Commons:Picture of the Year/2021/R2/v/Decke der Eingangshalle in Schloss Marienburg.jpg

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Picture of the Year 2021
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Decke der Eingangshalle in Schloss Marienburg.jpg

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  1. ...have registered before Sat, 01 Jan 2022 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
  2. ...and have more than 75 edits before Sat, 01 Jan 2022 00:00:00 +0000 UTC in any single Wikimedia project that is still alive.
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  1. FeltriaUrbsPicta
  2. Patsagorn Y.
  3. Lightoil
  4. Khasan azim1
  5. Design
  6. Yukim4ru
  7. Daniel Baránek
  8. Jaba1977
  9. Staib
  10. Ngoclong19
  11. Althair
  12. VulpesVulpes42
  13. Aionna
  14. Koreller
  15. Confermusearename
  16. Esprit Fugace
  17. KaiBorgeest
  18. Lanturin
  19. Fräulein von Scuderi
  20. Jake Low
  21. Judesba
  22. Basquetteur
  23. El primo de América
  24. Georgez
  25. Janezdrilc
  26. Kithburd
  27. Al Malay
  28. Maestro Ivanković
  29. JoaquinQ
  30. Discovery75
  31. Hê de tekhnê makrê
  32. Quantum7
  33. Saandraaa
  34. Chrkl
  35. Indubitably
  36. Duijvenbode
  37. Bajoga2021
  38. Mason 39
  39. Dammy Kaka
  40. Jurp
  41. Yeti-Hunter
  42. Xicodaponte
  43. Charliebowden15
  44. Arielrod24
  45. Der Wolf im Wald
  46. DesiBoy101
  47. 58zarali
  48. Elizdelphi
  49. Suyash.dwivedi
  50. HFrankDM
  51. BelPatty86
  52. Booksandchocolate
  53. Amherst99
  54. StromBer
  55. RosaKlebbsFoot
  56. Pierre André Leclercq
  57. Codex
  58. Kehrbykid
  59. Art3m1a1
  60. Michael A. White
  61. Ampimd
  62. Enric Vilella
  63. Bis-Taurinus