File talk:ANS general picture.png

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This image has an error; "some asymmetric binary system for Pr(0) = 3/4, Pr(1) = 1/4" does not match the diagram below it.

The system should be Pr(0) = 1/4, Pr(1) = 3/4.

Consider the example at the bottom of the right hand column, x=1,s=0->x=4,s=1->x=6,s=1->x=9 ... Intuitively, it is suspect that an encoding method would use 2 additional bits for a high probability symbol Pr(0)=3/4 and 0..1 additional bits for a low probability Pr(1)=1/4 symbol:

Encode s x Bits in x Additional Bits
(Initial state) 1 1 NA
0 4 3 2
1 6 3 0
1 9 4 1
1 13 4 0
1 18 5 1

Per the text on the Wikipedia entry for ANS, the densities are proportional to the probabilities. If the probabilities were really Pr(0) = 3/4 and Pr(1) = 1/4 then the diagram shows densities that are inversely proportional.

I'd be happy to update this image, however I don't have rights to overwrite it! -- Dominic P. Cooney (talk) 01:18, 20 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks, corrected. --Jarek Duda (talk) 07:49, 20 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]