Commons:Picture of the Year/2020/R2/v/Milky way seen from bolivian high altiplano 03.jpg

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Picture of the Year 2020
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Milky way seen from bolivian high altiplano 03.jpg

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  1. ...have registered before Fri, 01 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
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  1. Flyplanevn27
  2. Noxbis
  3. Diman Russkov
  4. 괭이는냥이
  5. Eien20
  6. Thanoscar21
  7. Diriector Doc
  8. NoFrost
  9. Oscitare
  10. Wolverène
  11. 職員室
  12. Tarikur
  13. Bass-Kuroi
  14. Mampato
  15. Olegvdv68
  16. Goldpl8
  17. Saber1983
  18. Dainomite
  19. Takepippi
  20. Gap9551
  21. Herbert Ortner
  22. Denys
  23. Ryse93
  24. ჯეო
  25. MAyo
  26. Bullenwächter
  27. Heikolino1010
  28. Firefly
  29. Avereanu
  30. Msz2001
  31. Duschgeldrache2
  32. Ganímedes
  33. Brewster239
  34. Rodney Araujo
  35. Pofka
  36. Paperoastro
  37. Harald the Bard
  38. Shankarsivarajan
  39. .avgas
  40. Buddyhooker
  41. Ykraps
  42. LoMit
  43. SCFoxJD
  44. 1992arn
  45. Superu46
  46. FusionLord
  47. Garethheathcote
  48. Pavel Stankov
  49. P'tit Ju
  50. WeeJeeVee
  51. Богдан Панчук
  52. Akigka
  53. Cb22hh
  54. Explicit
  55. Lyncos
  56. Иван Дулин
  57. Juandev
  58. Doge2727
  59. Elias Stassinopoulos
  60. Hujber Tünde
  61. Brezelpaul
  62. MilkyDefer
  63. Jmh2o
  64. وسام
  65. Zabe
  66. Mr. Moonlight
  67. Aftmidnight00
  68. Tbhotch
  69. Romczyk
  70. Անի Գաբրիելյան
  71. Orlysi
  72. Foux
  73. Dungpenta
  74. Balaad
  75. Շուշան Արճիս
  76. SV Resolution
  77. Shashwat986