File talk:Flag of Albania.svg

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This version of the flag has the same problems that the CIA world Factbook has. It has been passed through some software and it's highly distorted / stylized. The wings should be in a straight line and the thing extending for the eagles is the tongue... example:

Albania is not a the forefront of the technology so online pictures of the flag are scarce. In Albanian flag is:

To google:
Flag -> Flamur
The Flag -> Flamuri
An Albanian Flag -> Flamur Shqiptar / Flamur Shqipëtar
The Albanian Flag -> Flamuri Shqiptar / Flamuri Shqipëtar
We will fix it, no worries. ¦ Reisio 12:11, 16 December 2005 (UTC)[回复]
Should be much more accurate now. Little unsmooth here and there still; will make better later. ¦ Reisio 01:09, 19 December 2005 (UTC)[回复]
The reason why I said the image was broken was I tried to toy around with it in Inkscape, and the image went FUBAR on me. But it still looks good. Zscout370 20:18, 21 December 2005 (UTC)[回复]
Just delete the right side of the bird after you open it. ¦ Reisio 01:03, 22 December 2005 (UTC)[回复]



Denel, where'd you get 750:500 from? ¦ Reisio 04:27, 29 March 2006 (UTC)[回复]

Perhaps it was a typo in the image editor that he/she was using? 01:15, 24 July 2006 (UTC)[回复]
—Said I, if it matters. Ardric47 01:19, 24 July 2006 (UTC)[回复]

Color issues


This is what I found out. The law at says:

"Neni 3

Format dhe përmasat e flamurit kombëtar

1. Flamuri kombëtar paraqet një fushë me ngjyrë të kuqe gjaku, me një shqiponjë të zezë dykrenore në mes, me krahë të hapur anash. Secili nga krahët e shqiponjës ka nëntë pendë, ndërsa bishti ka shtatë pendë.

2. Përmasat e flamurit kombëtar përcaktohen në raportin 1 me 1,4 njësi.

3. Pamja e flamurit kombëtar, fortësia e ngjyrave të tij dhe raportet janë ato të përcaktuara në shtojcën nr.1, që i bashkëlidhet këtij ligji dhe është pjesë përbërëse e tij."

Google Translation:

"Article 3

Format and size of the national flag

1. The national flag represents a field of blood red, with a black two-headed eagle in the middle, with open wings out. Each of the wings of an eagle feather has nine, while the tail has seven feather.

2. Size of the national flag are defined in the ratio 1 to 1, 4 units.

3. View of the national flag, the strength of his colors and reports are those set out in Appendix No. 1 attached to this law and is an integral part of it."

So we need to find an copy of appendix 1 of this law "LIGJ Nr.8926, datë 22.7.2002 PËR FORMËN DHE PËRMASAT E FLAMURIT KOMBËTAR, PËRMBAJTJEN E HIMNIT KOMBËTAR, FORMËN DHE PËRMASAT E STEMËS SË REPUBLIKËS TË SHQIPËRISË DHE MËNYRËN E PËRDORIMIT TË TYRE" to get the information. User:Zscout370 (Return fire) 03:46, 23 February 2011 (UTC)[回复]

voila.. i found and upload on wikimedia the law 8926 here [1] you can see in albanian the real flag and all other things like hymn music score etc Ilbiochimico (talk) 22:11, 1 December 2012 (UTC)[回复]



this version of flag is not the right one..see eagle mouth differences between this file and coat of arms version or this one (see below) Flag of Albania

The current version of the flag is not the official version


The current version of the flag is not the correct one, look at the law 8926 pdf version uploaded in wiki, open it, there you'll find the picture of how the official albanian flag looks like, there you can see that the tail of the eagle is longer and sharper, on the current version its shorter and rounder, hence its edited and its the wrong version of the flag and should be removed and replaced by a proper correct official version of the flag. — 以上未签名的留言是由该用户加入的: Arianitialbania (留言 • 贡献) 23:26, 3 April 2020 (UTC)[回复]

Eagle Update


Should we take the eagle from File:Coat of arms of Albania.svg and replace it on the flag here? This 2003 law shows how the eagle is supposed to look like. However, even still searching, there is nothing that says how large the eagle is supposed to be on the flag. "V E N D I M Nr.473, datë 10.7.2003 PËR MËNYRËN E PËRDORIMIT TË FLAMURIT KOMBËTAR NË MJEDISET E JASHTME DHE TË BRENDSHME, TË INSTITUCIONEVE PUBLIKE, SI DHE RAPORTI I PËRMASAVE TË TIJ" is missing figure one and there hasn't been anything I could find to show the size of the eagle that isn't a tender document (if that can be even considered a source?). User:Zscout370 (Return fire) 05:47, 3 May 2022 (UTC)[回复]



{{Edit request}} Eagle should be fixed (doesn't meet official specifications). I have temporarily uploaded until is replaced. The most noticeable difference is that on the official version, the tail of the eagle is sharper and longer. VexilAlpaca (留言) 21:54, 27 November 2022 (UTC)[回复]

✓ Done The Squirrel Conspiracy (留言) 02:47, 26 July 2023 (UTC)[回复]