File talk:Coat of arms of Romania.svg

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Stema dv. nu respectă nici o culoare heraldică, nu respectă legea, este o lucrare proprie înfrumuseţată. Este o lucrare bună, însă dacă nu o modificaţi conform legii şi culorilor heraldice este o emblemă proprie.

Your work do not respect a single heraldic tincture, don't respect the laws of Romania, is a nice work, but you need to remake it. Otherwise it can't stay on Romania articles, it's an emblem, not a coat, and you don't have a source for it. Use sable on Moldavia, Transylvania, aurochs and eagle, use proper tinctures. Vasile iuga (トーク) 23:41, 29 May 2015 (UTC)[返信]

Image description page history

link date/time username edit summary
[1] 14:20, 5 February 2008 User:ChristianBier
[2] 19:35, 30 January 2008 User:Alex:D
[3] 17:00, 29 January 2008 User:Avala
[4] 12:07, 26 January 2008 User:Alex:D
[5] 12:03, 26 January 2008 User:Alex:D
[6] 12:02, 26 January 2008 User:Alex:D
[7] 15:23, 25 January 2008 User:Alex:D
[8] 20:44, 4 November 2007 User:Ramiy
[9] 08:29, 27 March 2007 User:Alex:D
[10] 15:48, 19 December 2006 User:Michał P.
[11] 07:57, 20 September 2006 User:Pixi ({{insignia}} {{PD-because|the Romanian copyright law states that the Romanian national symbols cannot be copyrighted}} <a href="/wiki/Category:Coats_of_arms_of_Romania" title="Category:Coats of arms of Romania">Category:Coats of arms of Romania</a>)

True heraldic colors, a coat respecting the law.


Cipika, Alex version is not respecting the law, nor the heraldic tinctures.
Parts of the law in contradiction with Alex work.
ART. 1
Scutul mare, pe albastru, are o acvila de aur cu capul spre dreapta, cu ciocul si ghearele rosii(Alex version is more sanguine for all red the red parts), cu aripile deschise, tinind in cioc o cruce ortodoxa din aur, in gheara dreapta o sabie, iar in gheara stinga un buzdugan. Pe pieptul acvilei se gaseste scutul mic sfertuit cu insitiune:
a) in primul cartier este stema Tarii Romanesti:
pe albastru, o acvila de aur cu ciocul si ghearele rosii, tinind in cioc o cruce ortodoxa de aur, insotita de un soare de aur la dreapta si de o luna noua de aur la stinga;
b) in cartierul doi este stema Moldovei: pe rosu, un cap de bour negru(Alex version is iron, argent at best, for sure not sable), insotit de o stea de aur intre coarne, cu cinci raze, de o roza cu cinci foi la dreapta si de o luna conturnata la stinga, ambele de argint( it should be different from the Aurochs head);
c) in cartierul trei este stema Banatului si Olteniei: pe rosu, peste valuri naturale, un pod de aur cu doua deschideri boltite, din care iese un leu de aur tinind un palos in laba dreapta din fata;
d) in cartierul patru este stema Transilvaniei, cu Maramuresul si Crisana:
un scut taiat de un briu rosu ingust; in partea superioara, pe albastru, o acvila neagra cu ciocul de aur(Turul/aquila is all iron in Alex version, let's say silver, not black with a golden beak as the law say), iesind din briul despartitor, insotita de un soare de aur la dreapta, de o luna de argint(The moon have the same color with the bird, iron or silver) conturata la stinga; in partea inferioara, pe aur, sapte turnuri rosii, crenelate, dispuse pe doua rinduri, patru si trei;
e) in insitiune sint reprezentate tinuturile Marii Negre: pe albastru, doi delfini de aur afrontati, cu cozile ridicate.

You need to know heraldry and what the law say, you have the link with the text, now let's compare the annex with Alex's draw.
So, you see sable/black is different from silver/argent. The sword, moon, rose are different from the aurochs, turu bird in the annex, but in Alex work are the same color.
Now, take true heraldic colors and you can see that my draw is respecting the law and heraldry to the point.
The versions are identical if you know heraldry, I see no problems; depending on the soft, the colors differ a bit, but i respected the accepted ones. There is not a different Romanian blue in heraldry, heraldry is heraldry, nor the law say light blue shield, just blue, but in Romania the colors are not always respected and is not my fault. Also, sable/black/negru is the same, the law say it clear.
Thanks, i hope you understand.
Viuser (トーク) 00:40, 21 July 2016 (UTC)[返信]

Wrong color shield

  • The new version of the coat of arms emblem color mismatches Romania. It is not blue, but some shit!

I am totally against it! if you put the right color, as in the previous version of the emblem, no objection will be --RustamAug (トーク) 12:39, 21 July 2016 (UTC)[返信]

Coat of Arms and emblems are two different things, the color is used in heraldry, is not shit, this is not an argument.
Viuser (トーク) 13:34, 21 July 2016 (UTC)[返信]
So heraldry is not an argument? Not the real shit after you, the law or the heraldic traditions? Viuser (トーク) 14:13, 21 July 2016 (UTC)[返信]
  • Tell me the reason why you got a new coat of arms on its image. You probably do not understand the meaning of my message - I'm not saying to remove, because I do not like this color, but because this is not the right color and poisonous, and does not match the color of the coat of arms of Romania, adopted in 1992--RustamAug (トーク) 14:26, 21 July 2016 (UTC)[返信]
The reason is posted above, the version your want do not respect the law of Romania, you can check the sword color, the coat of arms of Moldova, Transylvania.
Now, yes there is many ways to represent the blue color, more dark, more light, but the law is clear Albastru/Blue, not light blue, not dark blue, just blue, and there are cases where the law is respected or not. To respect the law you need to follow heraldic tinctures because is a coat of arms/stemă, not emblem. So i don't see how the classic heraldic blue is wrong and light blue is right. If the law wanted a light blue, there is a heraldic word for that The annex is not a law and is more a guide for the form, is not establishing new colors, many time the coat in the annex is in a rude form.
You have the coat in the annex compared with another project, draw, the blue is not the blue you want. It's a standard heraldic blue, but it was scanned. Also, if you want bleu celeste not blue, you need to give source, because i took the law, i took the heraldic colors and Alex form and that's it. I do not like some kind of blue, but that is the classical blue used for a reason in heraldry, is pure blue and gives a strong contrast with the gold(yellow), because a coat of arms have/had a visual function, is not a art work. I hope you understand. Viuser (トーク) 15:13, 21 July 2016 (UTC)[返信]
I hope they would decide quickly, because the version is false. Now, i could make a version with that light blue in 5 minutes, the blue shade is not the biggest problem of the coat, but, there is a big but. Well, i made a version respecting the law and the heraldic tradition in regards of the colors in the digital form. That is it. Making a version as a compromise will just encourage the copy paste guys to spread another amateur version and will encourage the dilettantes from Romanian institutions to bash the law and the heraldic science with that version. Alex work was copied(in the exact form or less) even on the official papers like the identity cards. So, for the sake of the heraldry in my country, the law, and the principles of research and science, i will not encourage another amateur version. I do not want my version to be copied and to do more damage, i can not back down from my principles, encourage the cancer of amateurism in my country. So, i would ratter prefer to let the old version than to be me who is spreading this phenomenon, even if would mean to sound like a nutcase. An example .You can see, the shield is faded, but the small shield, the sword, the sceptre have the same mistakes, is just a copy from wikimedia. Another example is the words they use, now, if they could bash the colors, why not to bash the meaning too? They confuse the sceptre with a mace, because he has a mace form, so they just refer to the sceptre with the word mace. That is the sceptre of King Ferdinand in a sad version, who has the shape of a mace and is called in a colloquial way The mace of Ferdinand , but it was not a weapon, but a symbol of power, sovereignty and in heraldry you cannot call him a mace. That is the happy version, there are those who say that the mace is the weapon who was used at Călugăreni by Michael the Great. So that is why I refused your offer and this is how a annex to a law should look to be considered a source, to be a heraldic draw, not simply a guide for the form!Stema_Romaniei_-_proiect_1992_01_-_color.jpg.
Viuser (トーク) 01:20, 22 July 2016 (UTC)[返信]