Category:Murray River
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العربية: نهر موراي أطول نهر في أستراليا يصل طوله إلى 2375 كيلومترا (1476 ميل) يلتقي ب نهر دارلنج عند وينتويرث في نيوساوث ويلز، وكلا النهرين يشكلان رابع أكبر نظام نهري في العالم. (→نهر موراي)
Беларуская: Мурэй , самая працяглая рака ў Аўстраліі. Даўжыня 2570 км. Плошча дэльты 100 тыс. км². Вадазбор 1057 тыс. км². Сярэднегадавы расход вады ў вусці 0,33 тыс. м³/сек. Бярэ пачатак у Аўстралійскіх Альпах. (→Рака Мурэй)
Български: Мъри е най-пълноводната австралийска река. Влива се в Индийския океан през крайбрежната лагуна Александрина. Дълга е 2370 км. Мъри и притокът ѝ Дарлинг извират от Австралийските Алпи. Заедно образуват най-голямата система в Австралия. Режимът им е непостоянен с резки колебания на речното ниво. По време на пълноводие те причиняват наводнения - заливат обработваеми земи и прекъсват пътища. Водите им се регулират чрез изграждането на язовири и напоителни съоръжения. Изполэват се за напояване, за водоснабдяване и за нуждите на промишлеността. (→Мъри (река))
বাংলা: মারি অস্ট্রেলিয়ার প্রধান নদী। ২,৫৮৯ কিমি দীর্ঘ নদীটি দৈর্ঘ্যে দেশটির অন্যান্য নদীর মধ্যে কেবল ডার্লিং নদীর চেয়ে ছোট। নদীটী দক্ষিণ-পূর্ব নিউ সাউথ ওয়েল্সে অস্ট্রেলীয় আল্প্সে উৎপত্তিলাভ করে উত্তর-পশ্চিমে প্রবাহিত হয়েছে এবং নিউ সাউথ ওয়েল্স ও ভিক্টোরিয়া রাজ্যের মধ্যকার সীমান্তের অধিকাংশ গঠন করেছে। দক্ষিণ অস্ট্রেলিয়ায় প্রবেশের পর এটি দক্ষিণে মোড় নিয়েছে এবং আলেক্জান্দ্রিনা হ্রদের ভেতর দিয়ে প্রবাহিত হয়ে এনকাউন্টার উপসাগরের কাছে ভারত মহাসাগরে গিয়ে পতিত হয়েছে। নিউ সাউথ ওয়েল্সের আলবেরি, ভিক্টোরিয়ার সোয়ান হিল ও মিল্ডুরা এবং দক্ষিণ অস্ট্রেলিয়ার মারি ব্রিজ নদীটির উপর অবস্থিত প্রধান প্রধান শহর। মারি নদী ব্যবস্থা ১০ লক্ষ বর্গকিমি-রও বেশি এলাকার পানি নিষ্কাশন করে। মারাম্বিজি এবং ডার্লিং মারির দুই প্রধান উপনদী। ডার্লিঙের উৎপত্তিস্থল থেকে মারি নদীর মোহনা পর্যন্ত জলপথের দৈর্ঘ্য ৩,৭৫০ কিমি, যা অস্ট্রেলিয়ার দীর্ঘতম নদী ব্যবস্থা। অ্যাডেলেইড শহর মারি নদীর উপরেই পানি সরবরাহের জন্য নির্ভর করে। নিউ সাউথ ওয়েল্স, ভিক্টোরিয়া ও দক্ষিণ অস্ট্রেলিয়া --- তিনটি রাজ্যই মারিকে সেচকাজে ব্যবহার করে। সেচের জন্য মারি নদীর উপর হিউম হ্রদ নামের ৭০ বর্গকিমি আয়তনের একটি কৃত্রিম জলাধার নির্মাণ করা হয়েছে, যা অস্ট্রেলিয়ার বৃহত্তম এরকম জলাধার। (→মারি নদী)
Čeština: Murray je největší řeka v Austrálii a nejdelší v Oceánii. Tvoří hranici států Nový Jižní Wales a Victoria a protéká státem Jižní Austrálie. Je dlouhá 2570 km. Od pramenů Darlingu to je 3750 km. Povodí má rozlohu 1 160 000 km². (→Murray (řeka))
Cymraeg: Afon yn ne Awstralia yw afon Murray, Gyda hyd o 2,589 km, hi yw afon ail-hwyaf Awstralia, ar ôl afon Darling. Gydag afon Darling, mae'n ffurfio system Murray-Darling. (→Afon Murray)
Deutsch: Der Murray River ist ein 2.375 (→Murray River)
English: The Murray River (River Murray in South Australia) is Australia's longest river. At or so into South Australia, reaching the ocean at Lake Alexandrina. (→Murray River)
Esperanto: Murray aŭ Murej-Rivero estas 2.589 kilometrojn longa rivero en Aŭstralio. (→Murray (rivero))
Español: El río Murray (en inglés, Murray River) es uno de los principales ríos de Australia, que recorre 2.375 kilómetros, desde que nace en la Gran Cordillera Divisoria hasta que desemboca en el océano Índico. Sin embargo, con uno de sus afluentes, el río Darling, el sistema Murray-Darling alcanza los 3.672 km. (→Río Murray)
Euskara: Murray ibaia ( ingelesez Hegoaldeko Australian River Murray) Australiako ibairik luzeena da. 2.375 kilometroko bere ibilbidean, Australiako Alpeetan hasitan, Hegoaldeko Gales Berria eta Victoria arteko muga sortzen du. (→Murray ibaia)
فارسی: رود مورای (در انگلیسی: Murray River) دومین رود بزرگ استرالیا است که بیش از دو هزار و پانصد کیلومتر طول دارد. این رود از کوههای آلپ استرالیا در جنوب غربی این کشور سرچشمه میگیرد و مرز طبیعی ایالتهای نیو ساوت ولز و ویکتوریا را تشکیل میدهد. این رود از شرق به غرب جریان دارد و در منطقه ون ورث (Wentworth) به رود دارلینگ می پیوندد و این دو با هم با طی کردن حدود هزار کیلومتر دیگر در جنوب ویکتوریا به اقیانوس منجمد جنوبی می ریزند. (→مورای)
Suomi: Murray on joki Australian kaakkoisosassa. Sen pituus on 2 375 kilometriä, suurimman sivujoen Darlingin alkulähteeltä mitattuna 3 672 kilometriä, mikä tekee siitä Australian pisimmän joen. Murrayn alkulähde on The Pilot -nimisellä vuorella lähellä Mount Kosciuszkoa Uudessa Etelä-Walesissa, mistä se virtaa länteen Uuden Etelä-Walesin ja Victorian rajajokena laskien Lake Alexandrinan laguuniin Intian valtameressä. Suuresta valuma-alueesta huolimatta Murrayn virtaama on erittäin pieni, ja se on toisinaan kuivunut kokonaan tietyistä kohdista. Darlingin ohella merkittävimpiä sivujokia ovat Murrumbidgee ja Lachlan. (→Murray (joki))
Français : Le Murray (en anglais : Murray River) est un fleuve d’Australie d'une longueur de kilomètres de sa source dans la Cordillère australienne à son embouchure dans l'océan Indien. (→Murray (fleuve))
עברית: מארי (Murray) הוא הנהר השני באורכו ב אוסטרליה. אורכו כ-2,575 ק"מ. הוא זורם לכיוון מערב ויוצר את קו הגבול בין ניו סאות ויילס לויקטוריה. לאחר מכן הוא פונה צפון מערבית, וב-500 הקילומטרים האחרונים שלו הוא מדרים ונשפך דרך ימת אלכסנדריה למפרץ אנקאונטר שבאוקיינוס ההודי. (→מארי (נהר))
हिन्दी: मरे नदी लम्बाई के हिसाब से ऑस्ट्रेलिया की सबसे बड़ी नदी है। यह २५७५ किलोमीटर (१६०० मील) लंबी नदी ऑस्ट्रेलियन एल्पस से निकलती है। (→मर्रे नदी)
Italiano: Il Murray (2.575 km) è il principale fiume dell' Australia e dell'intera Oceania. (→Murray (fiume))
한국어: 머리 강(, 사우스오스트레일리아 주에서는 "River Murray")은 오스트레일리아에서 가장 긴 강으로 길이는 2,375km(1,476mi)이다. 머리 강은 오스트레일리아 알프스 산맥에서 발원하여 오스트레일리아의 가장 높은 산들의 서쪽면을 따라 흘러간다. 머리 강의 대부분은 오스트레일리아의 내륙 평야에 위치한다. 내륙 평야를 구불구불 가로질러 북서쪽으로 흘러가서 뉴사우스웨일스 주와 빅토리아 주의 경계를 이룬다. 그런 후 하구 근처의 알렉산드리나 호에 도달하기 전 약 500km (310mi) 지점에서 남쪽으로 방향을 바꾸어 사우스오스트레일리아 주로 흘러들어간다. (→머리 강)
Македонски: Мари (Murray River или River Murray) — најдолга река во Австралија. Се влева во езерото Александрина, преку кое завршува во Индискиот Океан. (→Мари)
Nederlands: De Murray is de op een na langste rivier van Australië. Alleen de Darling is nog langer. De Murray is 2575 kilometer lang, en ontspringt in de Australische Alpen. De rivier doorkruist de binnenlanden van Australië waarbij hij de grens vormt Nieuw-Zuid-Wales en Victoria. De Murray stroomt in eerste instantie naar het noordwesten, alvorens af te buigen en 500 kilometer zuidwaarts te stromen. (→Murray (rivier))
Norsk bokmål: Murray er Australias lengste og største elv. Den er 2575 kilometer lang, og har sitt utspring i De australske alper. Sammen med sideelva Darling er den 3370 km. Den drenerer vestsiden av Australias høyeste fjell, og meanderer deretter over Australias innlandssletter over mesteparten av sin lengde. Den danner grensen mellom New South Wales og Victoria mens den renner nordvestover fra fjellene, før den snur mot sør for de siste 500 km gjennom Sør-Australia, før den munner ut i den sørøstre del av Det indiske hav. (→Murray)
Polski: Murray ( ang. Murray River) – jest najdłuższą rzeką Australii o długości 2 575 km. Wypływa z zachodnich zboczy Alp Australijskich (z pasma Gór Śnieżnych) i płynie na zachód tworząc naturalną granicę między Nową Południową Walią a Wiktorią. Na wysokości Wentworth do Murray wpada rzeka Darling - trzecia pod względem najdłuższych rzek Australii. Niektórzy geografowie traktują Darling i dolny Murray jak pojedynczą rzekę o dł. 3750 km. Murray uchodzi do przybrzeżnego Jeziora Alexandrina w Australii Południowej. (→Murray (rzeka))
Português: O Rio Murray (em inglês: Murray River) é um rio da Austrália com cerca de 2.530 km de comprimento desde a sua fonte na Cordilheira Australiana até a sua foz no oceano Índico. (→Rio Murray)
Română: Fluviul Murray are o lungime de 2.589 km fiind după Darling, al doilea ca fluviu ca lungime în Australia. Murray are cu Darling cursul inferior comun, alcătuind un sistem fluvial de 3.370 după alte surse 3.750 km. (→Fluviul Murray)
Русский: Муррей (Марри; ) — крупнейшая река в Австралии, формирующая, вместе с самым длинным своим притоком Дарлинг, крупнейшую речную систему страны площадью более 1 000 000 км² (около 12 % всего континента). По реке проходит большинство границ между штатами Виктория и Новый Южный Уэльс. (→Муррей (река))
Simple English: The Murray River is the largest river in Australia. It starts high in the Snowy Mountains and flows mainly west until it gets to the sea near Goolwa. For much of its length it forms the boundary between Victoria and New South Wales. Other rivers join the Murray, the Darling River, the Lachlan River, the Murrumbidgee River and the Goulburn River. (→Murray River)
Српски / srpski: Мари је најдужа река у Аустралији. У српској географској литератури честа је погрешна транскрипција Мареј. Дугачка је 2.589 километара. Извире у Снежним планинама на југоистоку савезне државе Нови Јужни Велс. Затим тече према северозападу да би највећим делом творила границу између савезних држава Викторија и Нови Јужни Велс. Десне притоке су Марумбиџи и Дарлинг. Непосредно пре ушћа скреће нагло ка југу и протиче кроз језеро Александрина у држави Јужна Аустралија. Улива се у залив Енкаунтер југоисточно од Аделејда. (→Мари (река))
اردو: دریائے مرے آسٹریلیا کا ایک اہم دریا ہے اور اپنے معاون دریاؤں کے ساتھ مل کر آسٹریلیا کا مرکزی دریائی نظام تشکیل دیتا ہے۔ یہ کوہ عظیم سلسلہ تقسیم (گریٹ ڈیوائڈنگ رینج) سے بحر ہند تک 1562 میل کا فاصلہ طے کرتا ہے۔ اس دریا کو جنوب مشرق کے پہاڑوں کی برف سے پانی ملتا ہے۔ (→دریائے مرے)
Tiếng Việt: Sông Murray ( tiếng Anh: Murray River, tại bang Nam Úc gọi là: River Murray) là sông dài nhất Úc. Sông có chiều dài cuối cùng tại Nam Úc, cuối cùng đổ ra đại dương tại hồ Alexandrina. (→Murray (sông))
中文:'墨累河( 英語:')是澳大利亞最長的河流,長度為2,995公里(1,861英里),發源於澳大利亞最高的山脈澳大利亞阿爾卑斯山脈(Australian Alps ,大分水嶺的一部分)。墨累河往西北方流,構成維多利亞州與新南威爾斯州的邊界。墨累河在最後500公里往南移動,進入南澳大利亞州,經由亞利珊卓拉湖(Lake Alexandrina),於阿德萊德附近的古爾瓦(Goolwa)入海(南冰洋)。 (→墨累河)
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This category has the following 35 subcategories, out of 35 total.
- Barmah National Park (11 F)
- Berri Oval (1 F)
- Cadell Fault (1 F)
- Chowilla Game Reserve (11 F)
- Echuca Wharf (30 F)
- Goolwa Barrage (30 F)
- Horseshoe Lagoon (3 F)
- Malcom Point lighthouse (2 F)
- Mulwala Canal (5 F)
- Murray Mouth (16 F)
- Murtho Forest (7 F)
- River Rovers (1911) (84 F)
- Southern 80 (6 F)
- Torrumbarry Weir (4 F)
- Town Beach, Tocumwal (13 F)
- Woolpunda Tank (1 F)
- Yanko Creek (3 F)
Media in category "Murray River"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 471 total.
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Carte du Murray et de ses affluents2.jpg 581 × 452; 106 KB
Darling Lachlan Murrumbidgee Murray Rivers.png 2,000 × 1,678; 1.7 MB
Murray darling murrumbidgee map.gif 581 × 452; 10 KB
Riverina bioregion.png 493 × 388; 14 KB
'PS Gem' on the Murray River.jpg 1,732 × 1,078; 403 KB
05986-Mildura-1905-Wite Cliffs River Murray-Brück & Sohn Kunstverlag.jpg 1,519 × 1,000; 509 KB
08011-Mildura-1906-The river "Murray" from "White Cliffs"-Brück & Sohn Kunstverlag.jpg 1,000 × 1,502; 458 KB
126 R Murray, Jan 1979 (52106746028).jpg 1,920 × 2,560; 1.32 MB
127 R Murray, Jan 1979 (52106709616).jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 1.5 MB
128 R Murray, Jan 1979 (52114713946).jpg 1,920 × 2,560; 1.47 MB
BOOTH(1873) 1.088 MALLEE SCRUB, RIVER MURRAY.jpg 2,247 × 1,537; 2.39 MB
732 R Murray nr Swan Reach, Jan 84 (52752341971).jpg 2,523 × 1,877; 2.69 MB
733 Mildura, Jan 84 (52755007284).jpg 2,490 × 1,831; 5.61 MB
734 Mildura, Jan 84 (52755168760).jpg 2,519 × 1,873; 4.1 MB
A pelican on wetlands at Murray Valley National Park, NSW.jpg 5,152 × 3,864; 7.55 MB
Alfred Sunman gravestone.jpg 480 × 640; 91 KB
Area surrounding the River Murray at a time of drought(GN00233).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1.01 MB
Bank of River Murray(GN05842).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1.01 MB
Banks of Murray River-1 (15599567325).jpg 2,140 × 1,440; 467 KB
Banrock flood marker 1200dpi.jpg 4,559 × 6,935; 4.35 MB
Barge on the Murray River(GN00679).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1.07 MB
Barmah Bridge (2021).jpg 1,795 × 1,346; 652 KB
Barmah Forest.jpeg 2,592 × 1,936; 2.23 MB
Barmah1.png 773 × 517; 22 KB
Barooga Swing Bridge December 2010 001.JPG 3,872 × 2,592; 2.43 MB
Barooga Swing Bridge December 2010 002.JPG 3,872 × 2,592; 2.36 MB
Barooga Swing Bridge December 2010 003.JPG 3,872 × 2,592; 2.3 MB
Bassin Murray Darling1.png 1,808 × 1,671; 215 KB
BerriFromScenicLookout.JPG 3,712 × 2,476; 2.2 MB
BerriganMulwalaCanal.jpg 2,272 × 1,704; 935 KB
BerriganTheDrop.jpg 2,272 × 1,704; 784 KB
BerriMurrayRiver.JPG 3,872 × 2,592; 2.51 MB
Boats on River Murray Bank, boats loaded with sacks and goods(GN11468).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 659 KB
Bridge over the Murray River-01+ (456915473).jpg 1,600 × 1,067; 1.97 MB
Bridges and Paddlesteamers on Murray River Murray Bridge(GN05202).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 974 KB
Canalbank and Rural View(GN05211).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 750 KB
Catharine Goode gravestone.jpg 640 × 480; 117 KB
Charles and Janet Goode Gravestone.jpg 640 × 480; 145 KB
Charles Goode gravestone.jpg 640 × 480; 134 KB
Cliffs - River Murray(GN13666).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 774 KB
Cliffs along River Murray(GN13652).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 738 KB
Cliffs along River Murray(GN13686).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1.03 MB
Cliffs, River Murray near Morgan(GN10341).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1.02 MB
Cliffs, River Murray near Morgan(GN10342).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 789 KB
Cliffs, River Murray near Morgan(GN10344).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1,021 KB
CobramMurrayRiverLow.JPG 3,872 × 2,592; 2.32 MB
Cofferdam for construction of lock in River Murray(GN13764).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 725 KB
Colignan, Victoria.JPG 480 × 360; 31 KB
Concrete mixer at Mypolonga with Murray River in right background. 1913(GN00354).jpg 3,049 × 2,319; 860 KB
Confluence of Murray & Darling Rivers, Wentworth, NSW, 9.7.2007.jpg 3,150 × 800; 698 KB
Construction of an irrigation channel(GN00201).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 917 KB
Cows Grazing in Paddock Along the River Murray(GN06686).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1.09 MB
Crossing the upper murray river at Tom Groggin.jpg 2,048 × 1,152; 925 KB
Crowd on cliffs watching Kings Cup on River Murray(GN14195).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1.08 MB
CSIRO ScienceImage 341 Dead willows along the banks of the River Murray.jpg 3,008 × 2,000; 6.54 MB
CSIRO ScienceImage 3727 Fisherman on Murray River near Cadell SA 2006.jpg 1,850 × 1,200; 3.01 MB
CSIRO ScienceImage 4235 Dead gum trees in the Murray River near Blanchetown SA 1989.jpg 1,850 × 1,200; 3.12 MB
CSIRO ScienceImage 4471 Flooded Barmah forest river gums VIC.jpg 1,850 × 1,200; 3.32 MB
CSIRO ScienceImage 4588 SA Water Lockman Kym Drogemuller.jpg 1,850 × 1,200; 2.57 MB
CSIRO ScienceImage 4624 Reflections along the banks of the River Murray.jpg 3,008 × 2,000; 4.67 MB
CSIRO ScienceImage 4625 Backwaters of the River Murray.jpg 3,008 × 2,000; 4.92 MB
Cummeragunja Aboriginal Mission Station 1893.jpg 642 × 500; 46 KB
Damselfly (possibly of family Coenagrionidae) at Gunbower National Park, Victoria.jpg 5,152 × 3,864; 8.36 MB
Dave Jacka completes his kayaking expedition down the Murray River.jpg 3,508 × 2,480; 4.71 MB
Dried Grapes Laying Out in Sun River Murray Scheme(GN06682).jpg 2,574 × 2,151; 1,005 KB
Drying Fruit on River Murray Fruit Block(GN07830).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1.3 MB
Duck at Barmah.JPG 3,872 × 2,592; 4.02 MB
Dusk on the Murray River - panoramio.jpg 3,008 × 2,000; 2.41 MB
Echuca01LB.jpg 1,536 × 864; 501 KB
Echuca02LB.jpg 1,536 × 864; 560 KB
EchucaRiversideKiosk.JPG 2,272 × 1,704; 1.65 MB
Edward Bate Scott gravestone.jpg 640 × 480; 108 KB
Edward Dashwood Scott gravestone.jpg 480 × 640; 196 KB
El viajero ilustrado, 1878 602140 (3810562111).jpg 1,452 × 898; 390 KB
Elevator, River Murray(GN01634).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 844 KB
Elisha Bennett gravestone.jpg 640 × 480; 115 KB
Emma Wolter gravestone.jpg 640 × 480; 140 KB
Entrance to Coorong.JPG 3,264 × 2,448; 1.7 MB
Fire damaged house on the NSW side of the Murray River, viewed from Gateway Island.jpg 2,000 × 1,333; 3.97 MB
Fisherman near the Murray River.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 287 KB
Fisherman on the Murray - Parliamentary Tour of River Murray(GN13975).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 827 KB
Fishing Boats (21280496893).jpg 4,513 × 2,637; 8.71 MB
Fishing the upper murray river.jpg 1,152 × 2,048; 572 KB
Flooding along the the Murray River, South Australia (MODIS).jpg 1,829 × 996; 190 KB
ForeshoreYarrawonga.JPG 2,272 × 1,704; 790 KB
FrancisCadell.jpg 150 × 165; 3 KB
Gateway Island Trail on the banks of the Murray River on Gateway Island (5).jpg 2,000 × 1,333; 4.24 MB
Gateway Island Trail on the banks of the Murray River on Gateway Island.jpg 2,000 × 1,333; 4.42 MB
George Bain Johnston gravestone.jpg 480 × 640; 115 KB
George Ritchie and PS Pioneer 1918.jpg 592 × 420; 21 KB
George Ritchie gravestone.jpg 640 × 480; 126 KB
Georgina Johnston gravestone.jpg 480 × 640; 116 KB
Goolwa Barrage from walkway.JPG 2,448 × 3,264; 2.03 MB
Goolwa Barrage.JPG 3,264 × 1,689; 1.36 MB
Goolwa, South Australia banner.jpg 2,447 × 350; 253 KB
Harold Scott grsavestone.jpg 480 × 640; 205 KB
Herbert Armfield gravestone.jpg 640 × 480; 106 KB
Houses along the River Murray(GN10465).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1.13 MB
HumeDamWall2December2005.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 646 KB
HumeDamWallDecember2005.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 617 KB
Irrigation Canals Part of Murray River Scheme(GN05196).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 980 KB
Irrigation Channel - River Murray(GN00202).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1.15 MB
Irrigation Channel on the River Murray(GN06676).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1.1 MB
Irrigation Channel River Murray(GN09230).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 800 KB
Irrigation works on the River Murray(GN00210).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 931 KB
Irrigation works on the River Murray(GN00212).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 942 KB
Irrigation works on the River Murray(GN00213).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1.02 MB
Irrigation works on the River Murray(GN00214).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1 MB
ISS013-E-66304 - View of Victoria, Australia.jpg 3,032 × 2,064; 1.58 MB
James Ritchie gravestone.jpg 480 × 640; 123 KB
JingellicBridge.JPG 3,872 × 2,592; 2.58 MB
JingellicMurrayRiver.JPG 2,272 × 1,704; 1.49 MB
Junction of Darling and Murray Rivers.jpg 1,024 × 767; 129 KB
Junction of the Murray and Darling Rivers(GN13678).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 968 KB
Kattarapko Creek River Murray(GN07634).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 910 KB
Keith Veenstra gravestone.jpg 640 × 480; 185 KB
Kings Cup on River Murray(GN14196).jpg 2,869 × 2,015; 926 KB
KingstonOnMurrayHouseboats.JPG 3,872 × 2,592; 2.1 MB
La confluence du Murray et du Darling à Wentworth.JPG 2,048 × 1,536; 1.31 MB
Lake Mulwala Stevage.jpg 1,600 × 1,071; 829 KB
Lake Victoria - Parliamentary Tour of River Murray(GN13977).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 910 KB
LakeMulwala.JPG 2,272 × 1,704; 580 KB
LakeMulwalaEmpty.JPG 3,872 × 2,592; 2.29 MB
Large Building on the Edge of Murray River(GN06674).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1.01 MB
Le Murray à Mildura.JPG 2,048 × 1,536; 1.47 MB
Le Tour du monde-03-p125.jpg 1,247 × 844; 350 KB
Light in the dust.jpg 3,036 × 4,048; 2.97 MB
Loading Paddlesteamer 'Corowa' at Renmark with Dried Fruit River Murray(GN07358).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1.16 MB
Lock 1 and weir at Blanchetown.JPG 1,600 × 1,200; 823 KB
Lock Five on the River Murray (GN05765).jpg 2,974 × 2,233; 668 KB
Lock Five Renmark River Murray(GN05803).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 924 KB
Lock Five Renmark River Murray(GN05819) (cropped).jpg 2,970 × 2,239; 719 KB
Lock Five Renmark River Murray(GN05819).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 879 KB
Lock, Murray River - Aerial View(GN10769).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 962 KB
Lock11Mildura.jpg 2,304 × 1,728; 823 KB
Longest Australian River.jpg 4,128 × 3,096; 1.95 MB
Looking downstream of the Murray River on Gateway Island.jpg 2,000 × 1,333; 3.47 MB
Looking up the Coorong from the Murray mouth.jpg 4,191 × 2,794; 4.19 MB
Looking upstream of the Murray River on Gateway Island (1).jpg 2,000 × 1,333; 3.07 MB
Looking upstream of the Murray River on Gateway Island.jpg 2,000 × 1,333; 3.74 MB
LowerLakes2004.jpg 318 × 310; 31 KB
Loxton Murray River at Sunset.jpg 4,128 × 2,322; 1.17 MB
LoxtonRiverMurray.JPG 3,872 × 2,592; 2.31 MB
Man in rowboat on River Murray(GN10362).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 946 KB
Man standing on the bank of River Murray(GN10336).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 943 KB
Mannum ferry-Swan sign.jpg 1,153 × 1,230; 262 KB
Mannum South Australia 20070223.JPG 1,071 × 723; 403 KB
MannumFromLookout.JPG 3,646 × 2,493; 1.87 MB
Map -- location of barrages at the mouth of the River Murray.tif 2,338 × 1,396; 12.45 MB
Map of Murraylands railway lines (South Australian Railways) 1913.jpg 890 × 933; 165 KB
Map of the Murray River, south-eastern Australia.tif 1,324 × 725; 3.67 MB
Map of the Murraylands region of South Australia.png 2,295 × 2,365; 2.96 MB
Map of the Murraylands, South Australia.tif 1,529 × 1,363; 7.95 MB
Map of the Murray–Darling Basin.tif 1,653 × 1,801; 11.36 MB
Map of wine production in Australia-fr.svg 1,089 × 703; 133 KB
Marina, Main St S, Murray River - panoramio (1).jpg 2,048 × 1,151; 751 KB
Marina, Main St S, Murray River - panoramio.jpg 2,048 × 1,152; 740 KB
Men gathered at Lake Victoria - Parliamentary Tour of River Murray(GN13987).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1.15 MB
Men in a rowboar in River Murray(GN13646).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 933 KB
Men near horse and cart - Parliamentary Tour on River Murray(GN13964).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 955 KB
Men on the bank of River Murray(GN10314).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 823 KB
Men Putting Grapes on Racks to Dry River Murray Scheme(GN06681).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1.02 MB
MeningieLakeAlbert (cropped).JPG 3,098 × 1,547; 1.45 MB
MeningieLakeAlbert.JPG 3,872 × 2,592; 2.42 MB
MilduraMurrayRiver.JPG 3,872 × 2,592; 2.27 MB
Morgan, railway next to River Murray(GN14113).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1 MB
MorganMurrayRiver.JPG 3,872 × 2,592; 2.51 MB
MURAYBASIN hüdrograaf.jpg 513 × 364; 39 KB
Murray (fleuve).jpg 800 × 536; 157 KB
Murray at Tom Groggin 2.jpg 2,496 × 1,664; 2.67 MB
Murray howlong.jpg 341 × 239; 20 KB
Murray Mouth Barrage(GN10752).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 926 KB
Murray River (40829440145).jpg 3,024 × 3,024; 2.81 MB
Murray river (Australia) map-blank.svg 730 × 569; 31 KB
Murray river (Australia) map-Eng de.svg 730 × 569; 223 KB
Murray river (Australia) map-Eng.svg 730 × 569; 225 KB
Murray river (Australia) map-es.svg 730 × 569; 45 KB
Murray river (Australia) map-fr.svg 730 × 569; 45 KB
Murray river (Australia) map-mk.svg 730 × 569; 356 KB
Murray River (MODIS 2019-02-02).jpg 3,509 × 2,405; 1.04 MB
Murray River (near Bannerton, Australia) 1.jpg 3,008 × 2,000; 8.24 MB
Murray River (near Bannerton, Australia) 2.jpg 3,008 × 2,000; 8.35 MB
Murray River (near Boundary Bend, Australia) 1.jpg 3,008 × 1,798; 8.22 MB
Murray River (near Boundary Bend, Australia) 2.jpg 3,008 × 2,000; 8.51 MB
Murray River (near Boundary Bend, Australia) 3.jpg 3,008 × 2,000; 8.85 MB
Murray River (near Boundary Bend, Australia) 4.jpg 3,008 × 1,569; 7.28 MB