File talk:TrekBoers crossing the Karoo.jpg

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This picture TrekBoers crossing the Karoo is said to be painted in 1898 by Charles Davidson Bell

The Wikipedia page for Charles Davidson Bell has

Charles Davidson Bell (22 October 1813 Crail, Fife, Scotland - 7 April 1882 Edinburgh) was the Surveyor-General in the Cape, an artist, heraldist, and designer of Cape medals and stamps.

If Bell died in 1882 he cannot have painted the picture in 1898. Either the date is wrong or the picture has been misattributed.

Interestingly this photo is on the cover of "Terwille Van Beeste" By Jeanette Stals, I eventually found a copy of the credits page there .... and they attribute the photo as sourced from Wikipedia :-), so not much help. --Tony Wills (talk) 02:15, 23 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]