Commons:Open Access File of the Day
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Open Access File of the Day is an initiative of WikiProject Open Access. Since December 2011, it highlights files (or sets thereof) on Wikimedia Commons that are:
- in the Public Domain (by ways other than copyright expiration) or licensed under CC0, CC BY or CC BY-SA
- in Category:Open access (publishing) or any of its subcategories
- used on at least three wiki pages outside user namespace, either on Wikimedia projects or on sites using InstantCommons, from the day of nomination until the day of posting.
The featured files
September 18: the beetle Neotermitosocius bolivianus
September 17: the Albania plant Micromeria cristata
September 16: body of the spider Sosippus floridanus
September 15: the lizard Eutropis cumingi
Sept 14: shell of the snail Achatina vassei
September 13: the eel Myrichthys ocellatus
September 12: the sea slug Melibe arianeae
September 11: the moth Dunama jessiebancroftae
September 10: Adélie penguin being weighed in a checkpoint
September 9: the bat Micronycteris microtis
September 8: the spider Caerostris darwini
September 7: love dart of the snail Xerarionta kellettii
September 6: a female orchid bee Eulaema mocsaryi
September 5: larva of the freshwater gar Lepisosteus oculatus
September 4: red tongue and cracked lips as symptoms of Kawasaki disease
September 3: the ground beetle Quammenis spectabilis
September 2: the fish Cephalopholis fulva
September 1: a Spitzenkörper in a fungal hypha
August 31: Melipona interrupta manaosensis workers attacking a male.
August 30: Skull reconstruction of Kosmoceratops richardsoni.
August 29: The crustacean Tesnusocaris goldichi.
August 28: the spider Aptostichus stephencolberti
August 27: stages of biofilm development
August 26: the frog Anodonthyla pollicaris
August 25: the flowering plant Centaurea soskae
August 24: drawings of the spider Anisaedus levii in the family Palpimanidae
August 23: the fish Haplochromis argens
August 22: the extinct earwig Astreptolabis
August 21: the butterfly Raetzer's Ringlet
August 20: the plant bug Chinavia aseada
August 19: larva of firefly Alecton discoidalis eating the snail Oleacina
August 18: marbled water monitor
August 16: Oxelytrum biguttatum in the family Silphidae
August 15: the armored catfish Pareiorhina hyptiorhachis
August 14: call of mudskipper Periophthalmodon septemradiatus
August 13: forest on the Phillipine island of Palawan
August 12: shell from a snail of family Hygromiidae
August 11: The spider Cabello eugeni.
August 10: The butterfly Argynnis elisa.
August 9: The skink Cryptoblepharus leschenault.
August 8: The frog Hoplobatrachus rugulosus.
August 7: The snake Coelognathus erythrurus.
August 6: Larva of the moth Amyna axis from the family Erebidae.
August 5: The insect Ripipteryx mopana of the superfamily Tridactyloidea.
August 4: The lizard Potamites strangulatus.
August 3: Genetic divergence of proboscidean species.
August 2: The freshwater snail Wicker ancylid.
August 1: The fish Squalius squalus.
July 31: modeling of the respiratory system of insects
July 30: Transposition of the great vessels, a heart defect.
July 29: The preying mantis Perlamantis allibertii.
July 28: Migration of Atlantic bluefin tuna.
July 27: The frog Anodonthyla rouxae from the family Microhylidae.
July 26: The moth Acontia cretata from the family Noctuidae.
July 25: The beetle Rhadine lindrothi.
July 24: The sand stargazeer Dactyloscopus tridigitatus.
July 23: A nymph of the leafhopper Pendarus magnus.
July 22: The spider Fecenia cylindrata.
July 21: Haplochromis goldschmidti.
July 20: The ant lion Brachynemurus sackeni.
July 19: The flowering plant Annickia affinis.
July 18: The spider Neoleptoneta anopica.
July 17: Simultaneous video and EEG recordings of a pair of guitarists during improvisation.
July 16: Organ-specific patterns of endopolyploidy in the giant ant Dinoponera australis.
July 15: The jellyfish Haliclystus antarcticus.
July 14: the prehistoric extinct insect Termitaradus mitnicki
July 13: the monitor lizard Varanus bitatawa
July 12: region around Mount Binalud
July 11: larvae of the firefly Alecton discoidalis
July 10: motor neuron pathways
July 9: the tardigrade Richtersius coronifer entering a state of cryptobiosis
July 8: shell of Huttonella bicolor
July 7: the parasitoid wasp Electrostephanus petiolatus Brues of family Stephanidae
July 6: the snake Montivipera wagneri
July 5: medical imaging showing Monckeberg's arteriosclerosis
July 4: Miopontonia yongei, a shrimp from family Palaemonidae
July 3: eye pattern of the insect Masteria petrunkevitchi
July 2: the prehistoric reptile Kaprosuchus
July 1: the spider Acanthoscurria gomesiana
June 31: histopathology slide of chordoma
June 30: activation of brain's reward system
June 29: the beetle Tecnophilus croceicollis
June 28: Laserpitium ochridanum, named after Laserwort from antiquity
June 27: The frog Platymantis pygmaeus.
June 26: the moth Exelastis caroli
June 25: Spatial relationship between Müller cells and microglia
June 26: edmontosaur skulls
June 23: the blenny Haptoclinus dropi
June 22: a prehistoric snakefly, Styporaphidia hispanica
June 21: shell of the land snail Streptostele musaecola
June 20: The fish Praealticus labrovittatus jumping.
June 19: the bee Epicharis umbraculata
June 18: the beetle Scybalocanthon korasakiae
June 17: the frog Fejervarya moodiei
June 16: male of moth Dunama jessiehillae
June 15: brain with DiGeorge syndrome
June 14: ants, Camponotus leonardi
June 13: guard cells in plant stoma
June 11: the sea snail Micromelo undata
June 10: The forget-me-not Alkanna noneiformis.
June 9: skeletal reconstruction of the dinosaur Sanjuansaurus gordilloi
June 8: the beetle Plectromerus roncaevi
June 7: an eye affected by Wolfram syndrome
June 6: shell of the freshwater snail Pomacea haustrum
June 5: The snake Cyclocorus lineatus.
June 4: the bellflower Edraianthus horvatii
June 3: the common bleak Alburnus alburnus
June 2: skull of Lepidochelys kempii, a sea turtle
June 1: nurse cells develop the oocyte
May 31: Workers of the bee Melipona interrupta killing a queen.
May 30: A Manta alfredi while foraging.
May 29: The beetle Diacheila arctica.
May 28: the bee Bombus transversalis
May 27: Hand positions during wheel-throwing pottery.
May 26: eye pattern of the spider Acanthoctenus
May 25: The lizard Bronchocela marmorata.
May 24: Original position of fossil remains of the dinosaur Seitaad ruessi.
May 23: The freshwater snail Mexipyrgus churinceanus.
May 22: the grouper Epinephelus flavolimbatus
May 21: the moth Acontia ruffinellii
May 20: Song of the sparrow Spizella passerina.
May 19: Dendrelaphis caudolineatus
May 18: appearance of posterior polymorphous corneal dystrophy
May 17: the extinct sweat bee Oligochlora
May 16: the plant Phoebe hunanensis
May 15: shell of Diplopoma species
May 14: the starfish Squamophis albozosteres
May 13: reproductive Structures of the Phytophthora, which are water molds
May 12: the skink Lamprolepis smaragdina
May 11: the beetle Giesbertiolus linnaei
May 10: a visualization of enzyme catalysis
May 9: a tropical plant of genus Monodora
May 8: skull of Nigersaurus
May 7: acoustic monitoring of an iceberg
May 6: the very long worm Lineus longissimus
May 5: The firefly Phosphaenus hemipterus.
May 4: the frog Dendrobates sylvaticus
May 3: Coryphopterus dicrus.
May 2: profile of patient with Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease
May 1: Amphitomeus attemsi.
April 30: Pelusios seychellensis.
April 29: Trachypachus gibbsii.
April 28: flower in Malpighiaceae family
April 27: an automobile crash simulation
April 26: pupa of the fly Japanagromyza inferna
April 25: stain showing signs of Glomerulonephritis
April 24: the moth Acontia albifusa
April 23: the prehistoric termite Nanotermes isaacae
April 22: pancreatic stellate cell activation
April 21: the knotweed Persicaria attenuata
April 20: The snake Calamaria bitorques.
April 19: the threefin blenny Helcogramma trigloides
April 18: Trochulus villosus.
April 17: types of anglerfish
April 16: the fly Japanagromyza inferna
April 15: the dinosaur Anatosuchus minor
April 14: a dog displaying the movement disorder ataxia
April 13: shell of snail Pleurocera prasinatum
April 12: The millipede Leptogoniulus sorornus.
April 11: the snail Helicina platychila
April 10: the lizard Varanus bitatawa
April 9: a beetle of family Lycidae
April 8: the site of the ancient Happisburgh footprints
April 7: nest of the wasp Synoeca septentrionalis
April 6: Solitary pulmonary nodule as seen by positron emission tomography
April 5: The squid Euprymna scolopes.
April 4: Platymantis cagayanensis.
April 3: the flowering plant Pauridiantha floribunda
April 2: young squid Idiosepius pygmaeus
April 1: illustration of the genome
March 31: Cupiennius salei.
March 30: the scorpionfly Caurinus tlagu
March 29: the tree Amphimas pterocarpoides
March 28: an arachnid of family Opiliones, Acuclavella quattuor
March 27: a chalcone-related molecule induces cell death
March 26: the moth Dunama janecoxae
March 25: thermographic camera monitoring a baby
March 24: the morning glory flower Calystegia felix
March 23: spider eyes of Masteria lewisi
March 22: The wasp Acrodactyla quadrisculpta.
March 21: the frog Limnonectes timorensis
March 20: Short Message Service (SMS) used to assist smoking cessation
March 19: a flowering plant in the mustard family, Hesperis theophrasti
March 18: the fish Alburnoides manyasensis
March 17: holotype of dinosaur Microraptor gui
March 16: Demonstration of peripheral drift illusion
March 15: the brain tumor Gliomatosis cerebri
March 14: the snake Helicops angulatus
March 13: shell of the snail Leptacme cuongi
March 12: the legume Astragalus mayeri
March 11: the moth Hyposmochoma inversella
March 10: the chameleon Brookesia confidens
March 9: reactions of peroxynitrite leading to cell death
March: 8: flight of wandering albatross
March 7: the beetle Elaphrus fuliginosus
March 6: A male of the solitary bee Colletes cunicularius pseudocopulating on the flower labellum of the orchid Ophrys lupercalis.
March 5: bones of the dinosaur Utahceratops
March 4: leg of the spider trogloraptor
March 3: the eye disease retinitis pigmentosa
March 2: song of the bird Psaltriparus minimus
March 1: Greenwayodendron suaveolens
February 28: the snail Helicinida rhodostoma
February 27: gall on the leaf of a plant
February 26: microscopic view of osteochondrosis in the joint of a sow
February 25: electroencephalography while playing guitar
February 24: skeleton and range map of the dinosaur Seitaad
February 23: the beetle Lyctoxylon dentatum
February 22: Limnonectes macrocephalus
February 21: the butterfly Phengaris arion
February 20: Photoactivated localization microscopy of a neuron
February 19: thistle-like plant Centaurea rupestris
February 18: the spider Pachistopelma rufonigrum
February 17: symptoms of gas gangrene
February 16: the gecko Gekko kikuchii
February 15: song of the bird Grallaria rufula
February 14: love dart of the snail Cepaea nemoralis
February 13: shell of the snail Leptoxis compacta
February 12: Darwinilus sedarisi.
February 11: the aquatic plant Nymphoides aurantiaca
February 10: microscopic marine animal Spinoloricus nov. sp.
February 9: NMR of larva of the fly Eurosta solidaginis
February 8: Platymantis taylori
February 7: bones of the mosasaur Platecarpus
February 6: Pelusios seychellensis
February 5: the aquatic plant Nymphoides hydrophylla
February 4: Dendrelaphis luzonensis, a snake from Colubridae family
February 3: the stalked jellyfish Haliclystus antarcticus
February 2: Meesmann corneal dystrophy
February 1: the moth Antispila voraginella
January 30: a nudibranch slug, Armina neapolitana
January 29: Festuca galicicae.
January 28: orangutan in Sabangau National Park
January 27: A Manta alfredi at a cleaning station.
January 26: A Paludiscala caramba shell.
January 25: the sole specimen of the extinct snakefly Cantabroraphidia marcanoi
January 24: A Pterostichus punctatissimus beetle.
January 23: 2002-2008 incidence rates of dengue fever in Cambodia
January 22: the skink Eutropis multifasciata
January 21: the flower Centaurea galicicae
January 20: Agujaceratops skeleton
January 19: the fish Alticus arnoldorum climbing a wall
January 18: The beetle Psydrus piceus.
January 17: the mantis Apteromantis aptera
January 16: fat embolism
January 15: A female Eulaema meriana bee attending to a Bertholletia excelsa flower.
January 14: giant water bug Lethocerus attacks Stone moroko fish
January 13: Fossil remains of Crocodylus anthropophagus.
January 12: the mushroom Cortinarius bovarius in class Agaricales
January 11: Sphodromantis viridis.
January 10: the mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus on a Lantana sp. flower
January 9: the lizard Anolis podocarpus
January 8: neuroimaging of a penetrating head injury
January 7: Microscopic slide, made in 1953, of the holotype of the flatworm Lethacotyle fijiensis
January 6: chalcid wasp of family Mymaridae
January 5: Trills by the bird Malurus coronatus.
January 4: the weed Helichrysum luteoalbum
January 3: The moth Synynthedon myopaeformis.
January 2: shell of the freshwater snail Leptoxis ampla
January 1: 3D animation of suction feeding in the fossil turtle Ocepechelon bouyai.
See Commons:Open Access File of the Day/2013.
See Commons:Open Access File of the Day/2012.
See Commons:Open Access File of the Day/2011.
See here for global usage for all files on this page combined, and here for similar stats about all files in the Commons category Open access (publishing). See also access stats for this page over the last 90 days and for all images on this page in December 2012.