Commons:Picture of the Year/2020/R1/v/Sojourner Truth, 1870 (cropped, restored).jpg

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Picture of the Year 2020
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Sojourner Truth, 1870 (cropped, restored).jpg

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  1. BD2412
  2. Brigade Piron
  3. Ordensherre
  4. El Lombard
  5. Bluerasberry
  6. Mackteague
  7. Pax85
  8. SirAvles
  9. Thi
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  11. BrankaVV
  12. Smrose
  13. Dora the Axe-plorer
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  53. Marco Majoleth
  54. Alexanderps
  55. Emha
  56. Stimoroll
  57. Nina Flor
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  61. Jianhui67