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fase finale della vita di una stella ![]() SN 1994D (el punt lluminós del quadrant inferior esquerre), una supernova de tipus Ia situada a la galàxia NGC 4526 | |||||
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Questa categoria contiene le 36 sottocategorie indicate di seguito, su un totale di 36.
- Animations of supernovae (2 F)
- GRB 060218 (2 F)
- GRB 111209A (2 F)
- Hubble images of supernovas (124 F)
- Lensed supernovae (7 F)
- Light curves of supernovae (29 F)
- Odd radio circle (2 F)
- SN 1986G (2 F)
- SN 1994I (3 F)
- SN 1995K (4 F)
- SN 1997ap (2 F)
- SN 1997ce (4 F)
- SN 1997cj (4 F)
- SN 1997ck (4 F)
- SN 1998bu (2 F)
- SN 1999em (7 F)
- SN 2002dj (2 F)
- SN 2002hh (4 F)
- SN 2002ic (2 F)
- SN 2003gd (12 F)
- SN 2006jc (7 F)
- SN 2008cs (2 F)
- SN 2008D (4 F)
- SN 2011fe (10 F)
- SN 2014J (8 F)
- SN 2016iet (2 F)
- SN 2020fqv (9 F)
- SN Refsdal (6 F)
Pagine nella categoria "Supernovae"
Questa categoria contiene le 2 pagine indicate di seguito, su un totale di 2.
File nella categoria "Supernovae"
Questa categoria contiene 200 file, indicati di seguito, su un totale di 207.
(pagina precedente) (pagina successiva)-
NGC 3370HSTGround.jpg 1 000 × 500; 75 KB
2010dn-NGC3184-2010Jun01.jpg 840 × 765; 150 KB
2019abn NBO 2019-03-12.png 800 × 800; 602 KB
2019abn-Hubble.png 902 × 449; 734 KB
2020-11-06 NGC514+SN2020uxz.jpg 1 266 × 1 164; 485 KB
211873main2 aftlabelsnova 20080213 350px.jpg 350 × 113; 52 KB
Aladin2011.02.13-02-47-58.748.png 512 × 512; 17 KB
An explosive galaxy (48035918848).jpg 1 280 × 950; 336 KB
Animation of Supernova Producing a Black Hole (SN 1979C).ogv 22 s, 512 × 288; 1,59 MB
Annotated view of supernova SN1995E in NGC 2441.tif 2 913 × 1 861, 2 pagine; 13,28 MB
Appearance of the the Refsdal Supernova (23023391450).jpg 1 280 × 1 280; 327 KB
Artist's impression time-lapse of distant supernovae.webm 31 s, 1 920 × 1 080; 4,51 MB
Betelgeuse supernova.png 1 148 × 818; 75 KB
Calan Tololo Team Members.jpg 640 × 480; 43 KB
CalanTololo1990 cover page of the original observing proposal.pdf 1 275 × 1 650; 774 KB
CalanTololo1990 telescope proposal page 2.pdf 1 275 × 1 650; 971 KB
Cassiopeia A -MIRI Image- (weic2311a).jpg 1 280 × 1 280; 247 KB
Choose Your Path- Destiny of Dust (01FEGX8A3Z6QCZW7RCD1EZ6F96).jpeg 6 900 × 10 809; 8,2 MB
Collapsar as initial mass-metallicity.svg 512 × 315; 309 KB
Compass Image for NGC 2525 (2020-52-4747).png 3 657 × 3 920; 25,64 MB
Compass Image for NGC 2525 (2020-52-4747).tif 3 657 × 3 920; 29,7 MB
Compass Image for NGC 7424 (2018-20-4158).png 2 000 × 1 541; 4,81 MB
Compass Image for NGC 7424 (2018-20-4158).tif 2 383 × 1 837; 6,39 MB
COMPTEL 26Al galaxy.jpg 805 × 480; 343 KB
Core collapse scenario.svg 775 × 588; 34 KB
Creation of type Ia supernova.svg 1 500 × 2 350; 48 KB
Diagrama de Hubble para Supernova (noirlab2401h).jpg 16 000 × 9 000; 9,78 MB
Diagrama de Hubble para Supernova (noirlab2401h).tiff 16 000 × 9 000; 50,72 MB
Die Gartenlaube (1885) b 637.jpg 595 × 758; 139 KB
Distant Supernovae (opo9802a).jpg 3 000 × 2 400; 319 KB
El-fin-de-una-estrella-o-una-supernova-impostora image 380.jpg 1 325 × 380; 147 KB
ESO-NGC7424-SN2001ig-phot-33d-04-normal.jpg 1 192 × 800; 622 KB
Evolution of Type IIb Stripped-Envelope Supernova (2018-20-4156).pdf 1 125 × 1 575; 20,5 MB
Explosions -- Large and Small.gif 320 × 243; 8,75 MB
Fermi Sees No Gamma Rays from Nearby Supernova (SVS14522 - Fermi Missing GR Still).jpg 1 920 × 1 080; 758 KB
Galaxy Cluster PLCK G165 7 (NIRCam Image) (01J3DGFZ5PMFA2PM74QGPAGJ7V).png 8 151 × 6 129; 63,42 MB
Galaxy Cluster PLCK G165 7 (NIRCam Image) (01J3DGFZ5PMFA2PM74QGPAGJ7V).tiff 8 151 × 6 129; 80,65 MB
Galaxy cluster PLCK G165 7+67 0 and SN H0pe Inset (NIRCam) (01J3DQ7Z5Z4VPJ9G8EN2GRWBJH).png 8 816 × 4 408; 42,75 MB
Gamma ray burst.jpg 2 000 × 1 396; 1,23 MB
GRB 080913.jpg 1 072 × 1 074; 242 KB
HU Predictions of Supernova Distances vs Redshifts.png 432 × 288; 26 KB
Hubble Captures 3 Faces of Evolving Supernova (SVS14239 SUPERNOVA VERT MP4).webm 1 min 58 s, 1 080 × 1 920; 14,92 MB
Hubble Captures 3 Faces of Evolving Supernova (SVS14239 SUPERNOVA WIDE MP4).webm 1 min 58 s, 1 920 × 1 080; 15,3 MB
Hubble diagram of Supernova Legacy Survey (geminiann05015b).jpg 250 × 389; 30 KB
Hubble diagram of Supernova Legacy Survey (geminiann05015b).tiff 250 × 389; 145 KB
Hubble Finds Rare Progenitor to Supernova SN 2005gl.jpg 2 400 × 3 000; 518 KB
Hubble Views Bright Outburst Far from Galaxies (2023-024).png 648 × 518; 1,71 MB
IPTF14hls.png 500 × 237; 292 KB
Jades Deep Field Annotated.png 12 081 × 8 481; 135,25 MB
Jet supernovae as initial mass-metallicity.svg 512 × 315; 287 KB
Light curves of SN 2022jli.jpg 2 000 × 2 246; 1,12 MB
Light echo.svg 744 × 1 052; 7 KB
M101 - Noao-m101sn2011fe.jpg 2 668 × 2 088; 3,55 MB
M61 and SN2020jfo 20200508Marked.jpg 3 579 × 2 058; 2,48 MB
MACS J0138 Compass Image (2021-030).png 1 762 × 881; 2,22 MB
MACS J0138 Compass Image (2021-030).tif 1 762 × 881; 2,65 MB
MACS J0138 Hubble and Webb Side-by-Side (01HHFSVTR4XMP93KYDMYJM0Y4B).png 2 809 × 1 404; 5,28 MB
MACSJ 0138 (2021-030).png 1 762 × 881; 2,21 MB
MACSJ 0138 (2021-030).tif 1 762 × 881; 2,63 MB
MCG +05-43-16 with SN 2007ck and SN 2007co Swift Opitcal UV Xray.jpg 1 349 × 445; 272 KB
MCG +05-43-16 with SN 2007ck and SN 2007co Swift.jpg 800 × 800; 81 KB
Messier 61 with SN2020jfo (Supernova).jpg 1 845 × 1 623; 1,13 MB
N3147v.gif 995 × 842; 175 KB
Neutrino bulb model.png 476 × 707; 31 KB
New Suspect Identified in Supernova Explosion (14345737275).jpg 946 × 1 089; 1 MB
New York. American Museum of Natural History (2796166870).jpg 2 592 × 1 944; 5,2 MB
NGC 1288.jpg 1 502 × 1 387; 521 KB
NGC 1961.jpg 200 × 165; 9 KB
NGC 2403HSTSN.jpg 750 × 750; 160 KB
NGC 3367 - Sn1992c a.jpg 6 108 × 4 156; 9,58 MB
NGC 3938 SN 2005ay.jpg 350 × 367; 53 KB
NGC 5861 and SN 2017erp AOFPK.jpg 2 848 × 2 848; 3 MB
NGC 7771 SN 2003hg.jpg 344 × 383; 17 KB
NGC57-SN2010dq-2010Sep3.jpg 564 × 513; 67 KB
NGC772 SN2003hl SN2003iq 6223 Dahl.jpg 630 × 473; 30 KB
Noirlab2019b.jpg 4 706 × 5 149; 8,1 MB
One galaxy, three supernovae (42827694702).jpg 1 280 × 1 109; 192 KB
PGC37584+SN2020rcq 20200907.jpg 3 531 × 3 356; 11,22 MB
Phot-26-05.jpg 1 600 × 1 260; 159 KB
Preandsupernovainner.svg 645 × 336; 119 KB
Progenitor of SN 2005gl.jpg 200 × 200; 8 KB
Rayleigh-Taylor Instabilities in Supernovae Explosions- Density (SVS39).webm 18 s, 640 × 480; 4,24 MB
Rayleigh-Taylor Instabilities in Supernovae Explosions- Hydrogen Mass Fraction (SVS40).webm 18 s, 640 × 480; 3,39 MB
Rayleigh-Taylor Instabilities in Supernovae Explosions- Oxygen Mass Fraction (SVS44).webm 19 s, 640 × 480; 3,07 MB
Rayleigh-Taylor Instabilities in Supernovae Explosions- Partial Density of Helium (SVS43).webm 18 s, 640 × 480; 4,29 MB
Rayleigh-Taylor Instabilities in Supernovae Explosions- Partial Density of Hydrogen (SVS41).webm 18 s, 640 × 480; 3,41 MB
Rayleigh-Taylor Instabilities in Supernovae Explosions- Partial Density of Oxygen (SVS45).webm 18 s, 640 × 480; 3,61 MB
Remnants of single massive stars.svg 512 × 315; 5 KB
Residui di stelle singole massicce.svg 512 × 315; 5 KB
Schockfrontbeschleunigung.svg 756 × 605; 29 KB
Seeing Triple (Annotated) (potm2302b).jpeg 5 707 × 3 621; 3,2 MB
Shockfrontacceleration.svg 756 × 605; 29 KB
Sloshing Supernovas (SVS30506).jpg 4 104 × 2 304; 577 KB
SN 1885A in M31.gif 568 × 885; 456 KB
SN 1987A.png 1 536 × 761; 41 KB
SN 1996cr in Circinus.jpg 2 400 × 1 999; 3,77 MB
SN 1997D.jpg 399 × 463; 51 KB
SN 1998bw.jpg 2 908 × 2 792; 2,09 MB
SN 2005am Swift.jpg 1 800 × 1 800; 1,79 MB
SN 2007on Chandra Swift.jpg 1 177 × 601; 192 KB
SN 2007on swift.jpg 648 × 648; 93 KB
SN 2010jl Hubble.png 930 × 945; 790 KB
SN 2013if with GeMS-GSAOI (geminiann18001a).jpg 500 × 165; 29 KB
SN 2013if with GeMS-GSAOI (geminiann18001a).tiff 500 × 165; 83 KB
SN 2018zd wikipedia.png 904 × 895; 374 KB
SN 2022jli image ZTF-sci-20220703459132-zg-size-7.0arcmin.png 831 × 654; 426 KB
SN 2022rnn.png 745 × 760; 526 KB
SN 2023gfo in NGC 4995.jpg 380 × 380; 116 KB
Sn discoveries.gif 480 × 240; 3,21 MB
SN Mikulski host galaxy with supernova.jpg 680 × 476; 299 KB
SN Mikulski host galaxy without supernova.jpg 680 × 476; 309 KB
SN1979C in M100.jpg 665 × 507; 56 KB
SN1994D.jpg 1 280 × 1 280; 134 KB
SN1998aq max spectra.svg 990 × 765; 80 KB
SN1998S.jpg 1 800 × 1 772; 600 KB
SN1999gn.jpg 300 × 233; 16 KB
SN2002bo-eso0617a-2003.jpg 1 135 × 824; 410 KB
SN2005bc.JPG 312 × 223; 69 KB
SN2006bp UVOT.jpg 875 × 426; 442 KB
SN2006bp.jpg 1 665 × 557; 396 KB
SN2006dm Swift image.jpg 518 × 515; 156 KB
SN2008axHunterWilson.jpg 1 100 × 819; 144 KB
Sn2008hdani.gif 1 082 × 538; 3,9 MB
SN2008inHunter Wilson.jpg 1 100 × 791; 188 KB
SN2010cr-LB1-2010May19.jpg 213 × 189; 36 KB
SN2018gv.gif 842 × 318; 5,01 MB
SN2023bee-NGC2708-20230216-0924.png 671 × 853; 316 KB
SN2023gfo-NGC4995-20230421-1017.png 564 × 496; 161 KB
SN2023ijd-NGC4568-20230517-0945.png 526 × 526; 172 KB
SN23xcrop.jpg 1 680 × 1 206; 50 KB
SNeIa hst big.jpg 800 × 600; 300 KB
SNR 0509-67.5.jpg 525 × 340; 159 KB
Something new in the sky (potw2210a).jpg 1 802 × 968; 209 KB
Something new in the sky (potw2210a).tif 1 802 × 968; 1,28 MB
Something new in the sky (potw2210b).jpg 988 × 724; 94 KB
Something new in the sky (potw2210b).tif 988 × 724; 943 KB
Star Sends Clues to its Demise Hours Before its Death (noaoann18016a).jpg 1 200 × 799; 84 KB
Star Sends Clues to its Demise Hours Before its Death (noaoann18016a).tiff 1 200 × 799; 622 KB
Stellar evolution Hebrew.png 2 432 × 1 000; 436 KB
Super Nova Explosion (Explosion)(Neutrino).png 640 × 400; 134 KB
Super Nova Explosion (Explosion).png 640 × 400; 116 KB
Super Nova Explosion (Initial).png 640 × 400; 48 KB
Superbubble LHA 120-N 44 in the Large Magellanic Cloud.jpg 1 781 × 2 018; 1,68 MB
Supernova (1560289212).jpg 972 × 866; 188 KB
Supernova (CGI).jpg 720 × 547; 129 KB
Supernova 2005dh and Spiral Galaxy NGC 1559.jpg 2 030 × 1 598; 949 KB
Supernova 2008 ha.jpg 500 × 372; 131 KB
Supernova 2008D.jpg 1 082 × 538; 401 KB
Supernova 2012Z.jpg 673 × 673; 677 KB
Supernova candidates.jpg 1 421 × 533; 118 KB
Supernova Companion Star.jpg 3 000 × 2 500; 1,5 MB
Supernova Encore in MACS J0138 (NIRCam Image) (01HHFRZJM79BA0QZ79ATJFPQD6).png 8 629 × 4 368; 22,65 MB
Supernova Encore in MACS J0138 (NIRCam Image) (01HHFRZJM79BA0QZ79ATJFPQD6).tiff 8 629 × 4 368; 26,51 MB
Supernova Host Galaxies in the Ultraviolet.jpg 3 000 × 2 100; 642 KB
Supernova Hubble Diagram (noirlab2401c).jpg 16 000 × 9 000; 9,94 MB
Supernova Hubble Diagram (noirlab2401c).tiff 16 000 × 9 000; 52,15 MB
Supernova in NGC 2525 (2020-52-4745).png 3 657 × 3 920; 25,71 MB
Supernova in NGC 2525 (2020-52-4745).tif 3 657 × 3 920; 29,82 MB
Supernova near PTF10tce galaxy (geminiann12012a).jpg 500 × 167; 39 KB
Supernova near PTF10tce galaxy (geminiann12012a).tiff 500 × 167; 140 KB
Supernova Petir.jpg 811 × 1 280; 75 KB
Supernova SN 1995al in NGC 3021.jpg 674 × 800; 157 KB
Supernova SN 1995al.jpg 716 × 800; 144 KB
Supernova SN 1999em.jpg 540 × 491; 76 KB
Supernova SN 2005ke VBU.jpg 450 × 438; 38 KB
Supernova SN 2005ke.jpg 450 × 436; 56 KB
Supernova SN 2011by in NGC 3972.jpg 1 503 × 1 127; 648 KB
Supernova SN2017gxq in a galaxy NGC4964 (Ursa Major) 20171022.png 1 016 × 1 016; 296 KB
Supernova&galaxia.png 469 × 384; 214 KB
Supernova.ogv 3 min 38 s, 960 × 540; 36,41 MB
Supernova2.en.jpg 1 274 × 1 425; 539 KB
Supernovae as initial mass-metallicity.svg 512 × 324; 5 KB
Supernovae discovered since 1885 (larger size).gif 800 × 400; 7,81 MB
Supernovae in NGC 1448 (captured by the Very Large Telescope).jpg 2 038 × 2 005; 5,14 MB
Supernovae in NGC 4414 (potw2444b).jpg 2 247 × 2 247; 1,77 MB
Supernovae in NGC 4414 (potw2444b).tiff 2 247 × 2 247; 28,93 MB
Supernovae lightcurves.svg 2 472 × 1 436; 22 KB
SupernovaII.png 1 021 × 291; 157 KB
Supernowa.JPG 1 679 × 2 107; 681 KB
The Cartwheel galaxy seen by MUSE (potw2210c).jpg 412 × 441; 47 KB
The Cartwheel galaxy seen by MUSE (potw2210c).tif 412 × 441; 237 KB
The curious case of calcium-rich supernovae (40315208764).jpg 4 037 × 2 355; 2,88 MB
Third appearance of the Refsdal supernova (23257315133).jpg 1 280 × 734; 257 KB
Three Faces of Evolving Supernova (Annotated) (heic2214a).jpg 5 210 × 2 358; 3,12 MB
Three Faces of Evolving Supernova (Clean) (heic2214b).jpg 5 210 × 2 358; 2,98 MB
Three Steps to Measuring the Hubble Constant (2018-12-4120).pdf 1 500 × 1 275; 7,17 MB
Three Steps to Measuring the Hubble Constant (2018-12-4120).tif 3 000 × 2 550; 21,91 MB
Tipi di collapsar da massa e metallicità iniziali.svg 512 × 315; 360 KB
Tipi di jet supernovae da massa e metallicità iniziali.svg 512 × 315; 355 KB
Tipi di supernovae da massa e metallicità iniziali.svg 512 × 324; 6 KB
Tycho Cas SN1572.jpg 1 015 × 1 280; 622 KB
Tycho observing 1572 supernova.jpg 1 396 × 2 054; 1,1 MB
Type 1c Gamma Ray Burst 01.jpg 576 × 389; 45 KB
Type Ia supernova simulation - Argonne National Laboratory highres.jpg 870 × 2 562; 1 019 KB