Commons:Wiki Science Competition 2019 in Switzerland

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Wiki Science Competition is an international photo and video competition organized with the core support of
Wikimedia Switzerland, Wikimedia Estonia, University of Tartu, Estonian Research Council, Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa
Upload phase: 15th November 2019 - 15th December 2019

Wiki Science Competition is the biggest science photo competition in the world. In 2019 Switzerland takes part for the first time in Wiki Science Competition 2019 (WSC) with its own national jury and prizes, thanks to the financial support of Wikimedia Switzerland and the AVETH association of ETH that provided help for the promotion and the organization of the award ceremony.

The competition includes also Lichetenstein.


the WSC2019 Flyer for Switzerland

Photos are welcome of scientists, research subjects and the research process.

Photos, graphs and videos are a way to disseminate academic results or inform the citizenship about technical and scientific activities paid with public fundings.

In order to become a national finalist, it is expected that the picture is sharp, the colours are in the correct tone and the image is exposed and framed correctly. Due to the scientific nature of the project providing accurate image information is essential. The description provided could answer such questions as: "Who is there in the picture? How is the photo taken? Where is the photo taken? What should you pay attention to?". Links to peer-reviewed publication are welcome. Some images will be used for the social media campaign.

For images, the original size and .JPG format are preferred (.ogg video files, .png files, etc.). All submitted photos will be under a Creative Commons licence, CC BY-SA 4.0. International competition rules are listed here.



In the national and international competition there are six distinct categories: people in science, microscopy images, non-photographic media, image sets, nature and a general category.

website - possible categories

Some examples from all around the world.

People in Science


Scientists in their natural habitat.

Microscopy images


Optical, electron, and scanning probe microscopy images all fall under this category.

Non-photographic media


Audio and video files, computer-generated imagery.

Image sets


Thematically linked images, that can be viewed as one set. Image set could be made up from up to 10 separate images. In the last case, images titles must be similar to each other (they could be named using a progressive pattern such as “Name 1.jpg”, “Name 2.jpg” etc).

Wildlife & nature


Organisms who grow or live wild in an area. Macro photography also falls under this category. Some pictures in cages if scientifically relevant might be accepted.

General category


Everything else goes into this category, from archaeology to thermodynamics and from vulcanology to astronomy..

How to take part


Main website - how to participate

The website will be active to upload images from 00:00 (CET) 15 November 2019 up to 23:59 (CET) 15 December 2019.

To participate you will need a account wikimedia, which is valid for all platforms of the wikimedia ecosystem. You can create an account here. Be sure to add your email address so that we can contact you when you win!

Create your Wikimedia account!

The upload link is hosted on this page

Upload your file!

For the "set of images" category, please try to provide sequential naming, so the nature of the group is self-evident.

For videos, you might need to wait few days before you can upload them (it's a filter to prevent massive copyright violation), please inform the organizers if you want to be sure that the upload process is smooth and do not wait the last days.



If you want to take a look at the uploaded images you can scroll this category.

Here is an informal selection.

  • Elisa ARALDI (ETH Zuerich, biology)
  • Julieta ARANCIO (CONICET/UNIGE, Science and Technology Studies)
  • Simon DUTTWYLER (ZJU, chemistry)
  • Michael GASSER (ETH Zuerich, library science)
  • Dominique LANDWEHR (media specialist, editor of the book series Edition Digital Culture, website )
  • Laura MOLINA BUENO (CERN, ETH Zuerich, physics)



The award ceremony took place at ETH Zuerich on March 5th. All winners have been given a 500 CHF prize and the reimbursement of travel expenses to attend is granted if they come within Switzerland (or at least if they have traveled with some low-cost air company)

Social media
