File talk:115th Battalion of Ukrainian Shuma 1943.jpg

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The persons in the picture are dressed in German police uniforms, not Schuma uniforms. I believe they are members of a Ukraine Polizei-Schützen-Bataillon. These were not organized until the spring of 1943, but the source [1] does not have any dates, although it claims that these are Schuma. Creuzbourg (留言) 17:24, 29 November 2014 (UTC)[回覆]

The actual Security Battalions (or Schumas, German: Schutzmannschaft Bataillone) comprised only one-third of the overall strength of the formation.[1] As a matter of course, the static police wore black uniforms from the pre-war German stock which was no longer used and kept in storage. The black uniforms of the former Allgemeine-SS including their characteristic field caps were simply stripped of German insignia and given to Schutzmannschaft to use with the new patches. Gradually, the mobile units were issued field-grey uniforms (picured).[2]

  1. Martin Dean (2003年) 《 Collaboration in the Holocaust: Crimes of the Local Police in Belorussia and Ukraine, 1941-44》、​Palgrave Macmillan、​第60頁 ISBN1403963711.
  2. Gordon Williamson (2012年) 《 German Security and Police Soldier 1939-45》、​Osprey Publishing、​第44頁 ISBN1782000070.