File talk:Doom-ports.svg

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Source code


The following Graphviz (.dot) source code was used to generate the diagram:

digraph Ports {

/* graphics options */

/* node declarations */
node [ label="Chocolate Doom", fontsize=10 ] choco;
node [ label="Crispy Doom" ] crispy;
node [ label="Doomsday Engine" ] doomsday;
node [ label="Linux Doom", shape=ellipse, color=black, style="filled", fillcolor="lightgrey", fontsize=8 ] linux;
node [ label="JDoom" ] jdoom;
node [ label="DOSDoom" ] dos;
node [ label="WinDoom" ] win;
node [ label="Doom", shape=box, color=red, fillcolor=yellow, fontsize=10 ] doom;
node [ label="Doom95" ] 95;

/* clusters */
subgraph clusterboomc {
node [ label="Doom Legacy", shape=ellipse,  color=black, fillcolor=white, fontsize=10 ] legacy;
node [ label="Odamex" ] odamex;
node [ label="Risen3D" ] risen3d;
node [ label="GZDoom" ] gzdoom;
node [ label="QZDoom" ] qzdoom;
node [ label="Zandronum" ] zandronum;
node [ label="ZDaemon" ] zdaemon;
node [ label="Eternity Engine" ] eternity;
node [ label="PrBoom+" ] prboomplus;
node [ label="Doom Retro" ] retro;
node [ label="Delphi Doom" ] delphi;
node [ label="3DGE" ] tdge;
node [ label="ZDoom", shape=ellipse, color=black, style="filled", fillcolor="lightgrey", fontsize=8 ] zdoom;
node [ label="EDGE" ] dge;
node [ label="MBF" ] mbf;
node [ label="SMMU" ] smmu;
node [ label="PrBoom" ] prboom;
node [ label="csDoom" ] csdoom;
node [ label="BOOM" ] boom;
node [ label="Skulltag" ] skulltag;
node [ label="Doom Classic", shape=box, color=red, fillcolor=yellow ] classic;

/* relations */
skulltag -> {zandronum};
boom -> {mbf prboom};
prboom -> {prboomplus classic};
mbf -> smmu;
choco -> {crispy retro};
linux -> {choco dos jdoom zdoom delphi};
dos -> {boom legacy dge};
dge -> tdge;
{doomsday boom} -> risen3d
jdoom -> doomsday;
doom -> {linux boom win};
win -> 95;
zdoom -> {gzdoom csdoom zdaemon skulltag};
csdoom -> {odamex zdaemon};
gzdoom -> skulltag;
gzdoom ->  qzdoom;
qzdoom ->  gzdoom;
smmu -> eternity;

The scalable vector graphic (SVG) output file was generated with the command-line invocation of the dot program:

dot -Tsvg -o Doom-ports.svg

Furthermore, the SVG file was edited with a text editor, replacing all instances of "Times New Roman" with "Liberation Sans". — Quicksilver@ 23:06, 8 July 2019 (UTC)[reply]