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Category:1980s architecture

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Deutsch: Bauwerke, erbaut in den 1980er Jahren
English: Buildings built in the 1980s
Español: Edificios construidos en la década 1980
Suomi: 1980-luvulla rakennettuja rakennuksia
Македонски: Градби изградени во 1980-тите

<nowiki>arquitectura en 1980s; 1980年代の建築; années 1980 en architecture; Anii 1980 în arhitectură; Arkitektur i 1980-åra; 1980കൾ വാസ്തുവിദ്യയിൽ; 1980-ci illərin memarlığı; 1980'lerde mimarlık; Kiến trúc thập niên 1980; Erbaut in den 1980er Jahren; Arquitetura da década de 1980; 1980s in architecture; عقد 1980 في العمارة; 1980年代建築; Arhitektura 1980-ih; events of the 1980s in architecture</nowiki>
1980s in architecture 
events of the 1980s in architecture
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Media in category "1980s architecture"

The following 14 files are in this category, out of 14 total.