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<nowiki>Oiran; 花魁; Oiran; 오이란; Οϊράν; japana hetajro; ойран; Oiran; Oiran; Oiran; Oiran; اوئیران; 花魁; Оиран; Oiran; 花魁; Oiran; oiran; oiran; Oiran; oiran; Oiran; Oiran; Oiran; אויראן; Oiran; oiran; أويران; Оиран; Oiran; figure assimilabili a cortigiane che sono considerate "donne di piacere" o prostitute; 吉原遊廓の位の高い遊女; courtisane de haut-rang au Japon; high-ranking courtesan in Japan, whose occupation arose in the Edo period and was largely replaced by geisha by the late 19th century; wanita penghibur pada Zaman Edo; höherrangige Prostituierte; high-ranking courtesan in Japan, whose occupation arose in the Edo period and was largely replaced by geisha by the late 19th century; cortesana de alto rango en Japón; おいらん</nowiki>
high-ranking courtesan in Japan, whose occupation arose in the Edo period and was largely replaced by geisha by the late 19th century
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日本語: 花魁(おいらん) に関するカテゴリ
English: Category for Oiran (courtesan) of Japan. Distinguished from ordinary yûjo (prostitutes), they practised multiple skills to entertain their guests with witty conversation and arts in addition to sexual service. In the heyday of the pleasure quarters, the very highest ranking, most popular oiran were known as tayû. Oiran showed off their status with opulent robes, showy hairstyles strewn with expensive hair jewellery, and especially their exceedingly valuable obi, tied high in the front for bold display.


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