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Deutsch: Þingvellir (isländisch "Þing": Volksversammlung, "vellir": Ebene) ist ein Ort im Süden von Island nahe der Reykjaneshalbinsel, an dem bereits um 930 die traditionelle gesetzgebende Versammlung Alþing abgehalten wurde. Es handelt sich hierbei um eines der ältesten Parlamente der Welt - nach denen im Griechenland der Antike. So wurde an diesem historischen Ort auch am 17. Juni 1944 die Republik Island ausgerufen und 1994 deren Fünfzigjahrfeier begangen.
Eesti: Þingvellir asub Islandil ja on üks ilusaimaid ja ajaloolisemaid paikasid. Siin tuli 930. aastal kokku esimene parlament maailmas.
English: Þingvellir (Icelandic "Þing": parliament, "vellir": plains) is a place in the southwest of Iceland near the peninsula of Reykjanes and the Hengill volcanic area.
Français : 1=Þingvellir(de l'islandais Þingvellir: Þing = parlement, vellir = plaine) est un lieu au sud de l'Islande près de la péninsule de Reykjanes. Un des plus vieux parlements du monde y fut fondé en 930. Il s'appellait - et s'appelle encore Alþing. On y déclara aussi la République d'Islande le 17 juin 1944.
Íslenska: Á 'Þingvöllum' var Alþingi stofnað um árið 930 og kom þar saman allt fram til ársins 1798.
Nederlands: Þingvellir (spreek uit (ongeveer) Thingvellir) is een nationaal park in IJsland.
日本語: シンクヴェトリル(アイスランド語: Þingvellir)は、アイスランド南西部の国立公園地域。ユネスコの世界遺産にも登録されている。
Norsk bokmål: Þingvellir (Islandsk "Þing": ting, "vellir": voller) er et sted på Island, ca. 5 mil øst for Reykjavikområdet. Stedet er kjent som stedet der det islandske alltinget oppstod rundt år 930. Den islandske republikken ble erklært på stedet 17. juni 1944.
Polski: Þingvellir (Thingvellir, isl. þing - "parlament, thing", vellir - "równina") - obszar w południowo-zachodniej Islandii, położony kilkadziesiąt kilometrów na wschód od stolicy kraju Reykjaviku, na północnym brzegu największego islandzkiego jeziora Þingvallavatn.

See also: Þingvellir/History

Pronunciation of the place name of Þingvellir


Location of Þingvellir


Þingvellir is located in the southwest of Iceland at about 45 km from Reykjavík and 35 km from w:Mosfellsbær. To get there, it is possible to take Road No. 1 in direction of Borgarnes and from Mosfellsbær Road No. 36 over Mosfellsheiði, or take Road No. 1 south in direction of Selfoss, then Road 35 and Road No. 36 from Þrastalundur (restaurant).

History of Þingvellir


During the Middle Ages, one of the oldest parliaments in the world met here in the summer time. (See also: Þingvellir/History )

Nature of Þingvellir


Not only is Þingvellir one of the key places re. the history of Iceland, but it is also very important in relation to the nature of the country, the homonymous Þingvellir Graben being part of the active rift and volcanic zone and as such of the w:Midatlantic Ridge, the region sprouting many species of plants and animals, typical for subarctic regions like Iceland, eg. the Arctic Char or the Polar fox.

Þingvellir National Park


Because of the importance for Iceland's history as well as for its riches of nature, there was founded in 1928 a national park (Thingvellir National Park) which comprises mostly the northeastern and eastern parts of the lake shores.