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Heimskringla is the Old Norse name of a collection of kings' sagas recorded in Iceland around 1225 by the poet and historian Snorri Sturluson (1179–1242). The collection contains tales about the Norwegian kings, beginning with the legendary Swedish dynasty of the House of Ynglings, followed by accounts of more historical Norwegian rulers of the 10th to 12th centuries, up to the death of Eystein Meyla in 1177.

Storm-editon (Illustrated Norwegian 1899/1900/1914-edition)


Snorre Sturlusons fortale




Soga om Halvdan Svarte


Soga om Harald Hårfagre


Soga om Håkon den gode


Soga om Eiriksønene


Soga om Håkon jarl


Soga om Olav Tryggvason


Soga om Olav den heilage


Soga om Magnus den gode


Soga om Harald Hardråde


Soga om Olav Kyrre


Soga om Magnus Berrføtt


Soga om Magnussønene


Soga om Magnus Blinde og Harald Gille


Soga om Haraldsønene


Soga om Håkon Herdebrei


Soga om Magnus Erlingsson
