Category:Hydropotes inermis

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DomainEukaryota • RegnumAnimalia • PhylumChordata • SubphylumVertebrata • InfraphylumGnathostomata • CladusOsteichthyes • SuperclassisTetrapoda • CladusAmniota • ClassisMammalia • SubclassisTheria • InfraclassisEutheria • OrdoArtiodactyla • SubordoRuminantia • FamiliaCervidae • SubfamiliaHydropotinae • GenusHydropotes • Species: Hydropotes inermis Swinhoe, 1870
Wikispecies contient des informations sur :
H. i. argyropus, H. i. inermis
  • Remarque : This is currently the only extant (living) species in the genus Hydropotes (En date du 15 septembre 2013).
<nowiki>Hydropotes inermis; Су бұғысы; Rusa air; سۋ بۇعىسى; воден елен; Hydropotes inermis; 獐; Vattenrådjur; Hydropotes inermis; 獐; 獐; 고라니; Су бұғысы; Rivera cervo; srnčík čínský; Hydropotes inermis; Шыв пӑланӗ; Hươu nước; سۋ بۇعىسى; Sw buğısı; Waterhert; Tábąąh bįįh; 獐; Су бұғысы; Vannrådyr; Su maralı; water deer; أيل الماء; Karv-dour; víziőz; Ur-orein; Hydropotes inermis; cérvol aquàtic; Wasserreh; Hydropotes inermis; ջրային եղջերու; 獐; წყლის ირემი; キバノロ; Hydropotes inermis; غزال الماء; אלקרן הגדות; Hydropotes inermis; Faldimol (Hydropotes inermis); Vesikauris; Weederree; நீர் மான்; Hydropotes inermis; Hidrópote; Vodeni jelen; Водяной олень; Hydropotes inermis; پانی ہرن; Vandeninė stirna; Водени јелен; دەريا بۇغىسى; Hydropotes inermis; Sw buğısı; Rusa air; Jelonkowiec błotny; Su geyiği; Chinese waterree; 獐; Водени јелен; آهوی آب; Hydropotes inermis; Cervo acuático; dobharfhia Síneach; 獐; Hydropotes inermis; especie de mamíferos; স্তন্যপায়ী প্রাণীর প্রজাতি; emlősfaj; especie de mamíferu; Art der Gattung Hydropotes; loài động vật có vú; speiceas mamach; вид бозайник; soort takbok; geyikgiller (Cervidae) familyasından bir geyik; 哺乳动物物种; вид ссавців; species of mammal; نوع من الثدييات; gatunek ssaka; art av hjortedyr (Cervidae); hert uit de onderfamilie waterreeën; pattedyrart; espèce de mammifères; specie di animali della famiglia Cervidae; 포유류 우제목 사슴과에 속하는 한국·중국 동부에 분포하는 동물; especie de mamífero; نوع من الثدييات; Spesies rusa; hjortdjur; Venado acuatico chino; Ciervo acuático chino; Hydropotinae; Hydroptes; Venado acuático chino; Ciervo acuatico chino; Hydropotes inermis; kínai víziőz; Hydropotinae; Hydropotes inermis; Txinatar ur-orein; Hydropotes inermis; Hydropotinae; Venáu acuáticu; Hydropotinae; Hydropotes inermis; Водяные олени; Олень водяной; Hydropotes inermis; Chinese water deer; vampire deer; Hydropotes inermis; Hydropotinae; Chinesisches Wasserreh; Hydropotes inermis; Hydropotinae; Veado d'água chinês; Veado-d'água-chinês; Hydropotinae; Hydropotes inermis; Hydropotinae; Су бұғы; Hydropotes inermis; Hydropotes inermis; Hydropotinae; Hydropotes inermis; Vesikauriit; Hydropotes argyropus; Hydropotes affinis; Hydropotes kreyenbergi; Hydropotes inermis; Hydropotinae; Hydropates inermis; Kiinanvesikauris; Hydropotes inermis; Hydropotinae; Su maralları; Hydropotes inermis; Hydropotes inermis; Hydropotes inermis; Sarenka wodna; Jelonek błotny; Hydropotinae; Hydropotes inermis; Hydropotes; vannhjort; vannhjorter; vannhjortedyr; Hydropotinae; Hydropotes inermis; Waterreeen; Waterree; Waterreeën; Hydropotes inermis; Cèrvi d'aiga; Cabiròl de las sanhas; Hydropotes inermis; 보노루; 복작노루; Hydropotes inermis; Hydropotinae; Hydropotes inermis; 牙獐; 河麂; 河麂属</nowiki>
Hydropotes inermis 
espèce de mammifères
Téléverser des médias
Nature de l’élément
Statut de conservation UICN
Nom vernaculaire
EspèceHydropotes inermis
Auteur taxonomiqueRobert Swinhoe, 1870
Wikidata Q192573
identifiant Bibliothèque nationale centrale de Florence: 54370
identifiant Union internationale pour la conservation de la nature: 10329
Identifiant NCBI: 9883
identifiant Système d'information taxinomique intégré: 625054
identifiant Encyclopédie de la Vie: 308404
identifiant Fossilworks d'un taxon: 42676
identifiant Global Biodiversity Information Facility: 2440931
identifiant Mammal Species of the World: 14200463
identifiant EU-nomen: 305267
identifiant ARKive: hydropotes-inermis, chinese-water-deer/hydropotes-inermis
identifiant EPPO Global Database: HPTSIN
identifiant iNaturalist d'un taxon: 42193
identifiant NBN Atlas: NBNSYS0000005148
identifiant BOLD Systems: 199230
identifiant Animal Diversity Web: Hydropotinae
identifiant Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera: 10229506
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