User:Sky xe

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Wikidata - A Gentle Introduction for Complete Beginners (WMF February 2017)

A Gentle Introduction to Wikidata for Absolute Beginners (including non-techies!)

# top 100 (by # of other sitelinks) African women with good or featured articles on enwiki but not on frwiki (only a handful at the time of writing this)

SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?badge ?badgeLabel ?links WHERE {

 ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . # human
 ?item wdt:P21 wd:Q6581072 . # females
 VALUES ?country { wd:Q916 wd:Q912 wd:Q977 wd:Q1009 wd:Q1014 wd:Q1025 wd:Q1029 wd:Q1044 wd:Q1045 wd:Q1049 wd:Q657 wd:Q1019 wd:Q945 wd:Q115 wd:Q986 wd:Q1005 wd:Q1030 wd:Q117 wd:Q79 wd:Q1006 wd:Q262 wd:Q971 wd:Q1027 wd:Q1033 wd:Q258 wd:Q1036 wd:Q1032 wd:Q1037 wd:Q948 wd:Q929 wd:Q962 wd:Q967 wd:Q970 wd:Q974 wd:Q983 wd:Q1008 wd:Q1000 wd:Q1007 wd:Q924 wd:Q1013 wd:Q1016 wd:Q954 wd:Q40362 wd:Q114 wd:Q1028 wd:Q965 wd:Q1011 wd:Q1020 wd:Q1039 wd:Q1042 wd:Q963 wd:Q958 wd:Q953 wd:Q1041 wd:Q1050 } # all African countries
 ?item wdt:P27 ?country . # from one of those countries
   ?wen schema:about ?item . ?wen schema:inLanguage "en" 
 } # in English
 OPTIONAL { ?wfr schema:about ?item . ?wfr schema:inLanguage "ar" } # but not in French
 FILTER(!bound(?wfr)) # but not in French
 ?wen wikibase:badge ?badge . # that have a badge (good/featured/etc.) on enwiki
 SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en,fr" . }
 OPTIONAL { ?item wikibase:sitelinks ?links . }

} ORDER BY DESC(?links) LIMIT 100