File talk:User browser firefox.png

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Is it possible to upload this image with the name Nuvola Firefox icon.png too? That image was used in many userboxes in many wikipedias, if this new image had that name, there would be no problem. Keta 14:11, 22 March 2006 (UTC)[回复]



The globe in the background is a clear copy of the globe used in the real firefox icon. If you do not believe me, i can send you a vector version of the firefox logo with removed firefox. It looks absolutely identical. Should this image be deleted? -- 21:29, 21 October 2006 (UTC)[回复]

No, the globe is tri-licensed. It is the image that is used if you build firefox without trademarks. --Pmsyyz 04:28, 22 October 2006 (UTC)[回复]
No, it isn't. They look very diffentent. The Open Source globe is darker, black at the bottom and has more "continents" in the mittle. The Firefox-Logo-Globe is brightler, shinier, brighter at the bottom, has less continents at the middle, and looks ugly without the fox. Please compare: Click me. And now tell me, which globe is used in this icon.-- 15:52, 22 October 2006 (UTC)[回复]
I must apologize for this mix-up. I don't know how I managed to use the wrong globe, as I'm certain that I obtained it from the Commons. In any event, I've uploaded a new version derived from the Deer Park icon. —David Levy 15:57, 25 October 2006 (UTC)[回复]
Of course it is trademarked. If it wasn't trademarked you wouldn't use it here to illustrate Firefox. / Fred Chess 10:42, 25 October 2006 (UTC)[回复]
You do realize that this isn't the actual Firefox logo, don't you? It turned out that the wrong globe was used, but that was accidental and easy to fix. It would have been nice if you'd contacted me before (or even after) deleting a file used on several projects (including hundreds of pages at the English Wikipedia). I could have corrected the problem sooner. —David Levy 15:57, 25 October 2006 (UTC)[回复]
Ok, I see your point. / Fred Chess 16:14, 25 October 2006 (UTC)[回复]
Thank you. Incidentally, the above reads a bit differently than it sounded in my head, and I'm sorry if it seemed rude (which certainly wasn't my intention). —David Levy 16:24, 25 October 2006 (UTC)[回复]