File talk:JohnJoubert.jpg

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Permission information


from: Jack Lee <>
date: Jul 9, 2007 7:25 PM
subject: Request for Use of Photographs of John Joubert on Wikipedia

Mr Samuel Wilcock

Dear Mr Wilcock,

Mr Christopher Morley referred me to you. I am a volunteer editor of Wikipedia (, a multilingual project to create a complete, accurate, and open-content encyclopedia. As you may already know, volunteers from around the world collaboratively edit Wikipedia, which is one of many projects of the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation ( Wikipedia depends on photography, art, diagrams and charts to clearly illustrate its articles.

I have been updating an entry on Wikipedia about the British composer John Joubert (, which currently makes use of certain photographs of him. However, it appears that permission for the use of the photographs on Wikipedia has not yet been obtained. I am writing to find out if you are the copyright owner of these photographs, or are able to put me in touch with the right person(s).

In order for any photographs to be used on Wikipedia, permission must be granted by the copyright owner for them to be used under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation Licence (GNU-FDL, or GFDL for short). This means that although the copyright owner retains the copyright and authorship of the photographs images, he or she is granting permission for others to use, copy, and share the images freely, and even potentially use them commercially, so long as they do not try to claim the copyright themselves, or try to prevent others from using or copying them freely (eg, "share-alike"). The licence can be read in full at Wikipedia uses the GFDL because it considers it the best available tool for ensuring the encyclopedia can remain free for all to use, while providing credit to everyone who donates text and images. If permission is granted for use of the photographs under the GFDL, and the copyright owner so requests, he or she can be appropriately credited.

If it is not desired that the photographs currently appearing in the article be used on Wikipedia under the GFDL, we would welcome the provision of other photographs which can be licensed under the GFDL.

I hope you will be able to assist, and look forward to hearing from you.

Jack Lee

from: "Wilcock, Sam" <>
to: Jack Lee <>
date: Jul 12, 2007 2:55 PM
subject: RE: Request for Use of Photographs of John Joubert on Wikipedia

Dear Mr Lee,

The composer’s daughter has asked me to confirm that she is happy for the photo by John E Morris to be used under the terms of the GFDL.

Unfortunately, I cannot find contact details for the photographer of the other picture, Graham Frazer. Although we have right to distribute the photo for publicity purposes, this does not include the right for it to be used commercially, so I am not sure that we could agree to the terms of the GFDL in this instance.

Kind regards
Sam Wilcock

Samuel Wilcock
Promotion Manager
Chester Music Ltd | Novello & Co Ltd
14/15 Berners Street, London, W1T 3LJ, UK

tel: +44 (0)20 7612 7424
fax: +44 (0)20 7612 7549