File talk:Engagement first sino-japanese war (oil painting).jpg

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Could someone suggest the specific engagement? The uniforms flags and design of warships all concur with the first sino-japanese war. The naval bombardment of hill fortifications and the use of land cannon suggest possibly the pescadores campaign. The sunlight coming from the right and the sea assault from the left would agree with a west to east assault. The terrain, however, appears to me to be limestone due to the colouring and landforms. The Pescadores, now known as the Penghu Islands are, from my first researches, predominantly basalt, a dark volcanic rock. The main Island of Taiwan may have limestone terrains and there were also hill forts there assaulted in this war. Assuming the accuracy of the artist this would make it more likely that this was an assault on the chinese/korean/manchurian east coast which would mean the view is from the North in the afternoon?

The painting is unsigned with no information other than the canvas was made/supplied by Windsor & Newton's of Rathbone Place, London. I assume the artist was Japanese. If you have any further knowledge about the artist I would be pleased to know.