File talk:Time Zones of Africa.svg

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Mistake with Benin


@Cyfraw: There is a mistake with Benin, it is currently marked in light blue (which is UTC±00:00) when it should be light red (which is West Africa Time). You can see further proof that is Benin's time here. --SuperJew (talk) 20:20, 17 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]

@BIL: I saw you updated the map for something else (Namibia). Do you think you could deal with the above issue too? --SuperJew (talk) 11:15, 8 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]
I did a little check against other Wikipedia pages and I changed Benin and Western Sahara. And coloured some islands which were grey. Reunion, Canaries, Saint Helena, Comoros.--BIL (talk) 14:17, 8 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you! :) --SuperJew (talk) 20:15, 8 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Contrast issue


The yellow is too bright to clearly see the international borders. LaundryPizza03 (talk) 21:04, 16 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Time zone of Morocco


Could User:Ezzarghili please provide a source documenting the claim that Morocco changed her time zone?

My search found this in en:Le Matin du Sahara et du Maghreb C'est officiel l'heure d'été sera maintenue en permanence

Le Conseil de gouvernement, réuni vendredi sous la présidence du Chef du gouvernement, Saâd Eddine El Othmani, a adopté le projet de décret n °2.18.855 relatif à l’heure légale stipulant le maintien permanent de l’heure d’été en vigueur actuellement.

Ce projet de décret stipule l'ajout de 60 minutes à l'heure légale du Royaume fixée par l'article premier du décret royal n° 455.67 promulgué le 23 safar 1387 correspondant au 2 juin 1967, de manière à maintenir l'heure d'été en vigueur actuellement afin d'éviter les changements opérés à maintes reprises durant l'année et leurs répercussions à plusieurs niveaux.

This says that the government council has decided just yesterday that switch back to standard time would not take place. The switch back would have been synchronous with that of the European Union, i.e. on Sunday 28th of October 2018 at 2 o'clock.
This is a really last minute announcement...
--L.Willms (talk) 06:34, 27 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Another source, though not referring to yesterday's government decision, explains the context:
"Changement d'heure Maroc, passage à l'horaire été hiver et Ramadan" on "Vivre Essouira", a local web site for that city. --L.Willms (talk) 07:27, 27 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]

User:Ezzarghili - please see citation 11 in this article the original announcement is in arabic

الاستمرار في العمل بالساعة الإضافية : (GMT + 1).

طبقا لمقتضيات المرسوم 2.18.855، المصادق عليه في المجلس الحكومي، المنعقد يوم الجمعة 26 أكتوبر 2018، المتعلق بالساعة القانونية، تعلن وزارة إصلاح الإدارة والوظيفة العمومية، أنه سيتم الاستمرار في العمل بالساعة الإضافية المعمول بها حاليا (GMT + 1) بكيفية مستقرة، وذلك ابتداء من تاريخ نشر المرسوم السالف الذكر بالجريدة الرسمية، يوم السبت 27 أكتوبر 2018.

translate roughly to "keep working with the additional hour (GMT + 1). In accordance with the provisions of Decree No. 2.18.855, approved by the Government Council, held on Friday, October 26, 2018, concerning the legal hour, the Ministry of Administration Reform and Public Service announces that the current hourly (GMT + 1) Starting from the date of publication of the aforementioned decree in the Official Gazette on Saturday 27 October 2018."