File talk:Clebsch graph.svg

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Two problems with this drawing


As pointed out here, this is not a correct drawing of the Clebsch graph. The graph is supposed to be 5-regular, but this has some degree three vertices. Also, it is very similar in layout to the first drawing on the MathWorld page on this graph; too close for comfort for me. —David Eppstein 03:42, 12 June 2008 (UTC)[返信]

The source for this image is noted in the description, although it has now been deleted from :en (hurrah for breaking attribution paths). I don't think that the original looked exactly like the MathWorld page, and really a non-bitwise copy is almost certainly PD-ineligible anyway. I can only find what appears to be one error, the vertex directly below the top one is missing branches to above left and above right. I don't recall whether those were missing on the original I traced or not. If that is the only correction needed, let me know and I'll fix it. Not immediately, as I have an exam until 1pm. Stannered 07:37, 12 June 2008 (UTC)[返信]