Category:Pycnonotus cafer
IOC Classification: Domain: Eukaryota • Regnum: Animalia • Phylum: Chordata • Subphylum: Vertebrata • Infraphylum: Gnathostomata • Cladus: Osteichthyes • Superclassis: Tetrapoda • Cladus: Amniota • Cladus: Reptilia • Cladus: Archosauria • Classis: Aves • Superordo: Neognathae • Ordo: Passeriformes • Subordo: Passeri • Infraordo: Passerida • Superfamilia: Sylvioidea • Familia: Pycnonotidae • Genus: Pycnonotus • Species: Pycnonotus cafer (Linnaeus, 1766)
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[bearbeiten wikidata 'Rußbülbül' main topic of 'Category:Pycnonotus cafer'] 

- Deutsch: Rotsteißbülbül, Rußbülbül
- English: Red-vented Bulbul
- العربية: بلبل إفريقي جنوبي
- مصرى: بلبل افريقى جنوبى
- অসমীয়া: ফেচুলুকা
- български: Източноазиатски бюлбюл
- भोजपुरी: गुलदुम बुलबुल
- भोजपुरी: गुलदुम बुलबुल
- বাংলা: বাংলা বুলবুল
- català: bulbul cul-roig
- čeština: bulbul šupinkový
- Cymraeg: bwlbwl tingoch
- dansk: Rødgumpet Bulbul
- Schweizer Hochdeutsch: Russbülbül
- Esperanto: Kafra piknonoto
- español: Bulbul cafre, Bulbul Cafre
- eesti: harilik salubülbül
- فارسی: بلبل زیردمسرخ
- suomi: punaperäbulbuli
- français: Bulbul à ventre rouge
- Gaeilge: Bulbul tóindearg
- עברית: בולבול אדום-שת
- hrvatski: crvenoguzi bulbul
- magyar: kormos bülbül
- íslenska: Ryðglymur
- italiano: Bulbul dal sottocoda rosso
- 日本語: シリアカヒヨドリ
- 한국어: 붉은항문직박구리
- lietuvių: raudonsturplis bulbiulis
- latviešu: sarkandibena bulbulis
- മലയാളം: നാട്ടുബുൾബുൾ
- मराठी: लाल बुडाचा बुलबुल
- မြန်မာဘာသာ: ဗွတ်ဖင်နီ
- norsk bokmål: Rødgumpbylbyl
- नेपाली: जुरेली
- Nederlands: Roodbuikbuulbuul
- Diné bizaad: Bolbolii bitłʼaaʼ halchxíʼígíí
- ਪੰਜਾਬੀ: ਲਾਲ ਪੂੰਝੀ ਬੁਲਬੁਲ
- polski: bilbil czerwonoplamy
- پنجابی: لال ڈھوئی بلبل
- português: tuta-de-ventre-vermelho, bulbul-cafre, bulbul-de-crisso-vermelho
- русский: Розовобрюхий настоящий бюльбюль
- davvisámegiella: Ruksesgulpebulbula
- Simple English: Red-vented bulbul
- slovenčina: bylbyl hnedý
- slovenščina: mrki bulbul
- svenska: rödgumpad bulbyl
- தமிழ்: செங்குதக் கொண்டைக்குருவி
- lea faka-Tonga: Manufoʻou
- українська: бюльбюль червоночубий
- Tiếng Việt: Bông lau đít đỏ
- 中文: 黑喉红臀鹎
- 中文(中国大陆): 黑喉红臀鹎
- 中文(简体): 黑喉红臀鹎

Wikispecies Informationen zu:
Pycnonotus cafer (Linnaeus, 1766) (old web site) (Nicht gefährdet)
Art der Gattung Echte Bülbüls (Pycnonotus) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Medium hochladen | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tondatei | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Aussprache (Audiodatei) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ist ein(e) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gefährdungsstufe (IUCN) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Spannweite |
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Endemisch in |
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Autor(en) des Taxons | Carl von Linné, 1766 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Es werden 17 von insgesamt 17 Unterkategorien in dieser Kategorie angezeigt:
In Klammern die Anzahl der enthaltenen Kategorien (K), Seiten (S), Dateien (D)
- Pycnonotus cafer eating (23 D)
- Pycnonotus cafer eggs (5 D)
- Pycnonotus cafer (feral) (9 D)
- Pycnonotus cafer (juvenile) (29 D)
- Pycnonotus cafer nests (18 D)
- Pycnonotus cafer in Nepal (37 D)
- Pycnonotus cafer in Pakistan (19 D)
Seiten in der Kategorie „Pycnonotus cafer“
Diese Kategorie enthält nur die folgende Seite.
Medien in der Kategorie „Pycnonotus cafer“
Folgende 147 Dateien sind in dieser Kategorie, von 147 insgesamt.
Pycnonotus cafer - Red-vented Bulbul XC129368.ogg 1 min 54 s; 5,37 MB
Pycnonotus cafer distribution map.png 1.163 × 907; 136 KB
Redvented Bulbul.ogg 19 s; 202 KB
A bird mt.jpg 2.816 × 2.112; 3,11 MB
Angry Bird Red Vented Bulbul (45952868262).jpg 3.283 × 2.189; 2,77 MB
Bird woodpeeker.jpg 6.016 × 4.000; 7,97 MB
Bird's eye.JPG 1.024 × 768; 258 KB
Birmanie 166.jpg 1.920 × 1.080; 497 KB
Bulbul Birmanie.jpg 1.920 × 1.080; 958 KB
Bulbul, Pynconotus cafer.jpg 2.912 × 1.942; 1,86 MB
Chicks of Red-vented bulbul.jpg 2.625 × 1.931; 706 KB
Common mynah Paikō Lagoon Wildlife Sanctuary 7.11.24 DSC 9679-topaz-denoiseraw.jpg 2.562 × 2.562; 755 KB
DSC 0320 1538131718587-01.jpg 3.956 × 2.638; 2,78 MB
DSC 0323 1538131718521-01.jpg 3.667 × 2.447; 2,4 MB
DSC 0335 1538131718207-01.jpg 3.492 × 2.330; 2,6 MB
DSC 0339-01-01.jpg 3.751 × 2.503; 2,93 MB
Mycreativity 10.jpg 6.000 × 4.000; 6,89 MB
Mycreativity 26.jpg 6.000 × 4.000; 5,24 MB
Now you can see me Red - vented bul bul.jpg 2.043 × 1.301; 797 KB
Pycnonotus cafer (1).JPG 2.048 × 1.536; 783 KB
Rare bird 1.jpg 6.016 × 4.000; 5,55 MB
Red vented Bublbul - Male- Vellimalar near Erode, India.jpeg 3.000 × 2.250; 866 KB
Red Vented Bulbul (23195824853).jpg 5.400 × 3.600; 3,26 MB
Red Vented Bulbul (23714208512).jpg 5.400 × 3.600; 3,41 MB
Red Vented Bulbul (23796501406).jpg 4.885 × 3.210; 2,76 MB
Red Vented Bulbul (33249780348).jpg 4.738 × 3.159; 3,07 MB
Red Vented Bulbul (46633770921).jpg 2.744 × 1.829; 1,87 MB
Red Vented Bulbul (48955793382).jpg 3.807 × 2.538; 4,4 MB
Red Vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer) on a grass field (cropped).jpg 1.104 × 1.460; 789 KB
Red Vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer) on a grass field.jpg 2.000 × 1.460; 1,27 MB
Red vented bulbul and a oriental garden lizard.jpg 2.344 × 1.759; 1,77 MB
Red vented Bulbul front profile.JPG 2.000 × 1.500; 2,1 MB
Red vented bulbul landscape.jpg 6.000 × 4.000; 10,16 MB
Red vented Bulbul perched on Dish Antena.JPG 2.000 × 1.500; 1,96 MB
Red Vented Bulbul side profile.JPG 2.992 × 2.992; 1,39 MB
Red vented bulbul, Himachal Pradesh (1).jpg 6.000 × 4.000; 4,75 MB
Red vented bulbul, Kotagiri.jpg 1.800 × 1.200; 1,8 MB
Red Vented Bulbul, locally Kondaya (17169494249).jpg 2.999 × 1.999; 740 KB
Red vented Bulbul- Bathing I IMG 5692.jpg 800 × 600; 130 KB
Red vented Bulbul- Grooming I IMG 5987.jpg 800 × 561; 80 KB
Red Vented Bulbul.jpg 3.069 × 2.054; 4,14 MB
Red vented bulbul.jpg 1.600 × 800; 948 KB
Red vented Bulbul.jpg 2.520 × 1.636; 1,78 MB
Red Vented bulbul.jpg 1.697 × 2.377; 1,13 MB
Red Vented Bulbuls in Kolkata .jpg 4.288 × 2.848; 2,98 MB
Red Vented Bulbuls in Kolkata.jpg 4.288 × 2.848; 3,07 MB
Red-vented Bulbul (1) 01.jpg 6.000 × 4.000; 3,3 MB
Red-vented Bulbul (1) 02.jpg 6.000 × 4.000; 3,24 MB
Red-vented Bulbul (1) 03.jpg 6.000 × 4.000; 3,21 MB
Red-vented Bulbul (1) 04.jpg 6.000 × 4.000; 3,22 MB
Red-vented Bulbul (1) 05.jpg 6.000 × 4.000; 3,22 MB
Red-vented Bulbul (1) 06.jpg 6.000 × 4.000; 3,34 MB
Red-vented Bulbul (1) 07.jpg 6.000 × 4.000; 3,24 MB
Red-vented bulbul (14311575383).jpg 2.200 × 1.467; 3,36 MB
Red-vented Bulbul (160418153).jpg 2.048 × 1.536; 387 KB
Red-vented Bulbul (31156723524).jpg 3.217 × 2.577; 1,95 MB
Red-vented Bulbul (31622998030).jpg 2.035 × 2.546; 1,03 MB
Red-vented Bulbul (31870668855).jpg 4.094 × 3.073; 1,84 MB
Red-vented Bulbul (31997299655).jpg 2.855 × 4.000; 1,72 MB
Red-vented Bulbul (35110715766).jpg 2.486 × 1.654; 3,3 MB
Red-vented Bulbul (38188809981).jpg 2.679 × 2.681; 1,79 MB
Red-vented Bulbul (8) 01.jpg 4.000 × 2.248; 2,65 MB
Red-vented Bulbul (8458234553).jpg 5.184 × 3.456; 2,44 MB
Red-vented bulbul (Juvenile) 01.jpg 4.260 × 3.195; 6,46 MB
Red-vented bulbul (Juvenile).jpg 3.792 × 2.844; 5,24 MB
Red-vented bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer humayuni).jpg 2.189 × 2.189; 2,42 MB
Red-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer) (25859636264).jpg 3.000 × 1.860; 2,17 MB
Red-vented bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer) നാട്ടു ബുൾബുൾ. (32780082776).jpg 5.400 × 3.600; 2,85 MB
Red-vented bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer) നാട്ടു ബുൾബുൾ. (32820593915).jpg 5.400 × 3.600; 3,44 MB
Red-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer).JPG 2.000 × 1.331; 1,07 MB
Red-vented bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer).JPG 898 × 1.346; 314 KB
Red-vented bulbul - A side pose.jpg 3.326 × 2.495; 1,33 MB
Red-vented bulbul - Kerala.jpg 1.500 × 2.250; 1,62 MB
Red-vented bulbul - Sri Lanka - 01.jpg 2.829 × 2.121; 2,3 MB
Red-vented bulbul 01.jpg 4.503 × 3.377; 6,95 MB
Red-vented bulbul 02.jpg 4.172 × 3.129; 6,01 MB
Red-vented bulbul 04.jpg 5.706 × 3.804; 13,6 MB
Red-vented bulbul 05.jpg 4.773 × 3.182; 9,69 MB
Red-vented bulbul 06.jpg 4.773 × 3.182; 9,43 MB
Red-vented bulbul 1.jpg 4.608 × 3.456; 6,46 MB
Red-vented bulbul by Tisha Mukherjee 01.jpg 5.073 × 3.382; 7,88 MB
Red-vented bulbul by Tisha Mukherjee 02.jpg 5.435 × 3.623; 9,06 MB
Red-vented Bulbul by Tisha Mukherjee 03.jpg 3.286 × 2.191; 4,49 MB
Red-vented Bulbul Camouflage.jpg 1.647 × 1.647; 878 KB
Red-vented bulbul condo in honolulu 7.13.24 DSC 9417-topaz-denoiseraw.jpg 2.280 × 2.280; 795 KB
Red-vented bulbul condo in honolulu 7.13.24 DSC 9419-topaz-denoiseraw.jpg 1.842 × 1.842; 597 KB
Red-vented bulbul condo in honolulu 7.13.24 DSC 9420-topaz-denoiseraw.jpg 2.475 × 1.980; 830 KB
Red-vented bulbul condo in honolulu 7.13.24 DSC 9422-topaz-denoiseraw.jpg 1.864 × 1.491; 566 KB
Red-vented bulbul condo in honolulu 7.13.24 DSC 9428-topaz-denoiseraw.jpg 2.005 × 2.005; 757 KB
Red-vented bulbul condo in honolulu 7.13.24 DSC 9443-topaz-denoiseraw.jpg 2.143 × 1.714; 697 KB
Red-vented Bulbul Dopatchi Sasatgre Oct24 A7CR 03537.jpg 2.152 × 3.228; 4,54 MB
Red-vented bulbul feeding the chicks.jpg 3.209 × 3.782; 5,05 MB
Red-vented bulbul manoa cliffs trail 7.11.24 DSC 9751-topaz-denoiseraw.jpg 2.058 × 2.058; 1,3 MB
Red-vented bulbul manoa cliffs trail 7.11.24 DSC 9756-topaz-denoiseraw.jpg 1.870 × 1.870; 1,15 MB
Red-vented bulbul manoa cliffs trail 7.11.24 DSC 9969-topaz-denoiseraw.jpg 1.685 × 1.685; 469 KB
Red-vented bulbul manoa cliffs trail 7.11.24 DSC 9975-topaz-denoiseraw.jpg 1.618 × 1.618; 455 KB
Red-vented bulbul manoa cliffs trail 7.11.24 DSC 9981-topaz-denoiseraw.jpg 1.955 × 1.955; 632 KB
Red-vented bulbul manoa cliffs trail 7.11.24 DSC 9989-topaz-denoiseraw.jpg 1.560 × 1.560; 419 KB
Red-vented bulbul Pair.jpg 2.486 × 1.443; 2,76 MB
Red-vented bulbul waimea falls 7.15.24 DSC 1400-topaz-denoiseraw.jpg 2.620 × 2.620; 946 KB
Red-vented bulbul waimea falls 7.15.24 DSC 1401-topaz-denoiseraw.jpg 2.806 × 2.806; 1.024 KB
Red-vented bulbul waimea falls 7.15.24 DSC 1407-topaz-denoiseraw.jpg 2.829 × 2.829; 1,13 MB
Red-vented bulbul waimea falls 7.15.24 DSC 1413-topaz-denoiseraw.jpg 2.702 × 2.702; 947 KB
Red-vented bulbul wing display (14104846917).jpg 3.004 × 2.003; 4,78 MB
Red-vented bulbul, Bhigwan.jpg 3.600 × 2.400; 2,14 MB
Red-vented Bulbul- After bath I IMG 0853.jpg 542 × 600; 124 KB
Red-vented Bulbul- Preening I Picture 015.jpg 741 × 600; 142 KB
Red-vented Bulbul. (52873250289).jpg 1.440 × 1.646; 218 KB
Red-vented Bulbul.jpg 1.800 × 2.400; 453 KB
Red-vented-1.jpg 929 × 1.158; 709 KB
Red-vented-Bulbul - Copy.jpg 828 × 834; 129 KB
Redvented bulbul.jpeg 3.000 × 2.252; 744 KB
RedVentedBulbulEating aw6789.JPG 3.648 × 2.736; 2,21 MB
RVBulbul DSC0127.jpg 3.033 × 2.014; 2,28 MB
RVBulbul DSC0129.jpg 3.010 × 2.000; 2,75 MB
Saprrow.jpg 4.898 × 3.265; 843 KB
SCR53222-2.jpg 7.640 × 4.221; 13,55 MB
Shawl bird in Bangladesh.jpg 5.184 × 3.456; 5,83 MB
The Red-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer).jpg 800 × 771; 290 KB
Two red vented bulbul from IIT Gandhinagar, Gujarat (1).jpg 6.000 × 4.000; 6,09 MB
Two red vented bulbul from IIT Gandhinagar, Gujarat (10).jpg 6.000 × 4.000; 6,37 MB
Two red vented bulbul from IIT Gandhinagar, Gujarat (11).jpg 6.000 × 4.000; 4,62 MB
Two red vented bulbul from IIT Gandhinagar, Gujarat (12).jpg 6.000 × 4.000; 4,55 MB
Two red vented bulbul from IIT Gandhinagar, Gujarat (13).jpg 6.000 × 4.000; 4,6 MB
Two red vented bulbul from IIT Gandhinagar, Gujarat (14).jpg 6.000 × 4.000; 4,61 MB
Two red vented bulbul from IIT Gandhinagar, Gujarat (15).jpg 6.000 × 4.000; 4,68 MB
Two red vented bulbul from IIT Gandhinagar, Gujarat (16).jpg 6.000 × 4.000; 4,78 MB
Two red vented bulbul from IIT Gandhinagar, Gujarat (17).jpg 6.000 × 4.000; 5,49 MB
Two red vented bulbul from IIT Gandhinagar, Gujarat (18).jpg 6.000 × 4.000; 4,6 MB
Two red vented bulbul from IIT Gandhinagar, Gujarat (19).jpg 6.000 × 4.000; 4,64 MB
Two red vented bulbul from IIT Gandhinagar, Gujarat (2).jpg 6.000 × 4.000; 5,5 MB
Two red vented bulbul from IIT Gandhinagar, Gujarat (20).jpg 6.000 × 4.000; 4,62 MB
Two red vented bulbul from IIT Gandhinagar, Gujarat (21).jpg 6.000 × 4.000; 4,69 MB
Two red vented bulbul from IIT Gandhinagar, Gujarat (3).jpg 6.000 × 4.000; 5,54 MB
Two red vented bulbul from IIT Gandhinagar, Gujarat (4).jpg 6.000 × 4.000; 5,5 MB
Two red vented bulbul from IIT Gandhinagar, Gujarat (5).jpg 6.000 × 4.000; 6,1 MB
Two red vented bulbul from IIT Gandhinagar, Gujarat (6).jpg 6.000 × 4.000; 5,85 MB
Two red vented bulbul from IIT Gandhinagar, Gujarat (7).jpg 6.000 × 4.000; 5,59 MB
Two red vented bulbul from IIT Gandhinagar, Gujarat (8).jpg 6.000 × 4.000; 5,88 MB
Two red vented bulbul from IIT Gandhinagar, Gujarat (9).jpg 6.000 × 4.000; 6,11 MB
बुलबुल.jpg 1.800 × 1.200; 1,72 MB