File talk:Metrobs logo 2021.jpg

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Use of the new Metro Brescia Logo in 2023


I post some sources and evidences about the use of the new logo of Brescia Metro, because there are skeptic users in

  1. the logo has used in the social media since 12th January 2021 (e.g Facebook)
  2. recently I discovered the logo has used in Brescia public transport maps since 2019 (e.g map of Brescia TPL in 2019, Brescia TPL in the 2020 vs Brescia TPL map in the 2017 which could be the last to use the old logo) and not since 2021
  3. starting from December 2022, Metro Brescia posed the new metro station totems which have the new logo: e.g. Bresciadue, Lamarmora and Poliambulanza. Nowadays some metro stations have the old totem with the old logo (e.g. Vittoria), but Metro Brescia is going to renoval them in the next months.
  4. Federico Manzoni, Assessore alla Mobilità del Comune di Brescia (member of the municipal body of government who has been in charge of Public Trasportation since 2013), reply to the city council about this topic (in Italian): "abbiamo colto anche l'occasione per mettere in evidenza la nuova identità visiva della metro che da qualche anno ha adottato la M bianca su sfondo rosso come avviene in tutte le grandi città in cui vi è la metropolitana" (source: «Giornale di Brescia», 25th february 2023, p. 15). He said the logo had been using in Brescia Metro in the last years.
  5. (edited) Also it is used on trains: e.g photo of MB 112.

Regards. Moliva (talk) 19:36, 12 May 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Wiki* projects are not based on opinion and/or personal observations, but do have to base on sources and references (do please see below). By reading the text, it is clear/evident that the logo was not officially introduced before 2023, as the text reports that the mere communication campaign was launched on Tuesday 1st of March 2023 and the logo will be used only after that. We have to distinguish between "visual identity" campaign and the change/modification of an official logo, that is something more important and "subject to the laws". Not official news such as on newspapares are quite vague, inaccurate/abiguous and not clear, as they misunderstand "visual identity" campaign promotion for touristic purpose with the modification of an official logo:
Indeed, official document states that this change is not concerning the official Logo of the Metropiliana di Brescia (Brescia Metro), but it is only an action of "extraordinary maintenance" on the external addressing totems in view of the event "Bergamo/Brescia 2023" Capitals of Italian Culture, to improve legibility/readability in an universal way so that foreign people coming for the events will understand that is a Metro station by using a generic international subway/metro/underground logo:
In addition there are no evidences about the red logo in any official documents, do please see:
In the absence of official documents and/or press relases declaring the change of the logo, we have to respect/comply with previous one; that we remember it is registered at Italian Patent and Trademark Office (UIBM) with number/code BS2011C000415.
Best regards -- 20:52, 17 May 2023 (UTC) -- 22:15, 17 May 2023 (UTC) -- 22:22, 17 May 2023 (UTC)[reply]
I know that Metrobs logo is a trademark (see [1] and [2]), but it could be replaced by another one, as demostrated by the quote of Federico Manzoni you have just confirmed. He said to the city council: "da qualche anno ha adottato la M bianca su sfondo rosso come avviene in tutte le grandi città in cui vi è la metropolitana". "Da qualche anno" means "For some years" and the logo is used in the maps since 2019. Please also note that he said to the city council: it is not an opinion of journalists like the source of Bresciaoggi you provided. So, they do not replace the logo once at all, but this is not 2019: after four years that are more evidence about this replacement than before, as I provided above.
Some source you cited are related to "Metrobrescia": the company which operated the "Metropolitana di Brescia" (aka Metrobus, Metrobrescia, Metrobs, Metro Brescia or Brescia Metro). The logo of Metrobrescia is a lowercased m in an orange circle, as you could see in Bilancio di esercizio 2021, Bilancio di esercizio 2022, Relazione ex art. 6 del D.Lgs. 175/2016 e – 2022 and Relazione ex art. 6 del D.Lgs. 175/2016 e – 2021. So, it is a logo which is off topic in this discussion.
Some other source are related to "Brescia Infrastrutture", another company which owns metro infrastructures. I see its logo in Tempi costi e indicatori di realizzazione delle opere pubbliche – storico and Tempi costi e indicatori di realizzazione delle opere pubbliche. So, it is another logo which is off topic here.
In the other sources, I saw the old logo in the old totem photos or on trains (eg. Carta della mobilità 2022, Bilancio di sostenibilità 2019, Bilancio di sostenibilità 2020 and Bilancio di sostenibilità 2021). Since I have evidences about the replacement after December 2022, it is not possible to have photos of new logo on totems before that date. :)
Finally, you couldn't reduce sources and evidences I provided above as "opinion and/or personal observations", because are more on trail than your sources and evidences that only demostrate the old logo is used between 2019 and 2022. As I wrote above: the new logo is on the way to be replaced, because "Metrobrescia", "Brescia Infrastrutture" and Brescia Municipality did not decide to replace it once at all years ago. Thanks and regards.
Moliva (talk) 17:07, 18 May 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Dear Moliva, you are still basing your argumentation on your personal opinions and/or "observation", but Wiki projects do have to rely on sources/references. In addition it seems you are misunderstanding "visual identity" and "official logo/brand/trademark" etc. : they are different subjects and the second one is subject to the laws and regulations, so it is very strange/untypical that for a question of that relevance/importance there is no trace of consultations, notification, official releases etc. so we have to rely on sources and maintains the previous stable version until there will be official communications; do please see CRYSTALBALL
The modification or change of an official logo implies a discussion, the realization of some projects, a final choice of one of them etc. and -obviously- it implies costs. Well, so far, even in the official financial budgets reports there is nothing about that.
Furthermore I do remind you to keep in mind that an official logo of a subway must not be confused with the information signage used on panels/signs etc. used to inform the people about the presence of stations/structures of a Metro: these are two very different subjects.
Regards -- 19:33, 18 May 2023 (UTC) -- 19:35, 18 May 2023 (UTC) -- 19:49, 18 May 2023 (UTC)[reply]