File talk:Dryadula phaetusa 2 Richard Bartz.jpg

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Ahem. New World? What year is this? Wouldn't "the Americas" be a more accurate and way less Euro-centric than this outdated term? - Themightyquill 04:23, 18 April 2008 (UTC)[回覆]

Well, if argued this way it is not so much euro- as human-centric. According to contemporary knowledge, Humanity came to the Americas after they had already been in Africa, Eurasia and Australia. 16:49, 18 April 2008 (UTC)[回覆]

Philaethria hecale ist ein Begriff, der heute nirgends zu finden ist. Meines Wissens gibt es keinen Philaethria hecale: Der abgebildete Falter ist ganz sicher Dryadula phaetusa!