Category:M. R. James
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Data di nascita | 1º agosto 1862 Dover | ||||
Data di morte | 12 giugno 1936 Eton | ||||
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Čeština: Montague Rhodes James (M. R. James) ( 1. srpna 1862, Goodnestone, Kent – 12. června 1936, Eton, Berkshire) byl anglický povídkář, paleograf a mediavelista, zakladatel tradice anglických duchařských příběhů.
Deutsch: Montague Rhodes James (* 1. August 1862 in Goodnestone, Dover, Kent, England; † 12. Juni 1936 in Eton, Berkshire, England) war ein englischer Altertumsforscher und Autor von Geistergeschichten.
English: Montague Rhodes James OM, MA, FBA (1 August 1862 – 12 June 1936), who used the publication name M. R. James, was an English author, medievalist scholar and provost of King's College (1905–1918), and of Eton College (1918–1936). He is best remembered for his ghost stories, which are regarded as among the best in the genre. James redefined the ghost story for the new century by abandoning many of the formal Gothic clichés of his predecessors and using more realistic contemporary settings. However, James's protagonists and plots tend to reflect his own antiquarian interests. Accordingly, he is known as the originator of the "antiquarian ghost story".
Español: [[:es:Archivo:MRJames1900.jpg|miniaturadeimagen|M. R. James.]]
Français : Montague Rhodes James, né le 1 août 1862 à Goodnestone, près de Douvres, dans le Kent, et mort le 12 juin 1936 à Eton, Berkshire, est un écrivain anglais, auteur de récits fantastiques qu'il signe toujours M. R. James.
Italiano: Montague Rhodes James, figlio di un curato inglese, nacque a Goodnestone Parsonage nel 1862. James fin dall'infanzia sviluppò una forte passione per le antichità, in particolare per il mondo medievale e per i libri antichi. Successivamente iniziò i corsi ad Eton per poi iscriversi al King's College di Cambridge; qui divenne assistente di archeologia classica al museo Fitzwilliam. Sempre nel King's College il James guadagnò un importante incarico grazie alla sua opera: L'Apocalisse di S. Pietro inerente alla storia del cristianesimo. Intrapreso il cursus honorum nel suo college, M. R. James raggiunse l'apice della sua carriera nel 1905 quando ne divenne rettore.
Latina: M. R. James (nomine extenso Montague Rhodes James; natus 1 Augusti 1862; mortuus 12 Iunii 1936) fuit philologus Anglicus, mediaevalista, eruditus librorum apocryphorum, magister, scriptor mythistoriarum. Fuit praepositus Collegii Regis Cantabrigiae inter annos 1905 et 1918 et Collegii Etonensis ab anno 1918 1936 usque.
Nederlands: Montague Rhodes James, of M.R. James ( 1 augustus 1862 – 12 juni 1936) was een Engels schrijver. James herdefineerde het genre van het spookverhaal bij de aanvang van de 20e eeuw door de formele gothic clichés van zijn voorgangers te verlaten en meer realistische hedendaagse settings te gebruiken .
Русский: М. Р. Джеймс (полное имя — Монтегю Родс Джеймс, ) — английский писатель, историк, специалист по средневековью, ректор Королевского колледжа в Кембридже (1905—1918 годы) и Итона (1918—1936 годы), в историю мировой литературы вошедший как классик жанра «история с привидением». В числе авторов, считавших себя учениками и последователями Джеймса, — Говард Ф. Лавкрафт, Джон Бетьеман, Кларк Эштон Смит, Стивен Кинг.
Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски: Montague Rhodes James, OM, MA, (1. august 1862 – 12. jun 1936), poznat pod književnim pseudonimom M. R. James, bio je ugledni britanski historičar specijaliziran za srednji vijek te provost King's Collegea na Cambridgeu (1905–1918) odnosno Eton Collegea (1918–1936). Široj javnosti je najpoznatiji po pričama o duhovima koje se smatraju jednima od najboljih u engleskoj književnosti. Jamesu se pripisuje to da je uspio redefinirati žanr time što je odbacio ranije norme gotske književnosti, odnosno uveo elemente realizma.
Svenska: Montague Rhodes James, mer känd under det namn han publicerade under, M. R. James, (född 1 augusti 1862 i Kent, England, död 12 juni 1936), var en medeltidsforskare och provost vid King's College, Cambridge, idag främst ihågkommen för sina gotiska spökberättelser vilka influerat exempelvis författare som H. P. Lovecraft och Stephen King.
Українська: Монтегю Родс Джеймс, англ. Montague Rhodes James, (нар. 1 серпня 1862, Кент - 12 червня 1936, Ітон ) - англійський письменник, історик (фахівець з Середньовіччя), ректор Королівського коледжу в Кембриджському університеті (1905-1918 роки) та Ітоні (1918-1936 роки), в історію світової літератури увійшов як класик жанру «історія з провидінням».
Questa categoria contiene le 2 sottocategorie indicate di seguito, su un totale di 2.
Pagine nella categoria "M. R. James"
Questa categoria contiene un'unica pagina, indicata di seguito.
File nella categoria "M. R. James"
Questa categoria contiene 54 file, indicati di seguito, su un totale di 54.
A Thin Ghost and Others - MR James.jpg 668 × 1 000; 101 KB
A Warning to the Curious and Other Stories - MR James.jpg 389 × 567; 41 KB
The abbey of S. Edmund at Bury (IA abbeyofsedmundat00jame).pdf 704 × 1 210, 250 pagine; 11,37 MB
The life and miracles of St William of Norwich (IA 779 × 1 239, 408 pagine; 18,13 MB
A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of Sidney Sussex college, Cambridge (IA b29003088).pdf 1 297 × 2 072, 148 pagine; 6,78 MB
A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts other than Oriental in the library of King's College, Cambridge (IA b29003180).pdf 1 700 × 2 725, 108 pagine; 8,63 MB
A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of Jesus College, Cambridge (IA b29003222).pdf 964 × 1 527, 140 pagine; 5,08 MB
A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of Peterhouse (IA b29003507).pdf 983 × 1 491, 434 pagine; 16,39 MB
The biblical antiquities of Philo (IA biblicalantiquit00pseurich).pdf 620 × 897, 308 pagine; 19,27 MB
Brocklesby Mausoleum Lincolnshire 2022.jpg 2 048 × 1 536; 735 KB
Collected Ghost Stories - MR James.jpg 644 × 1 000; 80 KB
The wanderings and homes of manuscripts (IA cu31924005773548).pdf 708 × 1 064, 104 pagine; 1,92 MB
Old Testament legends; being stories out of some of the less-known apocryphal books of the Old Testament (IA cu31924029308172).pdf 756 × 1 110, 218 pagine; 4,01 MB
A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts in the Fitzwilliam Museum (IA cu31924029604679).pdf 954 × 1 406, 607 pagine; 16,05 MB
A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of Jesus College, Cambridge; (IA cu31924029604745).pdf 1 039 × 1 595, 140 pagine; 4,02 MB
A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts other than Oriental in the library of King's College, Cambridge (IA cu31924029604752).pdf 1 058 × 1 612, 108 pagine; 2,72 MB
A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of Peterhouse (IA cu31924029604778).pdf 1 027 × 1 518, 434 pagine; 11,54 MB
A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of Sidney Sussex college, Cambridge (IA cu31924029604802).pdf 1 064 × 1 581, 148 pagine; 4,21 MB
A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of Eton College; (IA cu31924029605296).pdf 939 × 1 497, 150 pagine; 3,94 MB
The Biblical antiquities of Philo (IA cu31924063410827).pdf 637 × 1 062, 292 pagine; 6,72 MB
A descriptive catalogue of the Latin manuscripts in the John Rylands library at Manchester (IA cu31924092486269).pdf 1 329 × 1 772, 364 pagine; 14,55 MB
A descriptive catalogue of the Latin manuscripts in the John Rylands library at Manchester (IA cu31924092486277).pdf 1 370 × 1 791, 388 pagine; 23,71 MB
A descriptive catalogue of the Western manuscripts in the library of Clare college, Cambridge (IA descriptivecatal00clar).pdf 800 × 1 443, 68 pagine; 2,94 MB
A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts in the Fitzwilliam Museum (IA descriptivecatal00fitz 0).pdf 991 × 1 508, 574 pagine; 29,74 MB
A descriptive catalogue of fifty manuscripts from the collection of Henry Yates Thompson (IA descriptivecatal00jame 1).pdf 997 × 1 537, 294 pagine; 14,54 MB
A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts other than Oriental in the library of King's College, Cambridge (IA descriptivecatal00king).pdf 1 002 × 1 614, 108 pagine; 5,57 MB
A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of Pembroke College, Cambridge (IA descriptivecatal00pemb).pdf 985 × 1 516, 446 pagine; 23,84 MB
A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge (IA descriptivecatal01corprich).pdf 1 000 × 1 525, 630 pagine; 35,46 MB
A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge (IA descriptivecatal02corprich).pdf 985 × 1 481, 564 pagine; 29,45 MB
Fitwilliam James Plate 13 0274.jpg 1 956 × 2 940; 1,18 MB
Fitwilliam McLean James Plate 77 0609.jpg 2 196 × 3 857; 1,05 MB
The frescoes in the chapel at Eton College - facsimiles of the drawings by R. H. Essex (IA gri 33125013358425).pdf 1 993 × 1 500, 36 pagine; 2,84 MB
Henry the Sixth, a reprint of John Blacman's memoir (IA henrysixthreprin00blak).pdf 806 × 1 291, 84 pagine; 3,1 MB
James - Ghost Stories of an Antiquary .djvu 1 275 × 1 650, 309 pagine; 8,35 MB
Lists of manuscripts formerly owned by Dr. John Dee (IA listsofmanuscrip00deejiala).pdf 966 × 1 208, 48 pagine; 2,08 MB
LostApocryphaOfTheOldTestamentMRJames.djvu 2 305 × 3 627, 140 pagine; 3,34 MB
The manuscripts in the library at Lambeth Palace (IA manuscriptsinlib00lambrich).pdf 777 × 1 243, 86 pagine; 4,72 MB
More Ghost Stories - MR James.jpg 539 × 800; 45 KB
MRJames1900.jpg 441 × 512; 26 KB
Ormsby Hall Lincolnshire 2022.jpg 2 048 × 1 365; 1,11 MB
The Second epistle general of Peter and the general epistle of Jude (IA secondepistlegen00jamerich).pdf 658 × 985, 116 pagine; 5,41 MB
Shipwrights Arms Wells Norfolk.jpg 2 048 × 1 536; 361 KB
St Leonard South Ormsby churchyard 2022.jpg 2 886 × 2 690; 4,21 MB
St Leonards church South Ormsby 2022.jpg 2 522 × 1 387; 1,62 MB
A thin ghost and others (IA thinghostothers00jameiala).pdf 706 × 1 093, 168 pagine; 12,71 MB
The verses formerly inscribed on twelve windows in the choir of Canterbury cathedral (IA versesformerlyin00jamerich).pdf 714 × 1 006, 70 pagine; 2,4 MB
The Western manuscripts in the library of Emmanuel College. A descriptive catalogue (IA westernmanuscrip00emma).pdf 954 × 1 514, 204 pagine; 9,08 MB
The Western manuscripts in the library of Emmanuel College. A descriptive catalogue (IA westernmanuscrip00emma 0).pdf 1 514 × 2 185, 204 pagine; 11,46 MB
- James (surname)
- M. (given name)
- 1862 births
- 1936 deaths
- Fellows of the Society of Antiquaries of London
- Fellows of the British Academy
- Corresponding Fellows of the Medieval Academy of America
- Alumni of King's College, Cambridge
- Fellows of King's College, Cambridge
- Medievalists from the United Kingdom
- Antiquarians
- 20th-century male writers
- Short story writers from England
- Horror writers from England
- Fantasy writers from England
- Members of the Order of Merit
- Provosts of King's College, Cambridge
- Births in Dover, Kent