File talk:Maple syrup.jpg

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Edit Request


I would like to do an edit on the description of the image, Add the information template, and some translations of the description. --Clarkcj12 (talk) 17:15, 9 December 2011 (UTC) {{editrequest}}[reply]

The image is protected via Commons:Auto-protected files/wikipedia/en (cascade protection). I have just added the information template. An administrator can add your translations if you list them here. -- Common Good (talk) 18:31, 9 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I put the translations below in a separate section. Chose the translations you want to add to the information box for the description. Sorry for the amount of translations I translated it into. --Clarkcj12 (talk) 21:00, 9 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for your work. -- Common Good (talk) 14:43, 11 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Your welcome. --Clarkcj12 (talk) 20:56, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Translations Requests


These are the translations I would like the description to be translated to. And also there translations.

  • Afrikaans
    Afrikaans: Bottel van esdoringstroop uit Quebec, Kanada.
  • Bulgarian
    Български: Бутилка с кленов сироп от Квебек, Канада.
  • Catalan
    Català: Ampolla de xarop d'auró del Quebec, Canadà.
  • Czech
    Čeština: Láhev javorového sirupu z Quebecu, Kanada.
  • Danish
    Dansk: Flaske ahornsirup fra Quebec, Canada.
  • German
    Deutsch: Flasche Ahornsirup aus Quebec, Kanada.
  • Greek
    Ελληνικά: Μπουκάλι σιρόπι σφενδάμου από Κεμπέκ, Καναδάς.
  • Spanish
    Español: Botella de jarabe de arce de Quebec, Canadá.
  • Finnish
    Suomi: Pullo vaahterasiirappia Quebec, Kanada.
  • French
    Français : Bouteille de sirop d'érable du Québec, Canada.
  • Croatian
    Hrvatski: Boca za javorov sirup iz Quebeca, Kanada.
  • Indonesian
    Bahasa Indonesia: Botol sirup maple dari Quebec, Kanada.
  • Italian
    Italiano: Bottiglia di sciroppo d'acero del Quebec, in Canada.
  • Lithuanian
    Lietuvių: Butelis klevų sirupas, Kvebekas, Kanada.
  • Dutch
    Nederlands: Fles ahornsiroop uit Quebec, Canada.
  • Polish
    Polski: Butelka z syropem klonowym z Quebec, Kanada.
  • Portuguese
    Português: Garrafa de xarope de bordo de Quebec, no Canadá.
  • Russian
    Русский: Бутылка кленового сиропа из Квебека, Канада.
  • Swedish
    Svenska: Flaska lönnsirap från Quebec, Kanada.
  • Ukrainian
    Українська: Пляшка кленового сиропу з Квебека, Канада.