File talk:Montmorillonit.svg

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Source specification


Merops, could you please provide a precise source?
-If you picked the file from the internet - please provide a specific URL.
-If you digitized it yourself, then please state so and therefore please specify the book you took as source, e.g. giving the ISBN number. If possible add pagenumber.
-If you made a diagramm yourself - please provide your Template or data-source
-If there is a sourcecode used in generation, it is highly appreciated to provide it.
Thanks in advance. --Itu (對話) 03:38, 19 March 2017 (UTC)[回覆]

I have digitized the diagramm by myself and took data from Römpp's Chemistry Lexicon in 1998. sorry, but I do not have any ISBN or pagenumber. Merops (對話) 09:54, 19 March 2017 (UTC)[回覆]
Danke soweit.--Itu (對話) 10:27, 20 March 2017 (UTC)[回覆]