File talk:Face-blush.svg

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Is it asymmetrical on purpose?


Its cute that way, because when it's made into a tiny size emoticon it looks like the person is embarrassed and looking away from the rest of the conversation. But I dont know if its on purpose. At "nominal" size of 48x48 it looks less cute and more like a badly designed SVG. But oddly, at full size it turns symmetrical after all. Perhaps a browser issue? Soap (留言) 18:18, 23 July 2015 (UTC)[回覆]

Sorry, I don't understand what you describe, the smilie is at it is.User: Perhelion (Commons: = crap?)  19:49, 23 July 2015 (UTC)[回覆]
I believe the MediaWiki software renders SVGs server-side, at least for thumbnails, therefore it should be the same for all browsers. Does not appear asymmetrical to everybody? In particular the blush is 2 pixels off center in the 48px version. In the 200 px version , I Opened it in Photoshop and it is very slightly asymmetrical as well, but in the opposite direction and it took me a lot of poking around to find the actual difference. Soap (留言) 00:22, 27 July 2015 (UTC)[回覆]