File talk:Linear RGB color wheel.png

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This is an inaccurate rendering

[edit] is superior. WaikikiVice (talk) 13:45, 28 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Responded at w:Talk:Color wheel#The color wheel is wrong, it has blue compressed for unknown reasons. I believe the 1996 sRGB model is no longer valid now that most displays are LCD or LED based, instead of CRT phosphors. WaikikiVice (talk) 23:55, 4 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
As I said in my last reply in,_it_has_blue_compressed_for_unknown_reasons:
Currently, sRGB is a very important standard, probably the most important RGB color standard in most applications; but, as I explained, it has a gamma correction that doesn't correlate with real mixtures of light nor pigments. That is why what the image in the article depicts is the linear sRGB color wheel, not the sRGB one. Yes, the RGB and CMY triads in this color wheel are still the sRGB values for those colors, but that is because there is not such thing as an "objective" or "universal" values for RYGCBM that I could choose; (maybe the LMS color wheel could be considered a "universal" RGB color wheel, because it's directly based on physiological human color vision, but the "red" (L) in LMS is rose, the "green" (M) is almost cyan, and the "blue" (S) is violet. It is so perceptually uneven that it barely resembles a color wheel, making it unuseful as a first image for the article). 8-leaf clover (talk) 00:19, 5 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]