Category:Uses of Wikidata Infobox with no item
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This category contains pages that contain {{Wikidata Infobox}}, but aren’t connected to a Wikidata item (either via a sitelink or by manually passing a |qid=
parameter to the infobox). If the infobox was added by Pi bot, it mentioned the Wikidata item ID it found in the edit summary; check the edit history of that item to find out what happened.
This category has the following 200 subcategories, out of 634,821 total.
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- "Acrocera" hirsuta (1 F)
- "Corethra" exita (1 F)
- "Culex" proavitus (1 F)
- "Delphax" senilis (1 F)
- "Eugnamptus" decemsatus (1 F)
- "Eugnamptus" grandaevus (1 F)
- "Gymnetron" lecontei (1 F)
- "Keep it in the ground" (6 F)
- "Lasioptera" recessa (1 F)
- "Likha" (Exhibit) (50 F)
- "Nosodendron" tritavum (1 F)
- "Ophryastes" compactus (1 F)
- "Otiorhynchus" tumbae (1 F)
- "Paralatindia" saussurei (1 F)
- "Phenolia" incapax (1 F)
- "Rhus" nigricans (2 F)
- "V-4" mine (Krivoy Rog) (11 F)
- Rosa 'Yeswecare' (1 F)
- &Klevering (1 F)
- 't VeerHuys (7 F)
- 't Zand 1, Boxmeer (7 F)
- (Peru, ship 1844) (1 F)
- (乾道)新安志 (1 F)
- (乾隆)亳州志 (1 F)
- (乾隆)偃師縣志 (12 F)
- (乾隆)光州志 (8 F)
- (乾隆)吳江縣志 (12 F)
- (乾隆)吳郡甫里志 (1 F)
- (乾隆)塘棲志略 (1 F)
- (乾隆)天津縣志 (1 F)
- (乾隆)太平府志 (1 F)
- (乾隆)太谷縣志 (8 F)
- (乾隆)寶雞縣志 (4 F)
- (乾隆)山陽縣志 (1 F)
- (乾隆)平原縣志 (4 F)
- (乾隆)忻州志 (6 F)
- (乾隆)新泰縣志 (6 F)
- (乾隆)昭平縣志 (1 F)
- (乾隆)東昌府志 (24 F)
- (乾隆)沂州府志 (12 F)
- (乾隆)清河縣志 (1 F)
- (乾隆)澎湖紀略 (1 F)
- (乾隆)烏青鎮志 (1 F)
- (乾隆)玉田縣志 (5 F)
- (乾隆)甘肅通志 (36 F)
- (乾隆)當涂縣志 (1 F)
- (乾隆)直隸邠州志 (4 F)
- (乾隆)福山縣志 (8 F)
- (乾隆)臨晉縣志 (4 F)
- (乾隆)萊州府志 (8 F)
- (乾隆)解州全志 (4 F)
- (乾隆)諸暨縣志 (2 F)
- (乾隆)象山縣志 (1 F)
- (乾隆)輝縣志 (8 F)
- (乾隆)遷安縣志 (6 F)
- (乾隆)醴泉縣志 (4 F)
- (乾隆)重修洛陽縣志 (20 F)
- (乾隆)重修臺灣府志 (1 F)
- (乾隆)鎮安府志 (1 F)
- (乾隆)鎮洋縣志 (1 F)
- (乾隆)長武縣志 (4 F)
- (乾隆)長洲縣志 (2 F)
- (乾隆)陵川縣志 (10 F)
- (乾隆)震澤縣志 (1 F)
- (乾隆)靈璧縣志略 (1 F)
- (乾隆)黟縣志 (1 F)
- (亂彈)昭君 (1 F)
- (修正)國際裁判 (1 F)
- (偽滿)臨江縣志 (6 F)
- (偽滿康德)長春縣志 (6 F)
- (光緒)安邑縣續志 (2 F)
- (光緒)寧陽縣志 (12 F)
- (光緒)打箭廳志 (1 F)
- (光緒)杭州府志稿 (5 F)
- (光緒)榮河縣志 (6 F)
- (光緒)武進陽湖縣合志人物傳 (1 F)
- (光緒)沔縣新志 (4 F)
- (光緒)海龍府鄉土志 (1 F)
- (光緒)海龍府鄉士志 (1 F)
- (光緒)畿輔通志職官草冊 (1 F)
- (光緒)續猗氏縣志 (2 F)
- (光緒)續輯咸寧縣志 (8 F)
- (光緒)聞喜縣志續 (4 F)
- (光緒)趙撝叔先生修贛省通志稾本 (1 F)
- (光緒)輯安縣鄉土志 (4 F)
- (光緒)通化縣鄉土志 (2 F)
- (光緒)遵化通志 (32 F)
- (光緒)黔陽縣鄉土志 (1 F)
- (十一段)昭代簫韶(頭本) (1 F)
- (印度)國營工人保險法案 (1 F)
- (同治)石門縣志 (1 F)
- (同治)續猗氏縣志 (2 F)
- (同治)赤城縣續志 (1 F)
- (同治)重修寧海州志 (6 F)
- (同治)長安鎮志 (1 F)
- (同治)黟縣三志 (10 F)
- (嘉慶)昌樂縣志 (6 F)
- (嘉慶)淞南志 (1 F)
- (嘉慶)續修中部縣志 (4 F)
- (嘉慶)續興安府志 (2 F)
- (嘉慶)義烏縣志 (1 F)
- (嘉慶)葭州志 (4 F)
- (嘉靖)乾州志 (1 F)
- (嘉靖)休寧縣志 (1 F)
- (嘉靖)光山縣志 (1 F)
- (嘉靖)吳江縣志 (2 F)
- (嘉靖)太倉州志 (1 F)
- (嘉靖)奉化縣圖志 (1 F)
- (嘉靖)寧國府志 (1 F)
- (嘉靖)山陰縣志 (1 F)
- (嘉靖)廣東通志 (2 F)
- (嘉靖)建寧府志 (1 F)
- (嘉靖)德清縣誌 (1 F)
- (嘉靖)恩縣志 (1 F)
- (嘉靖)撫州府志 (1 F)
- (嘉靖)杞縣志 (1 F)
- (嘉靖)桐廬縣志 (1 F)
- (嘉靖)永城縣志 (1 F)
- (嘉靖)永春縣志 (1 F)
- (嘉靖)汀州府志 (1 F)
- (嘉靖)河南通志 (1 F)
- (嘉靖)泰山志 (1 F)
- (嘉靖)海鹽縣志 (1 F)
- (嘉靖)略陽縣志 (1 F)
- (嘉靖)真定府志 (2 F)
- (嘉靖)續澉水志 (1 F)
- (嘉靖)續澉水誌 (1 F)
- (嘉靖)袁州府志 (1 F)
- (嘉靖)鄭州志 (1 F)
- (嘉靖)銅陵縣志 (1 F)
- (增刊)算法統宗 (4 F)
- (增訂)周犢山全稿 (4 F)
- (天啟)平湖縣志 (1 F)
- (天啟)慈溪縣志 (1 F)
- (天啟)淮安府志 (1 F)
- (天啟)雲間志略 (4 F)
- (天啟)鳳書 (1 F)
- (安徽省宣城縣)實習總報告 (1 F)
- (安徽省宣城縣政府)實習總報告 (1 F)
- (宣統)西安縣志略 (2 F)
- (宣統)輝南廰志 (1 F)
- (宣統)輝南廳志 (1 F)
- (宣統)長白彙徵錄 (4 F)
- (寳祐)重修琴川志 (2 F)
- (崇禎)吳縣志 (4 F)
- (崇禎)寧志備考 (1 F)
- (崇禎)曲阜縣志 (1 F)
- (崇禎)松江府志 (11 F)
- (崇禎)歷城縣志 (1 F)
- (康熙)休寧縣志 (2 F)
- (康熙)吳江縣志 (7 F)
- (康熙)嘉定縣續志 (1 F)
- (康熙)嘉興府志 (7 F)
- (康熙)嘉興縣志 (3 F)
- (康熙)夏邑縣志 (5 F)
- (康熙)天津衛志 (9 F)
- (康熙)婺源縣志 (2 F)
- (康熙)安慶府太湖縣志 (1 F)
- (康熙)安陽縣志 (6 F)
- (康熙)宿州志 (1 F)
- (康熙)宿遷縣志 (1 F)
- (康熙)常熟縣志 (3 F)
- (康熙)平湖縣志 (1 F)
- (康熙)廣西通志 (4 F)
- (康熙)德化縣志 (1 F)
- (康熙)新寧縣志 (1 F)
- (康熙)新昌縣志 (1 F)
- (康熙)會稽縣志 (1 F)
- (康熙)歙縣志 (1 F)
- (康熙)武康縣志 (1 F)
- (康熙)洛陽縣志 (1 F)
- (康熙)海寧縣志 (1 F)
- (康熙)滁州志 (1 F)
- (康熙)滁州續志 (1 F)
- (康熙)滸墅關志 (2 F)
- (康熙)秀水縣志 (1 F)
- (康熙)縉雲縣志 (1 F)
Pages in category "Uses of Wikidata Infobox with no item"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 703 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- Agriopis aurantiaria
- Agriopis leucophaearia
- Airbus Corporate Jets
- Template:AirDisastersDecade
- Albani-Friedhof (Cheltenhampark)
- Alt Katholische Christuskirche Offenbach
- Altenburg (Thüringen)
- Amarna princesses
- Ameron Boutique Hotel Villa Abion Berlin
- Amia calva
- User:AmirahBreen/Zade Dirani
- Ancient Agora Museum (Athens)
- Ancient Roman theater (Trieste)
- Androsphinx
- Apocheima hispidaria
- Ar Ramadi
- Archbishop's Chapel (Ravenna)
- Armenian Embassy, Washington, D.C.
- Artist with artwork in the Netherlands
- Asahi beer Oyamazaki Villa Museum
- Atlántida (Uruguay)
- Auditorium (Göttingen)
- Template:Australiamonthyear
- Template:AustriaHungaryArc
- Austrian Arrows
- Template:Autumn in Ankara
- Template:Autumn in Australia
- Template:Autumn in Samsun
- User:AYM8818/sdc tool.js
- Badami
- Badia Vecchia (Taormina)
- Bahnhof Berlin Friedrichstraße
- Bahnhof Görlitz
- Banys Àrabs de Palma de Mallorca
- Bara'a dance
- Barefoot parks
- Baroque villas in Palermo
- Basilika St. Clemens (Hannover)
- Batalhão de Operações Policiais Especiais (PMERJ)
- Battersea Park Peace Pagoda
- BDO Global
- Beeldentuin Middelheim Museum
- Beethoven memorials in Bonn
- Belianska cave
- Bem's Fort
- Bergwerk Rammelsberg, Altstadt von Goslar und Oberharzer Wasserwirtschaft
- Berlin-Potsdam-Magdeburger Eisenbahn
- Bernocchi Family
- Bes
- Joachim Beuckelaer
- Bibliotheek Ommoord
- Bibliothèque Gabrielle-Roy
- Bishop Carroll High School (Alberta)
- Blue Division
- BMW R100R Roadster
- Bolongaropalast
- Elisa Bonaparte
- Bonner Münster
- Bonneville Dam
- User:Borealex/sdc tool.js
- Boulton Paul Defiant
- Br'er Bear
- Brettmühle - Holzfabrik Friedrich Hengst Pirna
- Bridges of Dublin
- Brihadisvara temple
- Brooklands Memorial
- Brozany nad Ohří
- Brugse belofte (procession)
- Buchholz-Orgel Stralsund
- Bundeskanzleramt (Bonn)
- Bungowannah, New South Wales
- User:Caddyshack01/common.js
- Cairo Citadel
- Calcio Catania
- Calgary Police Service
- Calgary Transit
- Canadian Military Heritage Museum
- Caserne de la Cité (Paris)
- Caspar Merian
- Castello di Todi
- Castle and cathedral complex in Kwidzyn
- Castles in Munich
- Castles in Palermo
- Castles in the canton of Thurgau
- Template:Cat multilingual objects
- Template:Cat multilingual objects/12--
- Template:Cat multilingual objects/doc
- Cathédrale Saint-Jean (Besançon)
- Chicago Lawn
- Chiesa di San Nicolò dei Greci
- Chiesa di Sant'Antonio Taumaturgo
- China Burma India Theater of World War II
- Chittoor District
- Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard
- Church buildings in Dublin (city)
- Church of Prophet Elias of the City, Thessaloniki
- Church of Saint Panteleimon, Thessaloniki
- Church of the Twelve Apostles, Thessaloniki
- Churches in Rovigo
- Template:Churches in Turkey photographed by year
- Civil Police (Brazil)
- Coasts of Canada
- Coins of Bologna
- Coins of Messina
- Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires
- Collerette Dahlias
- Combaning, New South Wales
- Compagnia Pisana Trasporti
- Congrès d’Erfurt
- Convento de las Descalzas Reales (Valladolid)
- Template:Corsoyear-Zundert
- Crafts Museum, New Delhi
- Croissant
- Culture in Dublin
- Falkensteiner Altar
- Farewell signs
- Feldafing (village)
- Fiat G.91
- Fish market
- Flag lowering
- Flag of Bulgaria
- Flags of Montenegro
- Flags of municipalities of Molise
- Flags of regions of Guyana
- Template:FlatCatByCriterion
- Florinskirche Koblenz
- Fontana della Dea di Roma
- Fontana in ghisa (Messina)
- Fontana Senatoria (Messina)
- Fort Montbarey
- Fort Napoleon (Oostende)
- Fort Sumter
- Fountain in Piazza del Campidoglio (Rome)
- Fountains and pools in Schönbrunn
- Fountains in Nuremberg
- Fountains in the gardens of the Belvedere
- Fountains in Vatican City
- Franz Pfnür
- User:Franz van Duns/Sandbox
- Frederik X and Mary, King and Queen of Denmark
- Freiburg Altstadt
- French Embassy, Berlin
- French ochre
- User:Frettie/sdc tool.js
- Friedhöfe (Stralsund)
- The Fullerton Hotel Singapore
- Gallegos del Río
- Gand
- Gardens of the Belvedere
- Gefallenen-Denkmal (WK II) in Ruhland
- Geiselwind
- Gelbsand
- Geoforschungszentrum Potsdam
- Template talk:Geogroup
- Georgetown Rainier Brewery
- Gerresheimer Waldfriedhof
- GNK Dinamo Zagreb kits
- User:Goran tek-en/sandbox
- Großer Hafen (Wilhelmshaven)
- User:Groupsixty/sdc tool.js
- Guelph Treasure (Art Institute of Chicago)
- Gurjar clans
- Göteborgs domkyrka
- Göttingen-Weende
- Hausbrauerei Päffgen Köln
- Hebertshausen (village)
- Heilbronn Güterbahnhof
- Heilgeisthospital (Stralsund)
- Heilige Jungfrau Maria von Zeituon Kirche (Wien)
- Hello (Airline)
- User:HenkvD/sdc tool/test.js
- Highest
- Hildesheimer Dom (before 2010)
- Hofburg, Innsbruck
- Hohenloher Freilandmuseum Wackershofen
- Honda HondaJet
- Hotel Bazar w Poznaniu
- Hotel San Domenico (Taormina)