dim.scale*dim.fig_wy) +'"\n' \
   '  id="fig"\n' \
   '  stroke-width="1px"\n' \
   '  stroke-linejoin="round"\n' \
   '  stroke-opacity="1"\n' \
   '  stroke-linecap="round"\n' \
   '  fill-opacity="1"\n' \
   '  fill-rule="evenodd"\n' \
   '  font-family="Bitstream Courier"\n' \
   '  font-style="normal"\n' \
   '  font-weight="normal"\n' \
   '  pagecolor="#ffff00"\n' \
   '  pageopacity="0.0">\n' \
 if (op.back) :
   sys.stdout.write( \
     '    \n' \
     '    <rect x="000" y="000" width="'+ dts(dim.scale*dim.fig_wx) +'" height="'+ dts(dim.scale*dim.fig_wy) +'"' \
            ' stroke="#000000" fill="#ffcc55"' \
            ' />\n' \
 # Scale everything and position the diagram:
 diag_dx = dim.mrg_wx
 diag_dy = dim.mrg_wy + 2*dim.tit_wy + dim.tit_sy
 sys.stdout.write( \
   '  <g\n' \
   '    font-size="12px"\n' \
   '    transform="scale('+ dts(dim.scale)+ ') translate('+ dts(diag_dx) + ','+ dts(diag_dy) + ')"\n' \
   '  >\n' \

def output_figure_obj_defs(op,tb,dim) :

 "Writes the main object definitions to {stdout}."
 sys.stdout.write( \
   '  <defs>\n' \
   '    \n' \
   '    <marker id="linkdot_N" viewBox="0 0 8 8" refX="4" refY="4" markerWidth="8" markerHeight="8" orient="auto">\n' \
   '      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="3" stroke="#000000" fill="#000000" />\n' \
   '    </marker>\n' \
   '    \n' \
   '    <marker id="linkdot_U" viewBox="0 0 8 8" refX="4" refY="4" markerWidth="8" markerHeight="8" orient="auto">\n' \
   '      <line x1="1" y1="1" x2="7" y2="7" stroke="#000000" />\n' \
   '      <line x1="1" y1="7" x2="7" y2="1" stroke="#000000" />\n' \
   '    </marker>\n' \
   '\n' \
   '    \n' \
   '    <marker id="arrowtip_N" viewBox="0 0 14 8" refX="13" refY="4" markerWidth="14" markerHeight="8" orient="auto">\n' \
   '      <polygon points="1,4  1,1  13,4  1,7" stroke="#000000" fill="#000000" />\n' \
   '    </marker>\n' \
   '    \n' \
   '    <marker id="arrowtip_C" viewBox="0 0 14 8" refX="13" refY="4" markerWidth="14" markerHeight="8" orient="auto">\n' \
   '      <polygon points="1,4  1,1  13,4  1,7" stroke="#cc0000" fill="#cc0000" />\n' \
   '    </marker>\n' \
   '\n' \
   '    \n' \
   '    <rect id="key_box_N"   y="0" x="0" width="'+ dts(dim.key_box_wx) +'" height="'+ dts(dim.box_wy) +'"' \
         ' fill="#00ffff" stroke-width="0px" stroke="none"' \
         ' />\n' \
   '    \n' \
   '    <rect id="key_box_C"   y="0" x="0" width="'+ dts(dim.key_box_wx) +'" height="'+ dts(dim.box_wy) +'"' \
         ' fill="#00ffff" stroke-width="0px" stroke="none"' \
         ' />\n' \
   '    \n' \
   '    <rect id="key_box_E"   y="0" x="0" width="'+ dts(dim.key_box_wx) +'" height="'+ dts(dim.box_wy) +'"' \
         ' fill="#9cff9c" stroke="#000000"' \
         ' />\n' \
   '    \n' \
   '    <rect id="key_box_U"   y="0" x="0" width="'+ dts(dim.key_box_wx) +'" height="'+ dts(dim.box_wy) +'"' \
         ' fill="#ddeedd" stroke="#000000"' \
         ' />\n' \
   '\n' \
   '    \n' \
   '    <rect id="val_box_E"   y="0" x="0" width="'+ dts(dim.val_box_wx) +'" height="'+ dts(dim.box_wy) +'"' \
         ' fill="#9cff9c" stroke="#000000"' \
         ' />\n' \
   '    \n' \
   '    <rect id="val_box_U"   y="0" x="0" width="'+ dts(dim.val_box_wx) +'" height="'+ dts(dim.box_wy) +'"' \
         ' fill="#ddeedd" stroke="#000000"' \
         ' />\n' \
   '\n' \
   '    \n' \
   '    <rect id="ptr_box_E"   y="0" x="0" width="'+ dts(dim.ptr_box_wx) +'" height="'+ dts(dim.box_wy) +'"' \
         ' fill="#9cff9c" stroke="#000000"' \
         ' />\n' \
   '    \n' \
   '    <rect id="ptr_box_U"   y="0" x="0" width="'+ dts(dim.ptr_box_wx) +'" height="'+ dts(dim.box_wy) +'"' \
         ' fill="#ddeedd" stroke="#000000"' \
         ' />\n' \
   '\n' \
   '    \n' \
   '    <rect id="hsh_box_U" x="3" y="1" width="'+ dts(dim.hsh_box_wx-6) +'" height="'+ dts(dim.box_wy-2) +'"' \
         ' fill="#ddeedd" stroke-width="0px" stroke="none"' \
         ' />\n' \
   '    \n' \
   '    <rect id="hsh_box_N" x="3" y="1" width="'+ dts(dim.hsh_box_wx-6) +'" height="'+ dts(dim.box_wy-2) +'"' \
        ' fill="#a8a8ff" stroke-width="0px" stroke="none"' \
        ' />\n' \
   '    \n' \
   '    <rect id="hsh_box_C" x="3" y="1" width="'+ dts(dim.hsh_box_wx-6) +'" height="'+ dts(dim.box_wy-2) +'"' \
        ' fill="#ee4444" stroke-width="0px" stroke="none"' \
        ' />\n' \
   '\n' \
   '    \n' \
   '    <g id="vdots">\n' \
   '      <rect x="0" y="06" width="2" height="2" />\n' \
   '      <rect x="0" y="12" width="2" height="2" />\n' \
   '    </g>\n' \
   ' </defs>\n' \

def output_figure_body(op,tb,dim) :

 "Writes the body of the figure to {stdout}."
 # All dimensions computed here are relative to the figure body (excluding titles and left margin).
 # X positions and widths of the major sub-blocks:
 key_fun_block_dx = 0
 key_fun_block_wx = dim.key_box_wx + dim.fun_col_sx + dim.fun_box_wx
 hsh_buc_block_dx = key_fun_block_dx + key_fun_block_wx + dim.hsh_col_sx
 hsh_buc_block_wx = dim.hsh_box_wx + dim.buc_col_sx + dim.buc_box_wx
 ovf_block_dx = hsh_buc_block_dx + hsh_buc_block_wx + dim.ovf_col_sx
 ovf_block_wx = dim.ovf_box_wx
 # Key boxes, hash function box, and hash function arrows:
 sys.stdout.write( \
   '    \n' \
   '    <g transform="translate('+ dts(key_fun_block_dx) +',000)"\n' \
   '      text-anchor="middle"\n' \
   '    >\n' \
 sys.stdout.write( \
   '    </g>\n' \
 # Hash values and bucket array:
 sys.stdout.write( \
   '    \n' \
   '    <g transform="translate('+ dts(hsh_buc_block_dx) + ',000)"\n' \
   '      text-anchor="middle"\n' \
   '    >\n' \
 ovf_dx = ovf_block_dx - hsh_buc_block_dx # Displacment of overflow entries col relative to hashes col.
 output_hsh_buc_block(op,tb,dim, ovf_dx)
 sys.stdout.write( \
   '    </g>\n' \
 if tb.novfs > 0 :
 # Overflow entries:
   sys.stdout.write( \
     '    \n' \
     '    <g transform="translate('+ dts(ovf_block_dx) + ',000)"\n' \
     '      text-anchor="middle"\n' \
     '    >\n' \
   sys.stdout.write( \
     '    </g>\n' \

def output_key_fun_block(op,tb,dim) :

 "Writes the key and hash-function block to {stdout}."
 # All dimensions computed here are relative to the hash function block.
 # Assumes that the top of the bucket block is aligned with the top of the key block.
 # baselines of the two header lines:
 tit_dy_top = - dim.tit_sy - dim.tit_wy
 tit_dy_bot = - dim.tit_sy
 # X positions of the key and function boxes:
 key_box_dx = 0
 key_box_tit_ax = key_box_dx + dim.key_box_wx/2
 fun_box_dx = key_box_dx + dim.key_box_wx + dim.fun_col_sx
 fun_box_tit_ax = fun_box_dx + dim.fun_box_wx/2  # X position of function box title's anchor point.
 if op.funcbox :
   # Title for function box:
   sys.stdout.write( \
     '      <text x="'+ dts(fun_box_tit_ax) +'" y="'+ dts(tit_dy_top) +'" font-size="15px"' \
             ' font-weight="bold" fill="#000000" stroke-width="0px" stroke="none">' \
             ' hash ' \
             ' </text>\n' \
     '      <text x="'+ dts(fun_box_tit_ax) +'" y="'+ dts(tit_dy_bot) +'" font-size="15px"' \
             ' font-weight="bold" fill="#000000" stroke-width="0px" stroke="none">' \
             ' function' \
             ' </text>\n' \
   # Function box (must paint it first to get correct layer depth):
   fun_ty = dim.fun_col_ty
   sys.stdout.write( \
     '      <rect x="'+ dts(fun_box_dx) +'" y="'+ dts(fun_ty) +'"' \
             ' width="'+ dts(dim.fun_box_wx) +'" height="'+ dts(dim.fun_box_wy) +'"' \
             ' fill="#aaeecc" stroke-width="0px" stroke="none"' \
             ' />\n' \
 # Title for column of key boxes:
 sys.stdout.write( \
   '      <text x="'+ dts(key_box_tit_ax) +'" y="'+ dts(tit_dy_bot) +'" font-size="15px"' \
           ' font-weight="bold" fill="#000000" stroke-width="0px" stroke="none">' \
           ' keys\n' \
           ' </text>\n' \
 # Column of key boxes:
 key_ty = dim.key_col_ty  # Y position of next key box.
 for i in range(tb.nkeys) :
   # Compute top Y {hsh_ty} of corresponding hash value box:
   hsh_ty = dim.hsh_col_ty + dim.box_wy*tb.key_bix[i]
   sys.stdout.write( \
     '      <g transform="translate('+ dts(key_box_dx) + ','+ dts(key_ty) +')">\n' \
   output_key_fun_block_item(op,tb,dim, tb.key_str[i], tb.key_sty[i], hsh_ty - key_ty)
   sys.stdout.write( \
     '      </g>\n' \
   key_ty = key_ty + dim.box_wy + dim.key_col_sy

def output_key_fun_block_item(op,tb,dim, kstr, ksty, hsh_box_dy) :

 "Writes one key box and its function arrow to {stdout}."
 "\n" \
 "  Expects the key string {kstr}, its style {ksty} ('N', 'C', etc.)" \
 " and the Y displacement {hsh_box_dy} between" \
 " the top of the key box and the top of the correspondng hash value box."
 # All positions computed here are relative to the upper left corner of the key box.
 # X positions of main points of of hash arrow:
 arr_B_x = dim.key_box_wx + dim.fun_col_sx/2   # Start of bent arrow
 arr_L_x = dim.key_box_wx + dim.fun_col_sx     # First bend.   
 arr_R_x = arr_L_x + dim.fun_box_wx # Second bend.  
 arr_T_x = arr_R_x + dim.hsh_col_sx # End of arrow.
 if op.funcbox :
   # Move the bends inwards:
   arr_L_x = arr_L_x + 5 # First bend.   
   arr_R_x = arr_R_x - 5 # Second bend.  
 # Y positions of left and right ends of of hash arrow:
 arr_L_y = dim.box_wy/2     
 arr_R_y = arr_L_y - dim.box_wy/2 + hsh_box_dy + dim.box_wy/2
 if ksty == 'C' :
   arr_color = '#dd0000'
 else :
   arr_color = '#000000'
 key_str_ax = dim.key_box_wx/2   # X position of key string anchor point rel to key box.
 sys.stdout.write( \
   '        <use xlink:href="#key_box_'+ ksty +'" />\n' \
   '        <text x="'+ dts(key_str_ax) +'" y="14" stroke-width="0px" stroke="none">'+ kstr +'</text>\n' \
   '        <line' \
              ' x1="'+ dts(arr_B_x) +'" y1="'+ dts(arr_L_y) +'"' \
              ' x2="'+ dts(arr_L_x) +'" y2="'+ dts(arr_L_y) +'"' \
              ' stroke="'+ arr_color +'"' \
              ' />\n' \
   '        <line' \
              ' x1="'+ dts(arr_L_x) +'" y1="'+ dts(arr_L_y) +'"' \
              ' x2="'+ dts(arr_R_x) +'" y2="'+ dts(arr_R_y) +'"' \
              ' stroke="'+ arr_color +'"' \
              ' />\n' \
   '        <line' \
              ' x1="'+ dts(arr_R_x) +'" y1="'+ dts(arr_R_y) +'"' \
              ' x2="'+ dts(arr_T_x) +'" y2="'+ dts(arr_R_y) +'"' \
              ' stroke="'+ arr_color +'"' \
              ' marker-end="url(#arrowtip_'+ ksty +')"' \
              ' />\n' \

def output_hsh_buc_block(op,tb,dim, ovf_dx) :

 "Writes the hash-value and bucket-array block to {stdout}."
 # All dimensions computed here are relative to the hash function block.
 # X positions of the hash and bucket boxes:
 hsh_box_dx = 0
 # baselines of the two header lines:
 tit_dy_top = - dim.tit_sy - dim.tit_wy
 tit_dy_bot = - dim.tit_sy
 if dim.buc_box_wx > 0 :
   tit_str = 'buckets'
   tit_ax = hsh_box_dx + dim.hsh_box_wx + dim.buc_col_sx + dim.buc_box_wx/2
 else :
   tit_str = 'hashes'
   tit_ax = hsh_box_dx + dim.hsh_box_wx/2
 # Title for column of hash values:
 sys.stdout.write( \
   '      <text x="'+ dts(tit_ax) +'" y="'+ dts(tit_dy_bot) +'" font-size="15px"' \
           ' font-weight="bold" fill="#000000" stroke-width="0px" stroke="none">\n' \
           ' '+ tit_str + '\n' \
           ' </text>\n' \
 # Column of hash boxes and buckets:
 hsh_ty = dim.hsh_col_ty  # Y position of next hash box.
 for j in range(tb.nbucs) :
   sys.stdout.write( \
     '      <g transform="translate(000,'+ dts(hsh_ty) + ')">\n' \
   # Compute Y displacement {ovf_dy} between top of bucket box and top of overflow box (if any):
   if tb.buc_oix[j] != -1 :
     ovf_ty = dim.ovf_col_ty + tb.buc_oix[j]*(dim.box_wy + dim.ovf_col_sy) # Top of overflow box.
     ovf_dy = ovf_ty - hsh_ty
   else :
     ovf_dy = None
   if tb.buc_hsh[j] < 0 :
     hsh_str = ':'
   else :
     hsh_str = ("%0*d" % (dim.hsh_ndg, tb.buc_hsh[j]))
   output_hsh_buc_block_item(op,tb,dim, hsh_str, tb.buc_hsh_sty[j], tb.buc_kix[j], tb.buc_oix[j], ovf_dx, ovf_dy)
   sys.stdout.write( \
     '      </g>\n' \
   hsh_ty = hsh_ty + dim.box_wy

def output_hsh_buc_block_item(op,tb,dim, hstr, hsty, kix, oix, ovf_dx, ovf_dy) :

 "Writes one hash value box, its bucket box, and the pointer (if any) to {stdout}."
 "\n" \
 "  Expects the formatted hash value string {hstr}, its style {hsty} ('N', 'C', 'U', or ':')" \
 " and the Y displacement {ovf_dy} between the top of the bucket box and" \
 " the top of the pointed entry box.  Also gets the index {kix} of" \
 " the key which is stored into the bucket, or -1 if the bucket" \
 " is vacant or a vdots. This index is used to obtain the" \
 " entry's key and/or value.\n" \
 "\n" \
 "  Also requires index {oix} of the overflow entry that the bucket points to, or -1 if" \
 " not applicable.  If {oix} is not -1, also expects the displacements {ovf_dx,ovf_dy} from" \
 " the top left corner of the hash box to the top left corner of that overflow box."
 box_dx = 0;
 # Hash value box:
 box_wx = dim.hsh_box_wx;
 output_box(op,tb,dim, box_dx, 'hsh_box', hsty, box_wx, hstr)
 box_dx = box_dx + box_wx
 # Choose the style for the bucket box and null pointers in it:
 if hsty == ':' :
   bsty = ':'
   psty = ':'
 elif kix == -1 :
   bsty = 'U'
   psty = 'U' 
 else :
   bsty = 'E'
   psty = 'N'
 if tb.buc_has_key :
   # Stored key box:
   box_wx = dim.key_box_wx;
   if kix == -1 : bstr = 
   else : bstr = tb.key_str[kix]
   output_box(op,tb,dim, box_dx, 'key_box', bsty, box_wx, bstr)
   box_dx = box_dx + box_wx
 if tb.buc_has_val :
   # Stored value box:
   box_wx = dim.val_box_wx;
   if kix == -1 : bstr = 
   else : bstr = tb.val_str[kix]
   output_box(op,tb,dim, box_dx, 'val_box', bsty, box_wx, bstr)
   box_dx = box_dx + box_wx
 if tb.buc_has_ptr :
   # Pointer box in bucket:
   box_wx = dim.ptr_box_wx;
   output_box(op,tb,dim, box_dx, 'ptr_box', bsty, box_wx, )
   if bsty != ':' :
     output_buc_ovf_arrow(op,tb,dim, box_dx, box_wx, psty, oix, ovf_dx, ovf_dy)
   box_dx = box_dx + box_wx

def output_buc_ovf_arrow(op,tb,dim, box_dx, box_wx, psty, oix, ovf_dx, ovf_dy) :

 "Writes an arrow from a bucket pointer to an overflow entry {stdout}.\n" \
 "\n" \
 "  Requires the X position and width of the link box, and the index {oix}" \
 " of the overflow entry that the bucket points to.  If {oix} is -1, assumes" \
 " that the link is null, and draws a marker \"linkdot_{psty}\" where {psty} should" \
 " be either \"N\" or \"U\".  If {oix} is not -1, also" \
 " expects the displacements {ovf_dx,ovf_dy} from the top left corner of the hash box" \
 " to the top left corner of that overflow box; in that case {psty} had better be \"N\"."
 # All positions computed here are relative to the upper left corner of the key box.
 # X positions of main points of of hash arrow:
 arr_B_x = box_dx + box_wx/2  # Start X of arrow
 arr_B_y = dim.box_wy/2       # Start Y of arrow
 if oix < 0 :
   # Null pointer - use a very short arrow with base but not tip:
   arr_T_x = arr_B_x + 0.001 # End X of arrow.
   arr_T_y = arr_B_y         # End Y of arrow.
 else :
   # Non-null pointer: point to the mille of the left side of the target box:
   arr_T_x = ovf_dx                 # End X of arrow.
   arr_T_y = ovf_dy + dim.box_wy/2  # End Y of arrow.
 sys.stdout.write( \
   '        <line' \
              ' x1="'+ dts(arr_B_x) +'" y1="'+ dts(arr_B_y) +'"' \
              ' x2="'+ dts(arr_T_x) +'" y2="'+ dts(arr_T_y) +'"' \
              ' stroke="#000000"' \
              ' marker-start="url(#linkdot_'+ psty + ')"' \
 if oix >= 0 :
   sys.stdout.write( \
              ' marker-end="url(#arrowtip_N)"' \
 sys.stdout.write( \
              ' />\n' \

def output_ovf_block(op,tb,dim) :

 "Writes the overflow entries block to {stdout}."
 # All dimensions computed here are relative to the overflow entries block.
 # X positions of the overflow boxes:
 ovf_box_dx = 0
 # Baselines and alignment of the two header lines:
 tit_dy_top = - dim.tit_sy - dim.tit_wy
 tit_dy_bot = - dim.tit_sy
 tit_ax = dim.ovf_box_wx/2
 # Title for column of overflow entries:
 if op.links == 0 :
   sys.stdout.write( \
     '      <text x="'+ dts(tit_ax) +'" y="'+ dts(tit_dy_top) +'" font-size="15px"' \
             ' font-weight="bold" fill="#000000" stroke-width="0px" stroke="none">\n' \
             ' overflow\n' \
             ' </text>\n' \
 sys.stdout.write( \
   '      <text x="'+ dts(tit_ax) +'" y="'+ dts(tit_dy_bot) +'" font-size="15px"' \
           ' font-weight="bold" fill="#000000" stroke-width="0px" stroke="none">\n' \
           ' entries\n' \
           ' </text>\n' \
 # Column of overflow entries:
 ovf_ty = dim.ovf_col_ty  # Y position of next overflow entry.
 for j in range(tb.novfs) :
   sys.stdout.write( \
     '      <g transform="translate(000,'+ dts(ovf_ty) + ')">\n' \
   output_ovf_block_item(op,tb,dim, tb.ovf_kix[j], tb.ovf_pix[j])
   sys.stdout.write( \
     '      </g>\n' \
   ovf_ty = ovf_ty + dim.box_wy + dim.ovf_col_sy

def output_ovf_block_item(op,tb,dim, kix, pix) :

 "Writes one overflow entry box and its pointer (if any) to {stdout}."
 "\n" \
 "  Expects the index {kix} of the key to which the entry belongs.  Also expects"
 " the index {pix} of the next block in the chain, or -1 if none."
 box_dx = 0;
 assert (kix != -1)
 # Overfow entries are never vacant or ':':
 bsty = 'E'
 if tb.ovf_has_ptr :
   # Entry pointer box:
   box_wx = dim.ptr_box_wx;
   output_box(op,tb,dim, box_dx, 'ptr_box', bsty, box_wx, )
   ptr_dy = dim.box_wy + dim.ovf_col_sy
   output_ovf_ptr_arrow(op,tb,dim, box_dx, box_wx, pix, ptr_dy)
   box_dx = box_dx + box_wx
 if tb.ovf_has_key :
   # Stored key box:
   box_wx = dim.key_box_wx;
   bstr = tb.key_str[kix]
   output_box(op,tb,dim, box_dx, 'key_box', bsty, box_wx, bstr)
   box_dx = box_dx + box_wx
 if tb.ovf_has_val :
   # Stored value box:
   box_wx = dim.val_box_wx;
   bstr = tb.val_str[kix]
   output_box(op,tb,dim, box_dx, 'val_box', bsty, box_wx, bstr)
   box_dx = box_dx + box_wx

def output_ovf_ptr_arrow(op,tb,dim, box_dx, box_wx, pix, ptr_dy) :

 "Writes an arrow from an overflow entry to the entry below it {stdout}.\n" \
 "\n" \
 "  Requires the X position and width of the link box, and the index {pix}" \
 " of the next overflow entry.  If {pix} is -1, assumes that the link is null, and" \
 " draws some appropriate symbol.  If {pix} is not -1, also expects the" \
 " Y displacement {ptr_dy} from the top left corner of the link box" \
 " to the top left corner of the link box of the linked-to entry.\n" \
 "\n" \
 "  At present, uses a straight arrow, so the two entries must be" \
 " consecutive in the overflow column."
 # All positions computed here are relative to the upper left corner of the key box.
 # X positions of main points of of hash arrow:
 arr_B_x = box_dx + box_wx/2  # Start X of arrow
 arr_B_y = dim.box_wy/2       # Start Y of arrow
 if pix < 0 :
   # Null pointer - use a very short arrow with base but not tip:
   arr_T_x = arr_B_x          # End X of arrow.
   arr_T_y = arr_B_y + 0.001  # End Y of arrow.
 else :
   # Non-null pointer: point to the mille of the left side of the target box:
   arr_T_x = arr_B_x  # End X of arrow.
   arr_T_y = ptr_dy   # End Y of arrow.
 sys.stdout.write( \
   '        <line' \
              ' x1="'+ dts(arr_B_x) +'" y1="'+ dts(arr_B_y) +'"' \
              ' x2="'+ dts(arr_T_x) +'" y2="'+ dts(arr_T_y) +'"' \
              ' stroke="#000000"' \
 if pix < 0 :
   sys.stdout.write( \
              ' marker-start="url(#linkdot_U)"' \
 else :
   sys.stdout.write( \
              ' marker-start="url(#linkdot_N)"' \
              ' marker-end="url(#arrowtip_N)"' \
 sys.stdout.write( \
              ' />\n' \

def output_box(op,tb,dim, box_dx, btyp, bsty, box_wx, str) :

 "Outputs a single box of an entry in the bucket array or overflow area.\n" \
 "\n" \
 "  Takes the box X position {box_dx}, the box type {btyp}" \
 " (\'key_box\', \'hsh_box\', etc.), the box style" \
 " {bsty} (\'N\', \'C\',etc.),the box width {box_wx}, and" \
 " the string to display inside the box.  If {bsty} is \':\', omits" \
 " the box and shows only the \':\' in bold type."
 str_ax = box_dx + box_wx/2   # X position of key string anchor point rel to key box.
 if bsty == ':' :
   sys.stdout.write( \
     '        <text x="'+ dts(str_ax) +'" y="14" font-weight="bold">:</text>\n' \
   sys.stdout.write( \
     '        <use x="'+ dts(box_dx) +'" xlink:href="#'+ btyp + '_'+ bsty + '" />\n' \
   if (str != ':') and (str != ) :
     sys.stdout.write( \
       '        <text x="'+ dts(str_ax) +'" y="14">' + str +'</text>\n' \

def output_figure_postamble(op,tb,dim) :

 "Writes the SVG postamble to {stdout}."
 sys.stdout.write( \
   '  </g>\n' \
   '</svg>\n' \
  1. Main program:

op = parse_args(pp) output_figure(op)