File talk:Flag of Moldavia in 1831.svg

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That's just in Russian-language sources

Ru: В армиях появляются национальные флаги и оркестры. Валашский флаг состоял из желтой и красной полос, а молдавский из синей и красной.
En: National flags and bands appear in the armies. The Wallachian flag consisted of yellow and red stripes, and the Moldavian one of blue and red.

(source: Гросул В. Я. Россия и формирование национальных регулярных армий Молдавии и Валахии // Вопросы истории: ежемесячный журнал. : Nr. 5/2001)

Ru: Сине-красный флаг у Молдавского княжества 1831-1859 гг.

En: Blue-red flag of the Moldavian principality 1831-1859

(source: Шорников П. М. Как была принята государственная символика республики Молдова, 2016)

Ru: По условиям Парижского мира (август 1858) между Францией, Россией, Англией, Пруссией, Сардинией и Османской империей для Молдавии был установлен красно-синий флаг.
En: Under the terms of the Paris Peace (August 1858) between France, Russia, England, Prussia, Sardinia and the Ottoman Empire, a red and blue flag was erected for Moldova.
(source: Спаткай Л. Гербы и флаги стран мира. Европа. Часть II, 2018)

--Лобачев Владимир (トーク) 17:40, 26 April 2021 (UTC)[返信]


The site is not an authoritative source. It includes all flags, including drawings of people who are not historians and specialists in vexilology.

The Treaty of Adrianople (1829) between Russia and Turkey, besides recognising Greek independence and Serbian autonomy, also established free trade for Moldavia and Wallachia with the reopening of their ports to the shipping of all nations. At the same time the creation of a Moldo-Wallachian fleet (both mercantile and military) began. Colours were stated for the two principalities, and at the beginning they were mainly used as lance pennons (red and blue for Moldavia and yellow and blue for Wallachia). This induced some authors to assign horizontal bicolored flags to the two countries (Deppermann and Ruschke, Hamburg, circa 1840), but there is no evidence for their existence.
Mario Fabretto, 8 September 1996 (

Mario Fabretto - is he an expert on the flags of the Moldavian principality? --Лобачев Владимир (トーク) 09:10, 20 June 2021 (UTC)[返信]

FOTW is extensively used as a source on Wikimedia projects (if you want to challenge this source - and by default, all images that have this source as a reference - use the admin panel). As for Mario Fabretto, the answer is yes, he is an expert. Are you? (Rgvis (トーク) 06:24, 23 June 2021 (UTC))[返信]
Can you back up your words with quotes from sources? --Лобачев Владимир (トーク) 06:44, 23 June 2021 (UTC)[返信]
@Лобачев Владимир: You have given yourself all the answers right from the beginning of this topic. In addition, you know very well from previous discussions that there are other sources that also confirm this information. (Rgvis (トーク) 07:18, 23 June 2021 (UTC))[返信]
There is no need for general words. Just quote from the source here. --Лобачев Владимир (トーク) 10:32, 23 June 2021 (UTC)[返信]