File talk:Piero Zuccheretti1.png

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POV Categories removed


I have removed the following categories which had been added to this file:

  • Partisan attack in Via Rasella
  • Italian resistance movement
  • 1944 deaths
  • 1931 births
  • Victims of massacres

because they express a POV to say the least.

In fact, the Highest Italian Court, the "Cassazione", has ruled that the original BW picture based on which the file was built is a false, thus confirming a previous ruling by the Milan Appeal Court (which was also based on the technical advice of a Bundesarchiv researcher). Therefore, the picture, and any derivative works based on it, as is the case of this file, cannot - under any circumstances - be categorized as it was.

Furthermore, the "Partisan attack in via Rasella" has been described as a legitimate act of war by multiple rulings by tribunals and the highest court in Italy and, therefore, a picture allegedly depicting it, or its aftermath, cannot - under any circumstances - be categorized as a "massacre" as well, as implied by the inclusion in the category "Victims of massacres".

Since the picture meaning and authenticity is at least disputed - and so it will remain for the foreseeable future, since the Cassazione ruling mentioned above cannot be appealed - it cannot be categorized as it was, including the dates, which refer to the years of Birth and Death of the person allegedly depicted in a picture which, once again, has been described as false by multiple rulings of Italian tribunals. --Piero Montesacro (talk) 23:47, 27 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Siccome almeno una categoria va inserita, dopo una ricerca ho messo Category:Photographs, che dovrebbe neutra (vera o falsa, manipolata o meno, BN o colori, dovrebbe essere pur sempre una fotografia).--Trixt (talk) 12:42, 28 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Nessun problema da parte mia. Anzi, ti ringrazio per la cortesia e per il tuo lavoro e ti chiedo se per caso non ci sia una categoria a mio avviso più adeguata alla natura dell'immagine, tipo "illustrazioni". --Piero Montesacro (talk) 18:35, 28 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Ho aggiunto Category:Illustrations in Italian. Lascerei comunque Category:Photographs perché, come detto sopra, anche se vera o falsa, rimane pur sempre una fotografia (attualmente non c'è Category:False photographs o Category:Manipulated photographs, ma se dovessero esserci sarebbero comunque sottocategorie di Category:Photographs).--Trixt (talk) 12:29, 29 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]