File talk:Serbia1913.png

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Internationally recognized Kingdom of Serbia 1882–1912.
Territorial expansion of the Kingdom of Serbia 1913-1915, following the Balkan Wars.

This image is not fully accurate, because it does not show the difference between annexed territories during the wars and internationally recognized Serbian Kingdom.

First map on the right side shows internationally recognized borders of the Kingdom of Serbia, since the Serbia became a Kingdom (1882) until the Balkan Wars (1912). All the other borders were shot-lasted, or it wasn't internationally recognized.

In the Balkan Wars, Serbia gained significant territorial expansion and almost doubled its territory, with the areas populated mostly by the foreign population (Albanians, Bulgarians, Turks and others).[1] According to the Report of the International Commission on the Balkan Wars, Serbia consider annexed territories "as a dependency, a sort of conquered colony, which these conquerors might administer at their good pleasure".[1] Newly acquired territories never fully became part of the Kingdom of Serbia. It were subjected to military dictatorship, and was not included in Serbian constitutional sistem.[1] The opposition press demanded the rule of law for the population of the annexed territories and the extension of the constitution of the Kingdom of Serbia to these regions.[1] These areas remained occupied territories until the creation of Yugoslavia (Paris Peace Conference 1919).[2]

The second image is much more accurate for usage in articles because it shows clear difference between annexed territories and internationally recognized Serbian state.

--Mladifilozof (talk) 21:22, 14 January 2010 (UTC)[回复]

Please stop with this kind of trolling at various pages. Exact status of these territories within Kingdom of Serbia is irrelevant, the only important thing is that these territories were internationally regarded as part of Kingdom of Serbia and are shown as such in numerous sources:

These maps are best proof that you are troll and a vandal since there is no good-faith editor of Wiki projects who would oppose such basic history facts as was a border of Serbia in 1913-1914. PANONIAN (talk) 15:02, 15 January 2010 (UTC)[回复]

