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I started typing in this box immediately. Right away I went for the "Special" characters. Or, the "Usual Suspects" so "they" say. This little tale began when I lived in Santa Rosa, CA. The 707. The gateway to the Emerald Triangle. Benton Street. By the National Guard base. Close to the Junior College. Closer to Perry's Deli and Brotherhood Board Shop. A long walk to SafeWay. And, not as long of a walk to the dirty laundry mat or video store.

The closest McDonald's sucked. The workers there were dead beats. Rude, obnoxious, crass, and often violent. In contrast to the the dirty hippies that worked at the Co-Op. They were nice to your face while they looked down upon you. Even though I was extremely ripped. I hunted "easy" pieces there. Occasionally there were a couple of strays starting their new life and spiritual journey at the Cooperative. Cute, natural, drugged out, and just a little bit dirty I thought about the beautiful girls stocking shelves for the first time in their lives. They didn't even begin to know the amount of work they had just begun. When those young women seen me, a spiritual nomad from the pine and birch forests of Wisconsin.

In their shined small rays of light in my direction. They allowed themselves a short little day dream while working. They dreamed of running away with a Spiritual Nomad. Taking a short into Heaven right here on Earth.

But, none dared be so brave. And I smelled like Sonoma Country's finest cash crop. I hid my eyes, and true intensions, behind a very large pair of women's sunglass. Any signs of a traditional lifestyle where masked. I appeared to be just a good time waiting to go bad. I was off the chain. I was weird and not always good weird. Considering my situation. I was doing quite well. I lived in a kitchen pantry like a Japanese businessman that lives in a Tokyo hoteru, or capsule hotel. It rained twenty-eight days straight. And I worked outside every night in the cold Western Sonoma County rain. Six days a week. Sundays off.

I moved to Santa Rosa, California from Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Oh not You Claire Wisconsin its French. I had one ticket from an Amtrak train. Amtrak had promised me it would take 36 hours to go from Milwaukee, Wisconsin to Martinez, California. I had thirty-eight dollars in my pocket. It was all that was left of the six-teen thousand dollars I took out in students loans at the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire. I blew the rest, well let's say, on the "good times" or other unmentionables. Just let your little mind wander for a minute...

Yes, I heard your thoughts too. You are correct.

I had one suitcase which I had hand painted an image of a cat on. Full of shit. Mostly books.