<nowiki>malattia di Köhler; ケーラー病; maladie de Köhler-Mouchet; Ziekte van Köhler; Болезнь Келлера I; enfermedad de Köhler; Morbus Köhler-Albau; doença de Köhler; Kohler's disease; مرض كولر; Bệnh Köhler; Kohler xəstəliyi; rara malattia infantile delle ossa del piede; maladie de croissance du pied; osteochondrosis that results in death and collapse located in navicular bone of foot; seltene Knochenerkrankung bei Kindern und Jugendlichen; osteocondrosis que afecta al hueso escafoides del pie; ostéochondrite juvénile du scaphoïde tarsien; maladie de Koehler-Mouchet; Juvenile osteochondrosis of foot; Kohler disease; Kohler's Disease of the Tarsal Navicular; Navicular Osteochondrosis; Aseptic necrosis of the tarsal bone; Osteochondrosis of the tarsal bone; Kohler's Disease; Kohler's Osteochondrosis of the Tarsal Navicular; Osteochondritis of tarsal/metatarsal bone</nowiki>
Kohler's disease
osteochondrosis that results in death and collapse located in navicular bone of foot