File talk:Converted to SVG.svg

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I've uploaded a new version of this. It has various technical improvements that have made it easier to edit in the future and have brought the file size down from 10,211 to 1,906 bytes. The picture is not significantly different visually, though it is slightly neater in various ways (for example, the canvas is 500×500 instead of 491.60×424.86).

If you have any ideas about improving the image further, I'm open to discussion. — Erin (talk) 07:33, 12 August 2006 (UTC)[返信]

I enlarged the black circle, I think is better now. Yug

I am confused. Is this image highlighting raster pixels, or comparing a raster and vector "circle"? CompuHacker (talk) 05:18, 8 July 2008 (UTC)[返信]

How about antialiasing of the bitmap part? -- 17:08, 9 June 2011 (UTC)[返信]



I think in the source-code

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>

should be replaced by

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>

then the file would be W3C-valid.  — Johannes Kalliauer - Talk | Contributions 21:39, 29 December 2017 (UTC)[返信]

Well, yes and no. The validator is showing a user error that will appear if the DTD specification is dropped.
In theory, standalone="yes" tells the XML parser that it need not read the DTD to get attribute default values; there's a promise that all the values have been explicitly stated in the XML file.
Short answer is drop standalone, drop the DTD, and add the attribute version="1.1" to the svg element.
(BTW, I'd also drop width="400" height="400".)
Longer answer:
The SVG file has a DTD that says it is SVG version 1.1. As a version 1.1 file, the file is supposed to specify version="1.1" in the svg element, but the file does not specify the version, so it is defaulted from the DTD. If the DTD were not there, we would not know the SVG version.
DTD: <!ATTLIST svg version #FIXED "1.1" >
#FIXED sets the attribute to the specified value. For standalone="yes", the value should be set.
I view that error as a user error; the user should specify the version.
For other attributes such as preserveAspectRatio:
DTD: <!ATTLIST svg preserveAspectRatio CDATA "xMidYMid meet" >
CDATA specifies an arbitrary string but with a given default value. For standalone="yes", the user needs to specify the defaulted values.
Similarly, for the use element, these xlink attributes should be defined for standalone="yes" (xlink:href is already #REQUIRED):
xlink:type="simple" xlink:show="onLoad" xlink:actuate="onRequest"
If you add all the attributes, then standalone="yes" can be kept.
But it is simpler to drop standalone and avoid specifying the defaults.
Glrx (トーク) 00:48, 30 December 2017 (UTC)[返信]
Thanks for the good explanation.  — Johannes Kalliauer - Talk | Contributions 09:10, 30 December 2017 (UTC)[返信]
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