File talk:Parejas del mismo sexo en la UE.svg

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Italy have same sex union registries. In the Spanish legend these registries appear as such, not as civil unions. Please, provide references about the court ruling that annulled these laws before revert.

--Zotico (留言) 19:43, 30 December 2015 (UTC)[回复]

It looks like you are pretty misinformed about Italian situation. Italy has not official same sex union registries and neither there are "laws" regulating such registries for same-sex couples (never been) nor do these registries represent in any way a "law". There are some local initiatives by some city mayors to include also same-sex couples into generic civil registries (but not on a separate or dedicated registry: this is a key point) but these are only symbolic acts and they have no legal value at all and, most of all, they are not recognised by the State nor by the other cities or Regions. It's a symbolic act to push the Italian government for issuing a law on the subject but they can't be presented as "official legal recognition" because they are not, nor there is any kind of law, neither local nor national, regulating such registries so simply there isn't any law in Italy. Furthermore, the registries for civil unions are not specific for same sex couples and even more, in many italian municipalities they're explicitly not open to same-sex couples. If you have interpreted some press news about those registries as the existance of local laws on the matter, you have totally misinterpreted. Those registries, beyond being symbolic, are in general not linked at all to the recognition of same-sex couples.Equating them to a sort of "recognition law", as you did, is totally incorrect and it's a distortion of the actual legal scope and purpose of those registries. Being listed in these registries hasn't any administrative value at all. To make an example you may understand, in front of the national law these local registries have the same legal value as the unilateral declaration of independence by Catalunya has in front of Spain and Spanish laws - how would you consider a map of Europe depicting Catalunya and Spain as two distinct independent nations, claiming to be the "real map of Europe"? As far as the sentence of the state council, here you are the link Sentenza del Consiglio di Stato numero 4899 del 26 ottobre 2015. You are misinformed about the real situation in Italy and your drawing is totally incorrect if it aims at representing the status of the laws (and actually local registries in Italy are not the result nor the expression of a law on the subject). Therefore, I reverted the picture to represent the real situation in Italy based a) on what has real legal value for same-sex couples, b) on the real laws in force in the country, which are the only effective for the citizens' life and not on symbolic acts which have no value of law at all nor can be equate to a law. The source linked above is the reference you asked for (it's the official site of the Italian State Council, so it's definitely authoritative) (User L736E not logged) -- 13:13, 31 January 2016 (UTC)[回复]
You're right. They are symbolic recognition and as such appears in the legend in Spanish. I don't see any problem with that. Anyway, I think this issue will be overtaken in a few months. And I don't wish to start an edit war. --Zotico (留言) 10:17, 26 February 2016 (UTC)[回复]

Estonia and Czech Republic


In Estonia the Cohabitation Act came into force whith many loopholes. In the Czech Republic the law gives limited rights to same sex couples in 2016 according to ILGA and there aren't news that this has changed. Please, provide references before editing.

Estonia cohabitation act to enter force without implementing acts

See ILGA Europe

--Zotico (留言) 17:56, 6 June 2016 (UTC)[回复]



On 30 June 2017, Germany allowed same-sex marriages by parliament. Also Same-sex adoptions become allowed in Germany.

So Germany should be coloured in darkblue in map. -- 18:39, 30 June 2017 (UTC)[回复]

The law will not come into effect for another 3 months. Until then the situation remains the same. "In Kraft tritt das Gesetz drei Monate nach der Verkündigung, da den Standesämtern Zeit für die Umstellung gegeben werden soll." ("The law will come into effect three months after publication to give the registry offices time to adapt.") --CorrectHorseBatteryStaple (留言) 18:49, 30 June 2017 (UTC)[回复]



Can someone add Austria to the SSM countries please ! I do not know how to change the image... Thanks. Martin m159 (留言) 12:56, 2 January 2019 (UTC)[回复]



Greece passed a bill allowing Same-sex marriage



I've reviewed this article and I see no evidence of unregistered cohabitation for same-sex couples in Slovakia. The only source it cites is the civil code of the Czechoslovakia era. That civil code doesn't even mention same-sex couples. Here's the most recent report from ILGA-Europe: . You can clearly see that Slovakia has 0.00% points in the category of 'family'. ILGA World database also doesn't mention unregistered cohabitation for same-sex couples in Slovakia. It is also clearly a more reliable and up-to-date source than a sixty-year-old Czechoslovakia civil code. If our WP:RS are inconclusive, it is better to err on the side of caution and not include Slovakia as recognising unregistered cohabitations? In general, Wikipedia leans towards not including information that is not fully supported, rather than including dubious information until it's proven wrong. Cyanmax (留言) 11:42, 6 August 2024 (UTC)[回复]