File talk:Population Statistics Salzgitter.svg

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Mark and copy the following text. Paste it into a plain text file. The text file should have an svg extension, for example mychart.svg.

You can check the result here or here.

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  This svg graphic is to edit with an text editor.
  Please do not overwrite this file by saving with an image editor.
  Population Statistics of Salzgitter
   1880 (1.754) is an interpolated value of 1823 (1.481) and 1885 (1.778)

<!-- also a workaround for librsvg: a <rect> must be placed somewhere before text for a good display of text -->
<rect id="imagebackground" x="-44.88" y="-137.1" width="254.98" height="151.3" stroke-width="0.2" stroke="none" fill="white"/>

<style id="styles" type="text/css"> <![CDATA[
  .graphgeneral {         /*-- general look of graphs and markers, e.g. in legend --*/
    stroke-width:    1.43;
    fill:            none;
    stroke-linejoin: round;
    stroke-linecap:  round;
  .graphgeneralstretch {  /*-- general look of graphs and markers on a stretched chart --*/
    stroke-width:    0.95;
    fill:            none;
    stroke-linejoin: round;
    stroke-linecap:  round;
  .graph1lineblank { /*-- look of graph 1 --*/
    stroke:          #333333;
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    stroke:          black;
    stroke-width:    0.71;
    stroke-linecap:  round;
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    stroke-width:    0.5;
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  .axistext-x {
    font-size:       7.257px;
  .axistext-x-number {
    font-size:       7.257px;
  .axistext-y {
    font-size:       7.257px;

  <!--== axis dashes definitions ==-->

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<g transform="scale(1, -1)">
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  <rect id="y-gridline-area" x="0" y="0.3" width="204" height="131.3" fill="url(#y-gridline)"/>

<!-- x axis text, modify each value -->
<g id="axistext-x" class="axistext-x-number" transform="translate(0, 5.33)" text-anchor="middle">
  <text x=  "0">1880</text>
  <text x= "30">1900</text>
  <text x= "60">1920</text>
  <text x= "90">1940</text>
  <text x="120">1960</text>
  <text x="150">1980</text>
  <text x="180">2000</text>

<!-- y axis text, modify each value -->
<g id="axistext-y" class="axistext-y" text-anchor="end" transform="translate(-6.1, 2.4)">
  <text y=  "-0">0 000</text>
  <text y= "-20">20 000</text>
  <text y= "-40">40 000</text>
  <text y= "-60">60 000</text>
  <text y= "-80">80 000</text>
  <text y="-100">100 000</text>
  <text y="-120">120 000</text>

<!--====== graph data with origin values, you can manually copy or attach the values here ======-->
<!-- modify displacement "translate" -->
  <!-- graph 1 -->
  <polyline id="graph1-fill" stroke="none" points="
    1880       0
    1880       1.754
    1885.917   1.778
    1905.917   2
    1925.457   2.19
    1933.457   3.5
    1939.376  10.219
    1942.997 108.48
    1945.997  78.368
    1946.825  93.26
    1950.699 100.667
    1956.731 100.294
    1961.43  110.276
    1965.997 116.928
    1970     118.201
    1975     119.339
    1980     116.784
    1981     116.501
    1982     115.452
    1983     118.229
    1984     114.823
    1985     112.259
    1986     111.398
    1987     110.736
    1988     111.415
    1989     112.251
    1990     113.872
    1991     114.632
    1992     116.177
    1993     117.02
    1994     117.083
    1995     116.955
    1996     116.135
    1997     114.654
    1998     113.271
    1999     112.318
    2000     111.714
    2001     111.269
    2002     110.334
    2003     109.348
    2004     108.286
    2005     107.166
    2006     106.077
    2007     104.832
    2008     104.423
    2009     103.446
    2010     102.394
    2011      98.895
    2012      98.095
    2012       0
<g id="graph1">
  <!-- graph 1 -->
  <polyline id="graph1-line" stroke-width="0.95" fill="none" points="
    1880       1.754
    1885.917   1.778
    1905.917   2
    1925.457   2.19
    1933.457   3.5
    1939.376  10.219
    1942.997 108.48
    1945.997  78.368
    1946.825  93.26
    1950.699 100.667
    1956.731 100.294
    1961.43  110.276
    1965.997 116.928
    1970     118.201
    1975     119.339
    1980     116.784
    1981     116.501
    1982     115.452
    1983     118.229
    1984     114.823
    1985     112.259
    1986     111.398
    1987     110.736
    1988     111.415
    1989     112.251
    1990     113.872
    1991     114.632
    1992     116.177
    1993     117.02
    1994     117.083
    1995     116.955
    1996     116.135
    1997     114.654
    1998     113.271
    1999     112.318
    2000     111.714
    2001     111.269
    2002     110.334
    2003     109.348
    2004     108.286
    2005     107.166
    2006     106.077
    2007     104.832
    2008     104.423
    2009     103.446
    2010     102.394
    2011      98.895
    2012      98.095
<g class="graphgeneralstretch" transform="scale(1.5, -1) translate(-1880, -0)">
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<g class="graphgeneralstretch" transform="scale(1.5, -1) translate(-1880, -0)">
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<!-- axes with marks -->
<g transform="scale(1, -1)">
  <!-- x axis, modify "x2" and "width" -->
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  <line id="x-axis" x1="0" y1="0" x2="204" y2="0" class="axisline"/>

  <!-- y axis, modify "height" -->
  <rect id="y-axismark2" x="-2.28" y="-3.8" width="2.28" height="131" fill="url(#y-axismark-second)"/>
  <rect id="y-axismark" x="-3.8" y="-3.8" width="3.8" height="132" fill="url(#y-axismark-main)"/>
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