Hurricane Hazel

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See also: Raymore Drive
English: Hurricane Hazel was the deadliest and most costly hurricane of the 1954 Atlantic hurricane season and one of the deadliest and costliest storms of the 20th century. The huricane killed as many as 1,000 people in Haiti before striking the United States, where it killed 95 people, near the border between North and South Carolina, as a Category 4 hurricane. Hazel then struck Canada, raising the death toll by 81 more people. Most of the deaths—concentrated around Toronto—were caused by a now-extratropical storm retaining hurricane-strength winds and moisture. As a result of its damaging effects and high death toll, its name was retired and will never again be used for a hurricane in the North Atlantic basin.
Français : L'ouragan Hazel fut le pire ouragan de la saison cyclonique 1954 dans l'océan Atlantique Nord et l'un des plus destructeurs du . Il tua au moins 1 000 personnes en Haïti avant de frapper les États-Unis d'Amérique juste au sud de Wilmington en tant que cyclone de catégorie 4. Il causa la perte de dix-neuf vies en Caroline du Nord. Plus loin, c'est encore 81 personnes qui perdirent la vie dans la région de Toronto en Ontario (Canada). Il fut l'ouragan le plus violent à être remonté si loin au au nord.
Português: O furacão Hazel é o mais intenso furacão que atingiu regiões distantes da costa da história registrada. Hazel foi o nono ciclone tropical, o oitavo furacão e o segundo furacão 'maior' da temporada de furacões no Atlântico de 1954, sendo também o mais intenso. O furacão causou mais de 1.000 fatalidades no Haiti antes de atingir as Bahamas e os Estados Unidos logo ao sul de Wilmington, Carolina do Norte, como um furacão de categoria 4 na escala de furacões de Saffir-Simpson. 19 fatalidades foram registradas na Carolina do Norte e 81 somente em Toronto, Canadá.
Simple English: Hurricane Hazel was the worst hurricane of the 1954 Atlantic hurricane season and one of the worst hurricanes of the 20th century. Hazel killed as many as 1,000 people in Haiti before striking the United States just south of Wilmington, North Carolina as a Category 4 hurricane. 19 people were killed in North Carolina, and 81 people were killed when it hit Toronto, Ontario. It is the strongest hurricane ever recorded to strike so far inland.
Svenska: Orkanen Hazel var det officiella namnet på en tropisk cyklon som i oktober 1954 drabbade östra Karibien och östra Nordamerika. Till och med sydöstra Kanada fick allvarlig känning av ovädret. I "Hazels" centrum uppmättes som lägst ett lufttryck på 937 millibar och högsta medelvindhastighet på 67 m/s (241 km/h). Ovädret var därmed en kraftig kategori 4-orkan på den femgradiga Saffir-Simpson orkanskalan. Gränsen för orkan går vid 33 m/s (119 km/h) och vinterstormarna "Gudrun" (2005) och "Pär" (2007) i Sydsverige nådde som mest drygt 35 m/s i vindbyarna.