File talk:Map of Russian subjects, 2008-03-01.svg

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Svalbard \ Шпицберген


На карте есть географическая неточность, в таком масштабе в карту обязательно попал бы Шпицберген в левый верхний угол, но на карте он не обозначен.
Svalbard didn't showed on this map. --Sasha Krotov (talk) 15:53, 11 May 2011 (UTC)[回复]

Границы между скандинавскими государствами совершенно от балды нацарапаны. Hellerick (talk) 02:33, 1 May 2013 (UTC)[回复]

Svalbard (translate)


On the map there are geographical inaccuracy on this scale in the card would certainly hit Svalbard in the upper left corner, but on the map it is not indicated.
Svalbard didn't showed on this map. --Sasha Krotov (talk) 15:53, 11 May 2011 (UTC)[回复]

The boundaries between the Scandinavian states quite scratched from the bulldozer.Hellerick (talk) 02:33, 1 May 2013 (UTC)[回复]