Category:Geography of the Caucasus

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English: the Geography of the Caucasus mountain ranges and regions of far Eastern Europe and central Western Asia.
  • The southwestern Russian republics, oblasts, and autonomous regions are in the European North Caucasus (Ciscaucasia) region; and the independent nations are mainly in the Asian South Caucasus (Transcaucasia) region.
<nowiki>geography of the Caucasus; Kaukāza ģeogrāfija; géographie du Caucase; geography of the Caucasus; geography of Caucasus</nowiki>
geography of the Caucasus 
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  • географија на извесно место
Дел од тематската целина
НаоѓалиштеКавказ, Кавказ
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Податотеки во категоријата „Geography of the Caucasus“

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