File:Mauna Loa CO2 monthly mean concentration RU.svg

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Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations at Mauna Loa, Hawaii since 1958 (plot in russian)


Русский: Изменение концентрации углекислого газа в атмосфере Земли, измеренная на горе Мауна-Лоа, начиная с 1958 г. Красная кривая показывает среднемесячные концентрации, а синяя — изменение за год.
Извор Перевод английской версии, содержащей данные из
Автор Oeneis, Voproshatel
Други верзии


Keeling curve

English: Plots of the Keeling curve produced with R in SVG for several languages.
Français : Graphiques multi-langues de la Courbe de Keeling réalisés avec R en SVG.
Местопол. на апаратот19° 28′ 46″ СГШ, 155° 36′ 10″ ЗГД Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.Оваа и други слики и нивните местоположби на: OpenStreetMapinfo


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Data source license

   "These data are made freely available to the public and the scientific community in the belief that their wide dissemination will lead to greater understanding and new scientific insights."
   — Pieter Tans, in: NOAA

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Оваа векторска слика е изработена со R.

R code

# Mauna Loa atmospheric CO2 change
# multi language plot for Wikipedia
# using different possible sources (Scripps if NOAA is not available)
# Used for
# and related files in other languages. See all files in :
# Update this script on :

# Required packages.   used for :
library(readr)         # reading data
library(dplyr)         # data processing
library(ggplot2)       # plot
library(gridExtra)     # plot positionning
library(scales)        # pretty breaks on plot axis
library(lubridate)     # date processing
library(httr)          # check url
library(Hmisc)         # ci from bootstrap

# install all locales beforehand, e.g. :
# sudo locale-gen ca_ES.UTF-8

old_locale <- Sys.getlocale("LC_TIME")

# Translations ------------------------------------------------------------

language <- list(
  ca_ES = list(
    locale_lc_time = "ca_ES.UTF-8",
    title = bquote("Mitjana mensual de la concentratió de"~CO[2]),
    subtitle = "Mauna Loa",
    caption_scripps = paste("dades : R. F. Keeling, S. J. Walker, S. C. Piper and A. F. Bollenbacher\nScripps CO2 Program ( Visitada", Sys.Date()),
    caption_noaa = paste("dades : Dr. Pieter Tans, NOAA/ESRL ( i\n Dr. Ralph Keeling, Scripps Institution of Oceanography ( Visitada ", Sys.Date()),
    x = "any",
    y = bquote("fracció de"~CO[2]~"en aire sec ("*mu*"mol/mol)"),
    x2 = "mes",
    y2 = bquote(atop("fracció de"~CO[2]~"en aire sec ("*mu*"mol/mol)",
                     "desviació de la mitjana anual")),
    title2 = "Variació mensual"
  cs_CZ = list(
    locale_lc_time = "cs_CZ.UTF-8",
    title = "Průměrné měsíční koncentrace oxidu uhličitého",
    subtitle = "Mauna Loa",
    caption_scripps = paste("data : R. F. Keeling, S. J. Walker, S. C. Piper a A. F. Bollenbacher\nScripps CO2 Program ( Přístupné", Sys.Date()),
    caption_noaa = paste("data : Dr. Pieter Tans, NOAA/ESRL ( a\nDr. Ralph Keeling, Scripps Institution of Oceanography ( Přístupné", Sys.Date()),
    x = "rok",
    y = bquote("koncentrace"~CO[2]~"v suchém vzduchu ("*mu*"mol/mol)"),
    x2 = "měsíc",
    y2 = bquote(atop("koncentrace"~CO[2]~"v suchém vzduchu ("*mu*"mol/mol)", "odchylka od ročního průměru")),
    title2 = "Měsíční změna (průměrná roční odchylka)"
  de_DE = list(
    locale_lc_time = "de_DE.UTF-8",
    title = bquote("Monatliche durchschnittliche"~CO[2]*"-Konzentration"),
    subtitle = "Mauna Loa",
    caption_scripps = paste("Datei : R. F. Keeling, S. J. Walker, S. C. Piper und A. F. Bollenbacher\nScripps CO2 Program ( Zugänglich am", Sys.Date()),
    caption_noaa = paste("Datei : Dr. Pieter Tans, NOAA/ESRL ( und\nDr. Ralph Keeling, Scripps Institution of Oceanography ( Zugänglich am", Sys.Date()),
    x = "Jahr",
    y = bquote(CO[2]*"-Anteil in trockener Luft ("*mu*"mol/mol)"),
    x2 = "Monate",
    y2 = bquote(atop(CO[2]*"-Anteil in trockener Luft ("*mu*"mol/mol)", "Abweichung vom Jahresmittel")),
    title2 = "Monatliche Variation"
  en_US = list(
    locale_lc_time = "en_US.UTF-8",
    title = bquote("Monthly mean"~CO[2]~"concentration"),
    subtitle = "Mauna Loa",
    caption_scripps = paste("Data : R. F. Keeling, S. J. Walker, S. C. Piper and A. F. Bollenbacher\nScripps CO2 Program ( Accessed", Sys.Date()),
    caption_noaa = paste("Data : Dr. Pieter Tans, NOAA/ESRL ( and\n Dr. Ralph Keeling, Scripps Institution of Oceanography ( Accessed ", Sys.Date()),
    x = "Year",
    y = bquote(CO[2]~"fraction in dry air ("*mu*"mol/mol)"),
    x2 = "Month",
    y2 = bquote(atop(CO[2]~"fraction in dry air ("*mu*"mol/mol)", "Departure from yearly average")),
    title2 = "Seasonal variation"
  es_ES = list(
    locale_lc_time = "es_ES.UTF-8",
    title = bquote("Media mensual de la concentración de"~CO[2]),
    subtitle = "Mauna Loa",
    caption_scripps = paste("dato : R. F. Keeling, S. J. Walker, S. C. Piper y A. F. Bollenbacher\nScripps CO2 Program ( Visitada", Sys.Date()),
    caption_noaa = paste("dato : Dr. Pieter Tans, NOAA/ESRL ( y\nDr. Ralph Keeling, Scripps Institution of Oceanography ( Visitada", Sys.Date()),
    x = "Año",
    y = bquote("Fraccion de"~CO[2]~"en aire secco ("*mu*"mol/mol)"),
    x2 = "Mes",
    y2 = bquote(atop("Fraccion de"~CO[2]~"en aire secco ("*mu*"mol/mol)", "Desviación de la media anual")),
    title2 = "Variación mensual"
  fr_FR = list(
    locale_lc_time = "fr_FR.UTF-8",
    title = bquote("Moyenne mensuelle de la concentration de"~CO[2]),
    subtitle = "Mauna Loa",
    caption_scripps = paste("données : R. F. Keeling, S. J. Walker, S. C. Piper et A. F. Bollenbacher\nScripps CO2 Program ( Accédé le", Sys.Date()),
    caption_noaa = paste("données : Dr Pieter Tans, NOAA/ESRL ( et\n Dr. Ralph Keeling, Scripps Institution of Oceanography ( Accédé le", Sys.Date()),
    x = "année",
    y = bquote("fraction de"~CO[2]~"dans l'air sec ("*mu*"mol/mol)"),
    x2 = "mois",
    y2 = bquote(atop("fraction de"~CO[2]~"dans l'air sec ("*mu*"mol/mol)", "en écart à la moyenne annuelle")),
    title2 = "Variation saisonnière"

    nl_NL = list(
    locale_lc_time = "nl_NL.UTF-8",
    title = bquote("Maandelijkse gemiddelde"~CO[2]*"-concentratie"),
    subtitle = "Mauna Loa",
    caption_scripps = glue("Gegevens : R. F. Keeling, S. J. Walker, S. C. Piper en A. F. Bollenbacher\nScripps CO2 Program ( Geopend {Sys.Date()}"),
    caption_noaa = glue("Gegevens : Dr. Pieter Tans, NOAA/ESRL ( en\n Dr. Ralph Keeling, Scripps Institution of Oceanography ( Accessed  {Sys.Date()}"),
    x = "Jaar",
    y = bquote(CO[2]*"-fractie in droge lucht ("*mu*"mol/mol)"),
    x2 = "Mannd",
    y2 = bquote(atop(CO[2]*"-fractie in droge lucht ("*mu*"mol/mol)", "Afwijking van jaargemiddelde")),
    title2 = "Seizoensgebonden variatie"

  nn_NO = list(
    locale_lc_time = "nn_NO.UTF-8",
    title = bquote("Gjennomsnittlig månedlig"~CO[2]*"-konsentrasjon"),
    subtitle = "Mauna Loa",
    caption_scripps = paste("data : R. F. Keeling, S. J. Walker, S. C. Piper og A. F. Bollenbacher\nScripps CO2 Program ( Vist", Sys.Date()),
    caption_noaa = paste("data : Dr. Pieter Tans, NOAA/ESRL ( og\nDr. Ralph Keeling, Scripps Institution of Oceanography ( Vist", Sys.Date()),
    x = "År",
    y = bquote(CO[2]*"-andel i tørr luft ("*mu*"mol/mol)"),
    x2 = "Måned",
    y2 = bquote(atop(CO[2]*"-andel i tørr luft ("*mu*"mol/mol)",
                     "Avvik fra årlig gjennomsnitt")),
    title2 = "Årlig variasjon"
  pl_PL = list(
    locale_lc_time = "pl_PL.UTF-8",
    title = bquote("Średnie miesięczne stężenie"~CO[2]),
    subtitle = "Mauna Loa",
    caption_scripps = paste("Dane : R. F. Keeling, S. J. Walker, S. C. Piper i A. F. Bollenbacher\nScripps CO2 Program ( Dostęp na", Sys.Date()),
    caption_noaa = paste("Dane : Dr. Pieter Tans, NOAA/ESRL ( i\nDr. Ralph Keeling, Scripps Institution of Oceanography ( Dostęp na", Sys.Date()),
    x = "Rok",
    y = bquote("Frakcja"~CO[2]~"w suchym powietrzu ("*mu*"mol/mol)"),
    x2 = "Miesiąc",
    y2 = bquote(atop("Frakcja"~CO[2]~"w suchym powietrzu ("*mu*"mol/mol)", "Odejście od średniej rocznej")),
    title2 = "Wahania sezonowe"

  ro_RO = list(
    locale_lc_time = "ro_RO.UTF-8",
    title = bquote("Concentrația medie lunară de"~CO[2]),
    subtitle = "Mauna Loa, Hawaii",
    caption_scripps = paste("Date: R. F. Keeling, S. J. Walker, S. C. Piper și A. F. Bollenbacher\nScripps CO2 Program ( Accesat în", Sys.Date()),
    caption_noaa = paste("Date : Dr. Pieter Tans, NOAA/ESRL ( și\n Dr. Ralph Keeling, Scripps Institution of Oceanography ( Accesat în", Sys.Date()),
    x = "An",
    y = bquote("Ponderea"~CO[2]~"în aer uscat ("*mu*"mol/mol)"),
    x2 = "Lună",
    y2 = bquote(atop("Abaterea cotei"~CO[2]~"în aer uscat ("*mu*"mol/mol)", "Abatere de la media anuală")),
    title2 = "Variație sezonieră"

  ru_RU = list(
    locale_lc_time = "ru_RU.UTF-8",
    title = bquote("Среднемесячная и среднегодовая концентрации"~CO[2]),
    subtitle = "Мауна Лоа, Гаваи",
    caption_scripps = paste("данные : R. F. Keeling, S. J. Walker, S. C. Piper и A. F. Bollenbacher\nScripps CO2 Program ( доступ на", Sys.Date()),
    caption_noaa = paste("данные : Dr. Pieter Tans, NOAA/ESRL ( и\nDr. Ralph Keeling, Scripps Institution of Oceanography ( доступ на ", Sys.Date()),
    x = "Годы",
    y = bquote("Доля"~CO[2]~"в сухом воздухе ("*mu*"mol/mol)"),
    x2 = "Месяцы",
    y2 = bquote(atop("Отклонение доли"~CO[2]~"в сухом воздухе", "от среднегодового значения, мкмоль/моль")),
    title2 = "Сезонные колебания"

# Data --------------------------------------------------------------------

# First try NOAA data, if not availble use Scripps data
if (!http_error("")) {
  source <- "noaa"
  co2ml <- read_table(
    col_names = c("year", "month", "decimal", "average", "deseason", "ndays", "stddays", "unc"),
    col_types = "iidddidd",
    na = c("-99.99", "-1"),
    comment = "#") %>% 
    group_by(year) %>% 
    mutate(year_mean = mean(average, na.rm = TRUE),
           delta = average - year_mean,
           vdate = ymd(paste0("2015-", month, "-01")))%>% 
    rename(co2 = average)
} else {
  # used during US gov shutdown
  source <- "scripps"
  co2ml <- read_csv(
    col_names = c("year", "month", "xls_date", "decimal",
                  "co2_raw", "co2_raw_seas_adj", "fit", "fit_seas_adj",
                  "co2_filled", "co2_filled_seas_adj"),
    col_types = "iiiddddddd",
    skip = 57,
    na = "-99.99",
    comment = "\"") %>% 
    group_by(year) %>% 
    mutate(year_mean = mean(co2_filled, na.rm = TRUE),
           delta = co2_filled - year_mean,
           vdate = ymd(paste0("2015-", month, "-01"))) %>% 
    rename(co2 = co2_filled)

# Generate the plot for each language -------------------------------------

for (l in names(language)) {
  current <- language[[l]]
  # format the date in local names
  Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", current$locale_lc_time)
  # main plot
  p1 <- ggplot(co2ml, aes(decimal, co2)) + 	
    geom_line(color = "pink") +
    geom_point(color = "red", size = 0.6) +
    stat_smooth(span = 0.1) +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = pretty_breaks()) +
    scale_y_continuous(breaks = pretty_breaks()) +
    labs(x = current$x,
         y = current$y,
         title = current$title,
         subtitle = paste(current$subtitle, min(co2ml$year), "-", max(co2ml$year)),
         caption = paste(current[[paste0("caption_", source)]],
                         "", sep = "\n")) +
    theme_bw() +
    theme(plot.caption = element_text(size = 7))
  # inset plot
  p2 <- ggplot(co2ml, aes(vdate, delta)) +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 0) +
    stat_smooth(span = 0.4, se = FALSE) +
    stat_summary( = "mean_cl_boot", colour = "red", size = 0.3) + 
    scale_x_date(breaks = pretty_breaks(4), 
                 minor_breaks = pretty_breaks(12), 
                 labels = date_format("%b")) +
    labs(x = current$x2,
         y = current$y2,
         title = current$title2) +
  # merge the plots and export in SVG
  p1 + annotation_custom(grob = ggplotGrob(p2),
                         xmin = 1957, xmax = 1991, ymin = 361, ymax = 420)
  ggsave(file = paste("co2_mauna_loa", l, Sys.Date(), "wp.svg", sep = "_"), 
         width = 20, 
         height = 20, 
         units = "cm", 
         device = svg)

# return to former locale
Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", old_locale)

Историја на податотеката

Стиснете на датум/време за да ја видите податотеката како изгледала тогаш.

тековна19:51, 15 декември 2023Минијатура на верзијата од 19:51, 15 декември 2023708 × 708 (451 КБ)Oeneis (разговор | придонеси)update 2023
17:35, 22 декември 2022Минијатура на верзијата од 17:35, 22 декември 2022708 × 708 (445 КБ)Oeneis (разговор | придонеси)2022 update
22:03, 16 декември 2021Минијатура на верзијата од 22:03, 16 декември 2021708 × 708 (441 КБ)Oeneis (разговор | придонеси)update URLs
19:49, 16 декември 2021Минијатура на верзијата од 19:49, 16 декември 2021708 × 708 (438 КБ)Oeneis (разговор | придонеси)2021 data
19:21, 16 декември 2021Минијатура на верзијата од 19:21, 16 декември 2021708 × 708 (438 КБ)Oeneis (разговор | придонеси)accountig for translation corrections
20:02, 7 февруари 2021Минијатура на верзијата од 20:02, 7 февруари 2021708 × 708 (438 КБ)Oeneis (разговор | придонеси)generate with R code
16:30, 2 февруари 2021Минијатура на верзијата од 16:30, 2 февруари 2021698 × 646 (415 КБ)Voproshatel (разговор | придонеси)Исправление читаемости файла.
16:20, 2 февруари 2021Нема минијатура0 × 0 (415 КБ)Voproshatel (разговор | придонеси)Uploaded a work by Data from Dr. Pieter Tans from NOAA/ESRL with UploadWizard

Глобална употреба на податотеката

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