File talk:Klagenfurt Wölfnitz Sankt Peter am Bichl Ulrichsberg Kirchenruine Weihestein ISIS NOREIA 23042004 01.jpg

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Is this photo upside down or is the original inscription upside down?--ペーター (talk) 05:25, 19 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]

This stone was a dedication to the Carinthian goddess ISIS NOREIA (Celttic-Roman Goddess around two thousand years ago, about until the end of the third century) and most supposedly placed in her temple on top of the Mons Carantanus (Ulrichsberg near Klagenfurt). When the Christianisation set in after 392 AD the spreader of the "NEW FAITH" were busy destroying all the old testimonies of the former religion (they henceforth called it PAGANISM, and from that moment on HEATHENSIM was the evil and became forbidden to practice. The doctrin became valid: "There is only ONE GOD and nothing else can be tolerated". The Roman Catholic church still defends that point-of-view.
So when they destroyed all the sanctuaries in the old temples, they practiced the technique of decapitating the statues and they ridiculed the stone plaques - as shown in the photo - by walling them in the upside down, thus taking them the "power".--Johann Jaritz 16:40, 19 July 2009 (CET)