File talk:QizilDonors.jpg

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Problems with File:QizilDonors.jpg


Hallo, I recognized that the data which was given to this picture is based on wrong information:

*1.:It's not clear that they were Tocharians

  • 2.:The term "Sassanian style" was used in the wrong context.

What have been described is the wrong picture. The right one is Fig.1 on page 8 in this document:

The "Tocharian" Colour Plate on page 9 is not fiting to the description of Fig.1. So, the description is wrong. We need a correction of the information given in this document. I've informed the Uploader [Per Honor et Gloria] about this problem and listed it.

- Maikolaser (talk) 12:32, 15 March 2012 (CET)

In that article, the caption of the plate is
Four Tocharian Knight-Donors. From the "Cave of the Sixteen Sword Bearers", Qizil, 600-650 CE. Courtesy of the Museum für Indische Kunst, Berlin.
This site, based on the museum display cards, has the description
Tocharian Princes. Kizil, Cave of the Sixteen Sword-Bearers (no. 8). 14C date: 432-538 AD.
See also the museum page on this cave. Another article that mentions this cave is [1]. No support for "Sassanian style", but it seems to be generally accepted that the frescoes were produced by the Tocharian B-speaking people of Kucha. Kanguole (talk) 13:08, 15 March 2012 (UTC)[回覆]
The en:Kizil Caves were Buddhist sanctuaries 20 km. eastwards of the city of en:Kucha used by the inhabitants of Kucha and part of the Kingdom of Kucha. In that time 6th/7th century of course the inhabitants there spoke en:Tocharian languages, esp. Tocharian B. It´s well-known. Another part of the discussion is here: and here: Parthian and Sasanian clothings were sometimes quite similar: File:Arm less man edit2.jpg, only sometimes.-- 17:11, 15 March 2012 (UTC)[回覆]
Ok thanks for this important info Kanguole, I think the first point is solved. Regarding th 2nd point with "Sassanian style", we should delete this information from all Global file usages, because it is simply based on non-scientific information. We should refresh the information just like in this article; Tocharian languages: [2]. - Maikolaser (talk) 01:46, 16 March 2012 (CET)
Yes, agreed. Maikolaser (talk) 12:48, 16 March 2012 (CET)