File talk:Oghuric languages Proto-Bulgaric languages Chuvash languages.jpg

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Hi, @Won Woghur, quite usefull table, indeed, but would you rather add the sources that helped you creating it? Like, I wonder whether you used the Peter Golden book, or Egorov doctionary, or perhaps works of some of the hungarian scholars? Thnak you. Svilenov (talk) 12:54, 21 August 2022 (UTC)[reply]

I used Yegorov 's dictionary exclusively and translated it into Latin , where Ş is Ç , where Y is Й, where Ž is Ж, in the original Cyrillic. Turkish, Azerbaijani languages are used under Oguz, Kazakh and Kyrgyz languages are used under Kipchaks. Won Woghur (talk) 14:36, 21 August 2022 (UTC)[reply]
I started compiling the table after I read Gerhard Friedrich Müller where he describes the Chuvash language upper dialect through O. Then I read Anna Dybo and Alexandra Savelieva. Next is Egorov's dictionary. The further I plunged into it, the more interesting it became, the tangle began to untie, so it turned out to assemble a puzzle about Ogur, Onogur, Saragur, Utigur, Kutrigur, Bulgars, Hungarians. I started using lambdacism, rotacism, Hitaism in different Turkic languages to see what happens, then the etymology of some Turkic words is revealed. For example, if certain rules are applied, then сhuvash Şăkăr is Bread, in Turkish Yogurt is a fermented milk drink (Y -> Ş). In Chuvash (from borrowed words) there are rules for falling out of the final T . Azerbaijani "dost" in сhuvash "Tus"(dial.Tos), translated "Friend". What is in the Chuvash "üt" - "leather" in the Turkish "et" - "meat". What is in Chuvash "hupah" - "Burdock", in Turkish "kabak" - "zucchini", this is due to the large leaves that cover everything under themselves, the word "hupah" itself translates to "close/cover". For example, the typically Kipchak word "kuyan - koyan" (Tatar, Bashkir, Kazakh) in Chuvash should be "kuşana" - translation to "move quickly" Y -> Ş. The etymology of the ethnonym Bulgar was given more than a hundred years ago by the Hungarian linguist Bernat Munkaci: Bulgar — "five Oghur". According to D. M. Dunlop, the ethnonym "bashkort" goes back to the forms "beshgur", "bashgur", that is "five tribes", five corners. Since Sh (Š) in modern language corresponds to L in Bulgarian (lambdacism), therefore, according to Dunlop, the ethnonyms "bashgur" and "bulgar" are equivalent - besh = pil (five), oghuz - oghur (rotacism). A long story that led to a single logical chain. Ten Ogur, White Ogur, Kotrag Ogur, Uti Ogur, Five Ogur. Oguz -> öküz -> Ogur -> Wogur -> Wăgăr is Bull. Won Woghur (talk) 16:15, 21 August 2022 (UTC)[reply]
All right then, please, add those three sources in the description of the immage file in Summary -> Description. So that everyone could see them. Those are the rules of Wikimeida. The details of your compilation process may stay here, in the Talk page.Svilenov (talk) 15:31, 24 August 2022 (UTC)[reply]
In addition, please, see the remarks of Wikipedia user BurakD53 [[1]] on the table. First at the Wikipedia page for the Oghuric languages, in the History page here: [[2]] and on the talk page here: [[3]]. It's a matter of small corrections in the table. As for using Latin transcription, be carefull, linguists and philologists prefer the IPA to be used, please see here: [[4]]. So, to avoid further disputes with such linguists and philologist, I'd rather suggest IPA to be used for any new versions of your table. Svilenov (talk) 15:54, 24 August 2022 (UTC)[reply]
I am not a programmer, and I am not an experienced participant in Wikipedia, I do not know how to add, delete and perform serious actions. Further, I did not use the IPA for the simple reason that an ordinary person does not understand this, mostly ordinary people use Wikipedia, and not professional linguists who already know everything. I wanted the table to be useful for beginners. I was asked about the Bashkir language, I threw them into the IPA, followed by a standard question: "what are these symbols? we can't read them! " - and this is how any citizen who does not have a special education in philology treats the IPA. I use this table and have posted it not only on wikipedia, I write articles on other blogs and websites. especially among schoolchildren who are interested in Turkic languages, it was not originally intended for Wikipedia. I came here recently to be useful, since the information here is very outdated and lagging. There have always been great scientists in Russia: Mendeleev, Alexander Popov, Alexander Butlerov, Nikolai Zhukovsky, Lev Landau, Peter Kapitsa, Leonid Kantorovich, Andrey Sakharov, Sergey Korolev, Zhores Alferov, Grigory Perelman, Andrey Geim and Konstantin Novoselov, the list is so huge, Yuri Knorozov -- who solved the mystery of the Maya civilization! English Wikipedia does not use Russian sources, I had problems with this that many users referred to the fact that if there is no translation from Russian to English, then there is no such thing and it is not a reliable source. For this reason, a lot of information in this wikipedia is outdated, and there is little content and benefit. Scant information. Won Woghur (talk) 13:03, 26 August 2022 (UTC)[reply]