Category:Stolpersteine for homosexuals

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English: Shown on this page are Stolpersteine for homosexual victims of the Nazi era. In 2015, a Stolperstein was set in place at Singerstraße 120, Berlin, for Elli Smula, a lesbian victim of the Nazi era.

Stolperstein is the German word for "stumbling block", "obstacle", or "something in the way". Starting in 1997, the artist Gunter Demnig gave this word a new meaning, that of a small, cobblestone-sized memorial for a single victim of Nazism set in the pavement before the building in which this person lived or worked. The list of locales that have Stolpersteine now extends to several countries and over 1,100 cities and towns in Germany.

These memorials commemorate individuals -- those who died as well as survivors -- who were consigned or deported by the Nazis to prisons, forced labor sites, euthanasia "clinics", concentration camps, and extermination camps, as well as individuals who were victims of pogrom violence or who responded to persecution by fleeing or escaping, by emigrating (including Kindertransport children), or by committing suicide. Beyond homosexuals, they include Jews, Sinti and Romani people (also called gypsies), Jehovah's Witnesses, Black people, the physically and mentally disabled as well as Christians (both Protestants and Catholics) opposed to the Nazis, political dissidents, members of the Communist Party, the Social Democratic Party, and the Resistance, along with International Brigade soldiers in the Spanish Civil War, military deserters, conscientious objectors, escape helpers, capitulators, and others charged with undermining the Nazi military.
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